Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1128 The weight of fate

The Ice King Island Master's body quickly withered to the ground, and the black armor on his body fell off automatically, as if his body's strength was no longer enough to support the weight of the armor itself.

In the blink of an eye, the black armor was gone, revealing a body of scarlet, blurry, and crazily squirming flesh.

Lu Yu never expected that what was hidden under the black armor of the Ice King Island Master would be such a body.

This can no longer be considered a living person, and it would be too reluctant to call it a dead thing.

The thoughts in Lu Yu's mind paused for a moment, and suddenly a word suddenly appeared unexpectedly - monster, monster.

" could you..."

As the power disappeared, Lord Chiyue's voice also became unstable.

"You're curious about how I can become a phantom clone, are you?"

Lu Yu smiled.

"Of course I learned it from Yue Xishan. Although I have never officially fought against this ancestor, I have fought against his disciples and grandsons. Especially when Yue Xiujun was captured by me, I did. I have carefully studied this unique secret skill of the Yue family..."

"Although I can't use it as smoothly and freely as the Yue family's children, with the help of the puppet incarnation, it's easy to exert some success..."

"Such a half-baked method will definitely not work if used to deal with other masters, but who said that you are just a possessed puppet?"

Lord Chiyue looked shocked.

Unexpectedly, the biggest weakness of this body has already been discovered by the opponent...

Possessing such a specially modified body does possess a lot of unprecedented power, but as Lu Yu said, his senses have been weakened and are far less sensitive than those who control his own body. when.

Perhaps against other people, this is not a weakness, but when the opponent is a person like Lu Yu who is resourceful and has endless methods, this becomes a very obvious weakness.

"Okay, although I also hope to chat with you for a while, especially about the mission of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, the plans of the Bixiao Palace, the lotus seed in my body and the secret of Yue Xishan's rise... I am very interested in these topics! ”

"Unfortunately, time doesn't seem to allow it. I can't spend too much time here..."

"However, Your Excellency, please rest assured. Now that I know you have so many secrets hidden in you, I will definitely look for you again!"

"When the time comes, we will discuss these topics in detail. I hope you will not say any more words of rejection, otherwise we will have to find another way of communication... I think you don't want to be bothered by me on your head. Poke a few holes and come out?"

"Then, see you next time!"

As Lu Yu's words fell.

A bright red light suddenly burst out from the Feihong Sword, which was a Yanyang Sword Technique.

Although he had demonstrated various secret skills from various major sects before, the one he really mastered the best was the Yan Yang Sword Technique. After all, in order to give advice to Ouyang Ting, Bi Qiu Shuang and other senior sisters, he had gone deep into I have studied this sword technique thoroughly.

The red light expanded into a red sun in an instant. Under the bombardment of this violent force, the body of the Ice King Island Master exploded instantly.

However, even though the body of the instigator was destroyed, the surrounding chaotic realm remained unchanged, and the dark chains remained motionless.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Not only was the surrounding area not destroyed, even the main body of Ice King Island, which had been blown to pieces, was not completely destroyed.

Pieces of bright red flesh and blood kept squirming on the black chains, like reptiles that were converging, and there were signs of wanting to reunite.

Especially the head of Ice King Island Master, after shaking twice, suddenly turned over automatically, and actually let out a burst of weird laughter at Lu Yu.

The voice of Lord Chiyue still said: "So, you are still too naive after all... The body of the Lord of Ice King Island is no longer my personal masterpiece. He has also received part of the inheritance of Bixiao Shrine. , do you think the creations of Bixiao Palace can be destroyed so easily?"

"No matter how hard you try, even if you destroy this body a thousand or ten thousand times, as long as this realm is not destroyed, it will continue to gather and regenerate until you are completely killed!"

"You just defeated this body once, and you have already used up almost all your strength. It only takes a stick of incense to restore it to its original state... You still have extra strength to come again. Confront me?"

"Boy, don't struggle any more! Your fate has already been determined. In this realm of chaos, you can't break away without using the Mystery of the Starry Sky. However, you can use the Mystery of the Starry Sky, but it is perfectly restrained by the Mystery of Chaos... no matter what No matter how hard you struggle, there is only one final result!”

Lord Chiyue was extremely proud and laughed crazily.

The surrounding pieces of flesh and blood were squirming crazily in the direction of its head.

At this rate, it might not take even a stick of incense for him to regroup and recover, and stand in front of Lu Yu again.

Even if Lu Yu launches another offensive now, it will only be a temporary delay.

Manpower will eventually be exhausted, but the laws in this realm of chaos will never stop.

Although the previous plan was very brilliant, he was still at a disadvantage in the face of the huge power gap.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly sneered: "Your Excellency, do you have any misunderstandings about me? I frowned just now, just because I am troubled by the future, but I don't think you can still treat me right now. What a threat do I pose?”

Lord Chiyue couldn't help but be stunned.

He instinctively wanted to be sarcastic, but the expression on Lu Yu's face was so determined, completely calm and confident, which made him suddenly feel a little unsure.

His eyes were sharp and he stared at Lu Yu's face for a moment, trying to see if he was bluffing or if he really had other intentions.

Lu Yu didn't care about this. He lowered his head, looked at the crazily wriggling piece of bright red flesh at his feet, and deliberately kicked it in the direction of the head occupied by Lord Chiyue.

"One stick of incense? This is more than enough..." he murmured to himself.

Lord Chiyue said in surprise: "What... do you mean?"

Lu Yu slowly raised his head, a confident and calm smile filling his face.

In an ordinary tone, he said something that made Lord Chiyue feel frightened:

"This is indeed a place where starlight cannot shine. It is indeed impossible to break through the power of the starry sky alone... But do you think that the most powerful power I possess is just a mere starlight?"

"What is that?" Lord Chiyue asked in shock.

Lu Yu smiled slightly before he could speak.

But at this moment, a loud cry came.


The voice was clear and beautiful, shaking the sky.

In the realm of chaos, there is no wind, no waves, no clouds, no sunshine, no sun and no moon, which blocks all connections with the outside world. The sudden appearance of such a cry speaks for itself.

Before Lord Chiyue could be stunned, a fiery red light suddenly appeared above the two people's heads.

Under the light of the fire, the darkness retreated, chaos dispersed, and a chain of Dawson black was melted by the flames.

Then, two beautiful and familiar figures suddenly appeared at the end of the light.

One of them held a green conch, blooming with radiant brilliance; the other one was bathed in firelight, with a huge fire phoenix totem shadow behind him, and the light and shadow almost filled the entire sky.

Lu Yu cast a soft gaze towards the two figures.

Only then did he say the second half of the answer: "That is the other half that is enough to carry the weight of my destiny!"

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