Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1118 Waves on the Sea

Soon after.

Just when Lu Yu and Jade Die reached the dark realm of the deep sea, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the sea level where the rainbow light bridge had descended.

To be more precise, it is a virtual shadow of the eyeball formed by the convergence of light and shadow.

The shadow of his eyeballs slowly rotated, looking around at the surrounding sea area, as if observing the situation.

Suddenly, a little white light appeared in the eastern sky.

The shadow of the eyeball seemed to have a premonition of some kind of danger, and the pupil suddenly shrank, and a bright flame burst out from it, sharp and vigilant, staring at the rapidly approaching white light for a moment.

"Brother Chonghua, don't be nervous, it's me..."

A voice came from afar.

When the voice fell, a blue figure had appeared on the sea level, with two golden dragons coiled in the glowing blue light.

If Lu Yu had stayed here, he would have recognized him at a glance. This person was none other than Ancestor Shanwen wearing the Hidden Dragon Xuan Shui Shirt.

"It turns out to be Brother Shanwen. I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

After seeing Ancestor Shanwen reveal his figure, those "eyeballs" really relaxed their vigilance. While speaking, using the eyeballs as the base point, a figure shining with rays of light slowly condensed in the void.

This man, Lu Yu, had also seen him from a distance. He was one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya who had joined forces with King Ming Fa Zun to deal with Emperor Haoyan - Patriarch Chonghua in the ancient city of Guoyun.

Patriarch Shanwen quietly watched Patriarch Chonghua appear, with a look of interest in his eyes.

After the figure of Patriarch Chonghua was fully revealed, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Brother Chonghua's magical power is very convenient. Everything he sees can be transformed into reality... It seems that he occupies the seventh level. After Tianyu, all Taoist brothers have indeed made great progress. Even if King Ming Fa Zun dies, the Taoist brothers' progress in cultivation will not be affected at all. "

Patriarch Chonghua glanced at him and said calmly: "Brother Shanwen, you're so polite! My little Taoism, compared with Brother Taoist's eight hundred and eighty-eight mysterious clones, is nothing but a source of laughter!"

Although he was polite on the surface, he actually had a sense of alienation. Ancestor Shanwen knew that this was because he mentioned the Ming King Fa Zun. It seems that the fall of the Ming King Fa Zun was a blow to the Seventh Patriarch Wuya. It is indeed very big, and even now they still can't calm down.

However, Patriarch Shanwen said this deliberately.

They have always had a common goal, which is Patriarch Yunxiao who is currently mastering a key point in the sky. However, in the past, due to the presence of the King Ming Dharma Master with a strong background, even if Old Master Shanwen Even the abilities of the ancestors could not shake his status. The planning of this matter has always been based on King Ming Fa Zun.

Now, with the fall of Ming Wang Fa Zun, the situation has completely changed. Patriarch Shanwen naturally wants to lead the process of this matter alone.

He now deliberately mentions His Holiness Mingwang, just to stimulate the other party and remind the other party that the situation has changed.

But now it seems that the other party's mentality has obviously not adjusted immediately.

However, Patriarch Shanwen is not in a hurry. Anyway, it is a sure thing that King Ming's soul will be destroyed. The power of Wuya Seventh Patriarch is not enough to fight against Patriarch Yunxiao. They have no other choice but to fall to themselves... Sooner or later they will realize this.

Since the other party obviously did not want to bring up this topic, Patriarch Shanwen did not insist on it, and immediately turned to say: "Brother Chonghua has amazing eyesight, and he was one step ahead of me. I wonder if he saw what was going on here just now. What's happening?"

Ancestor Chonghua shook his head: "When I arrived, this place was deserted and I didn't see anything, but..."

As he spoke, he paused and gave Patriarch Shanwen a meaningful look: "Even so, this matter is not difficult to guess. He can escape without a trace on the sea in such a short period of time." There is only one Dragon Clan treasure in the world that can do this...Besides, Brother Dao must have sensed the aura fluctuations of the Dragon Clan Treasure just now, right?"

Patriarch Shanwen nodded, he naturally knew what Patriarch Chonghua meant.

The person who now holds the dragon treasure and has used it to shine several times is Lu Yu.

"It seems that Brother Dao and I have decided to go together. It should be the boy named Lu!" said Patriarch Shanwen.

After saying that, he paid special attention to Patriarch Chonghua's face. After all, Lu Yu was one of the culprits who killed Master Ming.

As expected, Patriarch Chonghua snorted heavily, with a deep hatred clearly showing in his eyes: "Let's see how many more days he can bounce around!"

Ancestor Shanwen said: "This son is surrounded by the Dragon Clan's treasure. He is indeed slippery, but he is not without a way to restrain himself... But compared to this, the reason behind this matter is more worthy of vigilance."

He gradually frowned and continued: "I heard that this boy had appeared once not long ago, but he should have returned to the Dali Sword Sect at that time. After that, there was a turmoil within the Dali Sword Sect. It seemed that Lian Hongyi's ancestor They all took action and came to the southern border of the mainland to take charge..."

"So, this son left in a hurry again, and was still escorted out of the country by the Rainbow Light Bridge... Brother Taoist, what conspiracy do you think is hidden behind this?"

Ancestor Chonghua turned his head to look south and said: "You and I already know that there have been changes in the Aquarius Sea area. This son came from the south all the way, and now he is rushing south again. In addition to the Liaison Department, Apart from Luo Holy Land, I really can’t think of any other possibilities.”

There was a stern look in his eyes.

Originally, the Daluo Holy Land should be left to Ancestor Shanwen to handle, but unexpectedly such a mess would occur.

Patriarch Shanwen laughed and said, "Brother Chonghua Dao, don't be angry. This matter was indeed caused by my negligence, but fortunately, I still have a remedy."

As he spoke, he gently raised his hand, and suddenly a colorful ray of light shot straight into the sky. It turned out to be a communication talisman encrypted by a special technique.

Ancestor Chonghua was slightly startled.

Patriarch Shanwen smiled faintly: "Now, Brother Dao, we don't need to pay attention to the affairs in the south for the time being. Next, let us concentrate on dealing with the north!"

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