Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1079 Mobilization of the entire faction

Listening to the words left by the seven Tiangang experts before they left, everyone couldn't help but look at each other in silence for a while.

Unexpectedly, they tried their best to reverse the situation, but in fact this was just a warning.

Even though this battle was an earth-shaking one, the opponent had always been in an advantageous position. Even the last two combinations of unexpected and fierce counterattacks did not cause any damage to them. The opponent could make a comeback at any time.

Therefore, what the other party said before leaving was not just a bluff, but a real threat.

In silence, the three Tiangang ancestors slowly fell back.

All the real people in Daluo Holy Land saluted the three of them, but the three ancestors flew straight towards the direction of Lu Yu.

"Among the seven people just now, is there an ancestor Shanwen?"

Before the three ancestors could speak, Lu Yu took the lead and asked.

The three ancestors were stunned for a moment, and then the ancestor Zhaoyun replied: "The man wearing the Hidden Dragon Xuanshui shirt is Yue Xishan, and the last person who spoke just now is also him."

Lu Yu thought about the scene just now, and a figure wearing a lake blue gown appeared in his mind. It was a piece of clothing with a very special texture, flashing with a blue halo like ripples, and was embellished with There are many overturned patterns, the most eye-catching of which is a pair of golden dragon stripes...

"It turns out to be him!"

Lu Yu said suddenly.

He has heard of the name of Xuanshui Shirt, which is a special robe produced by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. It has extremely terrifying defensive power, and each piece is a rare treasure. And the Xuanshui shirt worn by this Patriarch Shanwen was also labeled with the word "Hidden Dragon", so it must be the best among the best.

"I didn't expect that he would even take action himself..."

Lu Yu looked at the devastated land and added with emotion.

The three Tiangang ancestors have lived for thousands of years and are already human beings. How could they not understand the meaning behind his words?

Patriarch Huitang coughed dryly and said, "Actually, if you have anything to say, you can ask directly. You don't need to worry about our face so tactfully..."

"That's right, this time Yue Xishan did not use the eight hundred and eighty-eight tricks to transform into a mysterious body... After this fight, we have a deeper understanding of him. If he really used this trick... If we use the special skills at the bottom of the box, we will most likely be unable to withstand them, and the altar array here will probably be captured by them..."

"However, if he really does this, the price he pays will definitely not be small... Gaining power does not come without a price. The more powerful the power, the heavier the price you have to pay!"

"Eight hundred and eighty-eight transformed mysterious bodies are an increase of eight hundred and eighty-eight times in strength. For a strong Tiangang master, such power is enough to destroy the world. Such a huge power must also require sacrifice. It’s a painful enough price!”

"Originally we were just guessing about this, but during this fight, it can be seen that there were many scruples in Yue Xishan's moves. Therefore, we are now 100% sure that the eight hundred and eighty-eight mysterious movements will be used." He will inevitably suffer severe backlash, and he would not dare to use such a domineering trick easily!"

"Therefore, it's not that he doesn't want to use such a unique skill, but he can't... At this critical moment, how could he waste such a unique skill on us?"

When he said the last sentence, Patriarch Huitang's eyes became meaningful.

Lu Yu immediately understood what he meant - for Patriarch Shanwen and others, the real threat was Patriarch Yunxiao whose whereabouts were still unknown, and naturally his unique tricks to suppress the enemy should be reserved for the most powerful enemy.

The more powerful the power, the heavier the price it has to pay...

Lu Yu had just experienced the backlash of the Infinite Circle and had a profound understanding of this.

Although it is not clear what kind of counterattack effect the master Shanwen's trick will bring, even if it is just like his own infinite circle and cannot be used again for a month, such a price is not what he can bear at this time.

Therefore, Lu Yu had to agree with Patriarch Huitang's point of view. Even if Patriarch Shanwen had greater strength, he could not use it easily as he wished.

However, this exposed another problem.

Since Patriarch Shanwen is so precious here, doesn't it mean that he has already made plans for the next situation?

Perhaps in the near future, it will be the time for him to have a head-on confrontation with Ancestor Yunxiao!

Only in this way can it be explained why he was so cautious here. Even Patriarch Huitang and others noticed that he had scruples when taking action...

Combined with the cruel words he said before leaving, an answer is already coming out...

Don't look at the earth-shaking fighting here just now. In fact, this is just a local battlefield.

If you can capture it, it's the highest. If you can't capture it, take it as a warning.

Their real target is actually the Dali Sword Sect, and that is the main battlefield where they will really go all out! Only in this way can Patriarch Yunxiao be forced to show up...

After figuring this out, Lu Yu's thinking suddenly became clearer.

This also explains why the people from Wuya Immortal Pavilion did not show up. They must be setting up the main battlefield on the Dali Sword Sect side.

And after Ancestor Shanwen and others escape from here, the next one to go out will definitely be the Dali Sword Sect...including the sects behind the Tiangang powerhouses that Ancestor Shanwen has won over. They will unite together and give them the power of thunder. A fatal blow from the Dali Sword Sect!

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind in an instant.

He couldn't help but let out a long breath.

I originally thought that a crisis had just been resolved, and I could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, but I didn't expect that a bigger crisis was already quietly brewing and was about to break out.

"In any case, our strategic goal this time is achieved..."

Lu Yu said softly.

"Although we didn't really take action, it is an indisputable fact that the floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has been wiped out. Without the cooperation of this floating fleet, Ancestor Shanwen and others want to repeat this situation again. An offensive is not that easy... So, at least the crisis on the Daluo Holy Land has been resolved!"

"I just don't know how the three ancestors judge the next situation?"

"Actually, you want to ask us what our attitude is towards Yue Xishan's last warning, right?"

Ancestor Huitang couldn't help but laugh.

"Didn't I just say it? You don't have to beat around the bush like this... Don't worry, we know the truth of death and coldness. Now that we have taken this step, we have no choice. If we are afraid of Yue Xishan's power, , and sit back and watch the fall of the Dali Sword Sect, then it will be our turn in the Daluo Holy Land..."


Patriarch Huitang exchanged glances with Gun Long and Zhao Yun who were standing beside him: "What Yue Xishan said, let's just think he is farting!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He had no idea that Patriarch Huitang would be so courageous.

Fortunately, he had prepared a lot of rhetoric in his mind, but he didn't expect it to be used at all...

Ancestor Huitang looked around the audience again and said loudly: "Everyone, today's battle is really a warning bell! The war is not over yet. Whether we want it or not, the war has swept through the Holy Land of Daluo..."

"Now, please be sure to go back and mobilize. Next, we will do our best to rush to the Dali Sword Sect thousands of miles away to help our allies!"

Everyone agreed with a roar, and their voices shook the sky.

"You should hurry up and get ready!"

Patriarch Huitang said sadly to Lu Yu and others: "The situation on your side may allow us to delay further!"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned.

From the words of Patriarch Huitang, he truly felt a sense of urgency.

But this urgency is probably more about the whereabouts of Ancestor Yunxiao...

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Regardless, even if he drank poison to quench his thirst, he had no choice at this time.

Besides, it’s not certain who will be poisoned in the end!

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