Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1134 Discussion

Next, the two discussed the entire recasting plan of the Feihong Sword in more depth, exchanging views on such issues as inscriptions, mysteries, furnaces, material selection, and inventory obtained from Qincao Garden.

It can be seen that Yudie is indeed extremely obsessed with these fields that she is good at. As soon as she talks about these topics, she has completely forgotten the previous unpleasantness with Lu Yu. When she talks about getting excited, she even takes the initiative to pull Lu Yu to sit on the rocks. On the page, I used the reef as paper and my hand as the pen to draw pictures on the reef and explain it in detail.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan had also slept enough in the tent and woke up full of energy.

When the two of them walked out of the barrier and saw Lu Yu and Yudie sitting side by side on a rock talking happily, they couldn't help but show expressions of surprise.

"Lu Yu, Yudie... what are you talking about?" Chudie said quietly.

Soon, she discovered the scars on Lu Yu's face again, and said in surprise: "Lu Yu, what's wrong with your face? Why is it injured?"

After being interrupted like this, the discussion between the two naturally could not continue.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at Yudie.

Yudie's face condensed slightly, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when she thought of the sharp contrast between her previous attitude and the current moment.

However, she naturally would not admit her mistakes in front of Chudie, and said with a cold smile: "Yang Chudie, are you just focusing on happiness this night, and you don't even notice that your man is injured?"

One sentence immediately made Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan blush.

Lu Yu noticed that the atmosphere at this time was a bit subtle, and he did not dare to tell the truth. He felt that it would only make things worse...

So, he coughed dryly and took the initiative to explain: "Didn't you always say that Yudie is an expert in forging weapons? So, I discussed with her how to recast the Feihong Sword... I just took the When the Feihong Sword came out to draw, I accidentally made a scratch on my face..."

"Really?" Yang Chudie said in shock.

She didn't doubt Lu Yu's words, but she just imagined in her mind what kind of gesture would make Lu Yu accidentally scratch her face... She found that this scene was really unimaginable.

"I also used the weapon spirit in the sword on her, but I accidentally failed to control it well..." Lu Yu added.

"I see……"

Yang Chudie was relieved immediately.

She knew exactly how powerful the weapon spirit hidden in the Feihong Sword was. After swallowing the entire Star and Moon Holy Emblem, it only lit up a dot on the totem... Faced with such a powerful force, Lu Yu It is understandable that it is difficult to control for a while.

Seeing Lu Yu lying to her sister in front of her, according to Yudie's character, she would have been sarcastic, but this time, she surprisingly did not expose Lu Yu.

She turned her face away, facing the vast sea and not knowing what she was thinking.

At this time, Ye Weilan stepped forward and checked the injuries on Lu Yu's face.

After finding that there was nothing serious, she looked at the patterns on the reef, then looked at Lu Yu and Yu Die in front of her, and said weakly: "The Feihong Sword is very important, but this matter is not the top priority. On the contrary, Yu Lang, what is going on with the Earth Seal God you mentioned yesterday...Should we discuss this matter first?"

Lu Yu nodded, and then told everything he had heard from Lord Chiyue during the previous battle, including the connection between the secrets of chaos and the seventeenth underground floor.

There was part of the information that the three of them had already communicated with in the depths of their thoughts when their souls and bodies merged before, but Yudie was completely unaware of it, so Lu Yu told it again from beginning to end.

"Today, just borrowing a part of the secret of chaos is already so difficult, so one can imagine how powerful the existence hidden in the palace on the seventeenth underground floor must be... It seems that breaking into the seventeenth underground floor It is much more difficult than we previously estimated. It is not that we have refined the top-level Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill and can enter it by traveling through the lightning tribulation at the end of the earth. We still need to make more preparations..."

Lu Yu finally said.

At this moment, he treated Yudie equally and showed all his secrets in front of her, without any reservations.

"The secret law of chaos..." Jade Die murmured to herself, "There is such a powerful secret law in this world? Can it even suppress your star secret law?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Didn't you already see its power yesterday?"

"But isn't the power of Little Phoenix's bloodline able to restrain it? Didn't it rely on her power yesterday to finally break through that area?" Yudie said again.

After a pause, she looked at Ye Weilan again: "By the way, now I can't call you little Phoenix anymore? You can even restrain the top mysteries in the world... What if one day you don't If I get happy, won’t I suffer?”

Ye Weilan's face turned slightly red: "Sister Yudie, you want to call me whatever you want... You are one of our own, and I will not do anything bad to you..."

Lu Yu said: "The key is that what Lord Chiyue displayed yesterday was not the complete Mystery of Chaos. At best, it could only be regarded as a castrated version... If it faced the real Mystery of Chaos, Weilan's bloodline power could still be Whether it will have the same effect as yesterday is really hard to say.”

Yudie wants to say more.

But at this moment, Ye Weilan suddenly stood up: "Someone said it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two escaping lights appeared in the distant sky at extremely fast speeds.

Chu Die immediately became nervous, and immediately took out his weapon, getting ready for the battle.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't panic. Da Luo Holy Land should have received my notice and sent a messenger to check the situation!"

After a while.

Sure enough, the figures of Du Qishang and Xuanwu Altar Master appeared in their field of vision.

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