Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1064 Blood Curse

"The Gaoyang's defense center, Ziwei Formation, is operating normally!"

"The defense center of the Gaoyang, the Giant Formation, is operating normally!"

"The defense center of the Gaoyang, Greedy Wolf Formation, is operating normally!"

"Gaoyang's power unit, Wave Element Formation, is operating normally!"

"Gaoyang's lifting device and cloud discharge array are operating normally!"

Announcements came from everywhere.

The jade butterfly stands proudly in the center of the ship deck.

Not only the sound of announcements, but also the formations of light and shadow surged from all directions and converged towards the center of the deck.

Being in this position, you can not only listen to everyone's broadcasts, but also directly determine the operating status of various parts of the ship through the light and shadow of the formation. You can even send back information through the changes in the light and shadow of the formation, and issue it directly to various branches. instruction.

Even the positioning devices, map icons and other magic circles are concentrated here, so this is also called the command platform of the floating battleship.

There is no doubt that Yudie is the only controller on the podium at this time.

The floating battleship is based on the defensive array as its basic core. The three arrays of Ziwei, Juque, and Greedy Wolf are the three main bodies that constitute the defense center. All other ancillary functions include an attack array that can launch rainbow rays. , are just subsidiary branches derived from this system.

Therefore, as early as when the floating battleship reactivated the defensive barrier, Lu Yu knew that the entire battleship would no longer have any major problems, and the broadcast at this time really verified his guess - the entire battleship Everything runs as usual, without any problems.


Lu Yu, who was also standing on the podium, couldn't help but admire.

"In such a short period of time, he has mastered all the formation devices of the entire ship. He is truly worthy of being our first real person!"

In fact, Yudie's understanding of the entire floating battleship was initially introduced to her by Lu Yu. However, due to time constraints, what Lu Yu said was not detailed, and even he was unclear about some of the details.

Unexpectedly, through her solid knowledge reserve and her own exploration, Yudie not only understood all the details, but also taught them to the disciples of Da Luo Holy Land, making them use their fingers like an arm...

Lu Yu also had to admit that this was really a profession with specializations, and professionals were professionals.

But after hearing Lu Yu's exaggeration, Yudie said with regret: "How can it be called everything? There is one place that I couldn't repair..."


"It is the positioning device of this ship. This ship and other ships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect can locate each other. Originally, I planned to repair the positioning device to determine the location of the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. , so that there is no need for Headmaster Tao Jinran to go out and search personally." Yudie said.

Lu Yu not only had a strange look in his eyes.

In order to escape, they deliberately destroyed the positioning device so that the people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect could not determine their location. Unexpectedly, they now wanted to repair it again...

But then again, a two-way positioning device like this needs the cooperation of the other party to be truly effective, right?

Yudie glanced at Lu Yu, as if she had seen through his thoughts, and explained: "Originally, these ships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect are a whole, and they can all locate each other. This is equivalent to forming a link between them. The invisible network, although we have withdrawn from it, this network still exists objectively..."

"Besides, this battleship was originally their flagship. There should be a way to re-establish positioning contact with them, but I am not accomplished enough and could not complete this matter..."

Lu Yu was confused after hearing this, and nodded in understanding: "Can you please stop being so demanding? In any case, Headmaster Tao has already set his sights on the other party, and it doesn't matter whether he has repaired it or not..."

"Tch!" Yudie said disdainfully: "You don't understand at all!"

Inexplicably being despised again, Lu Yu was naturally dissatisfied.

In fact, how could he not know what Yudie was thinking?

In the final analysis, it's just perfectionism. Experts like her, who are experts in weapon refining, often have a shortcoming. They always want to make things perfect. If there are any small flaws, or some irregularities or asymmetries, they will feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, they also call these euphemistically called craftsmanship, but in Lu Yu's view, this is just nitpicking.

So what if it's irregular, so what if there are flaws?

As Lu Yu mastered the secrets of the starry sky more and more deeply, he also gained a deeper understanding of the laws of heaven. The laws of heaven are inherently all-encompassing, and allowing distortions to occur is a part of heaven's laws.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu would not get involved in his understanding of the way of heaven just because of the other party's look.

"What on earth did you just talk about?"

Yudie said again, but this time she switched to the method of transmitting sound into the secret. The conversation was only heard by her, Chudie, and Lu Yu who were standing on the podium.

"Have you found out the details of that Shanwen Patriarch?"

Lu Yu shook his head and sighed: "I have found out some information, but it is still far from the point where we can find out his details..."

As he spoke, he recounted the conversation he had just had with Yue Xiujun, the three ancestors, and others, as well as the speculations in his mind.

After listening to his narration, the two sisters were also very surprised. After speculating on the so-called "Three Illusions", they still couldn't get to the point. They just felt that a huge mystery was shrouding their hearts.

"Are you saying that this "Three Illusions" is only passed on to the children of the Yue family?"

Just when the three wanted to change another topic, Yudie suddenly said.

"According to Yue Xiujun, it is indeed the case." Lu Yu replied.

Yudie seemed to have thought of something, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes, saying: "Ancestor Shanwen is not only the Tiangang Ancestor of the Yue family, but also the Tiangang Ancestor of the Yuhai Xianzong. A strong man of his level should not be confined to one family..."

"Since the other skills he created can be passed on to the disciples of the Yuhai Xianzong, why can't this Three Illusions be passed on to the disciples of the Yuhai Xianzong, but only to the children of the Yue family?"

Lu Yu was stunned.

This is indeed very strange.

But he still didn't figure out what the reason was.

"What do you want to say?" Lu Yu asked.

Yudie Feng's eyes turned cold, and she said, "This "Three Illusions" is probably a blood curse that has strict requirements on bloodline!"

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