Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1114 Choice

"Surprise attack on Huoshenshan?"

Ancestor Hongyi could not help but be slightly startled.

For Shenhuo Xuanzong, Huoshen Mountain is equivalent to what Wulao Peak is to Dali Jianzong, Piao Miao Peak is to Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and Chongguang Island is to Yuhai Xianzong. It is the center of its headquarters.

In addition, there are earth-fire spiritual veins on the Vulcan Mountain, and countless top-notch alchemy furnaces are arranged in them. These alchemy furnaces can only function through the earth-fire spiritual veins. This is another key to the alchemy skills of Shenhuo Xuanzong being unrivaled in the world.

If this place was taken down, wouldn't it just be killing a chicken to scare the monkeys? It simply uprooted the entire Shenhuo Xuanzong!

Ancestor Hongyi did not expect that Lu Yu would be so bold and wanted to destroy the Shenhuo Xuanzong's lair in one fell swoop.

However, this is not the key to this plan...

For him, what needs to be considered is not whether it should be done, but whether it can be done. The Dali Sword Sect is already under heavy siege and the situation is extremely dangerous. How can it still travel across the ocean and cross thousands of miles? To complete a surprise attack on Shenhuo Xuanzong?

Hong Yi murmured softly, silently thinking about various possibilities, but he finally shook his head: "I'm afraid this is difficult to accomplish! Even if you include the reinforcements you deployed in the Aquarius Sea area, it will be equally difficult to accomplish. !”

Lu Yu said: "This matter is indeed difficult to do. If it were in the past, I would never even dare to mention it... However, after seeing the Rainbow Light Bridge modified by you, my ancestor, I feel that this plan may not be feasible. Possibility of success!”

"You can improve the Rainbow Light Bridge on Wulaofeng so that it can span thousands of miles and directly connect Wulaofeng and Feiyanbao. Naturally, you can also improve the Rainbow Light Bridge here so that it can It is also possible to cross thousands of miles of sea and establish direct contact with reinforcements from Daluo Holy Land..."

"And among the troops in Daluo Holy Land, there happens to be a floating battleship that I captured from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. With this battleship, it only takes a few long-distance jumps to allow our main army to break out of the encirclement. , descend directly to the Fire God Mountain, and then we will be like divine soldiers descending from the sky, defeating the God of Fire Xuanzong in one fell swoop!"

As the current supreme leader of the Dali Sword Sect, Ancestor Hongyi has naturally heard of the name of floating battleships. In fact, this has been the focus of his defense all along, because he will lay down a line of defenses everywhere in the Middle-earth continent. A criss-crossing barrier...

What he didn't expect was that he had been guarding against the floating battleship for so long, but he had never been able to defend against it once. Now, instead, he had to use the floating battleship to complete a surprise attack.

"The stability of the so-called long-distance jump can be guaranteed?" Ancestor Hongyi asked.

What he wants to ask is naturally not whether the long-distance jump is reliable, but the anti-interference ability of this long-distance jump. After all, the existence of Tiangang strong men can directly interfere with the opening of the transmission channel.

Lu Yu replied: "Now the initiative is on our side. We can plan a route on our own. Not only can we reach the Vulcan Mountain directly and unimpeded, but it also makes it impossible for the Tiangang experts from all factions to effectively intercept..."

"But even so, the disciples don't dare to boast that they are 100% safe, so I need a Tiangang realm powerhouse to sit on the floating battleship, and there should be more than one!"

The implication is that he not only needs Ancestor Hongyi to participate in this operation, but also Ancestor Tailing cannot stay out of the matter.

With the two ancestors Hongyi and Tailing, plus the three from Daluo Holy Land, Gunlong, Zhaoyun, and Huitang, five Tiangang realm powerhouses have gathered together. With such a luxurious lineup, even if they encounter I have enough ability to deal with some unexpected situations.

Ancestor Hongyi fell silent again.

This time he weighed it for a longer time, but finally shook his head: "No, even if we solve the route problem, this still won't work..."

"Shenhuo Xuanzong is not a vulnerable person. As far as I know, four of their Tiangang ancestors have come and returned. In addition, this time they want to occupy Huoshen Mountain in one fell swoop. Even counting the power of Daluo Holy Land, we can't At least half of the real people from the Dali Sword Sect must be mobilized..."

"As a result, the internal defense of Dali Sword Sect will inevitably be empty, which may give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it... This is really too risky!"

Lu Yu's eyes showed perseverance, and he said sincerely: "Those who want to do great things should not stick to small details. There is no perfect plan in the world. In the final analysis, it is just a matter of trade-offs... A gecko is captured by a natural enemy. It still knows how to escape by cutting off its tail. A strong man can escape. Even if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you will cut off your wrist to survive. If we, the Dali Sword Sect, want to escape from the current crisis and predicament, how can we not pay any price? "

"Even the bison I mentioned before had to give up the meat on its hind legs in order to get the chance to stab a hungry wolf with its horns!"

Ancestor Hongyi was suddenly startled: "You mean, let me temporarily abandon the current defense line and adopt a huddled defensive posture in order to concentrate superior forces to complete this surprise attack? Do you know what this means?"

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly became sharp, staring closely at Lu Yu's face.

Lu Yu's attitude was still neither humble nor arrogant, and he said: "Of course the disciple knows that this means the loss of life, the loss of rivers and mountains, and the countless spiritual resources will all fall into the hands of the enemy... But what the disciple wants to say is that for a sect, For a sect, these are not the most important things. For a sect, the most important thing is the inheritance and continuation... If the people are gone, what else will be left to pass on and continue? "

"Besides, the enemy is moving forward step by step and constantly building exquisite pagodas everywhere. According to the development of this situation, our front will shrink sooner or later. Too much territory will be nothing more than a burden to us..."

"But if we change our thoughts and take the initiative to give up part of the territory, we can not only divert the enemy's attention, cover our surprise attack, but even lay a huge trap..."


There was a fierce look in Lu Yu's eyes, and he said: "I have seen the scene of the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum detonating the spiritual veins. That kind of power is absolutely beyond human power. As long as it is designed properly, it may not be impossible to repeat it in other places." See that scene.”

Ancestor Hongyi suddenly turned pale in astonishment.

He had no idea that Lu Yu would be so crazy. Not only did he persuade him to give up his territory, but he also wanted to transform his spiritual veins into a huge trap?

This can no longer be described as crazy, it is simply heartbreaking!

However, he then changed his mind.

It seems...other than that, there is really no other better way to change the situation...

"Please allow me to think about this for a moment..."

With that said, Ancestor Hongyi flicked his sleeves and turned back to Feiyan Castle.

It seems that this matter is not an easy decision for him...

The wilderness became quiet again.

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