Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1143 Under the Fire God Mountain

Vulcan Mountain.

The red land here is thousands of miles away, completely devoid of life, and dark red flames are scattered everywhere. The scene looks completely different from the lush and vibrant fairy mountain treasure lands of other sects.

This is because the earth fire spiritual veins are hidden under the Vulcan Mountain.

This kind of spiritual vein is far more violent than ordinary spiritual veins. If you are not careful, it will be burned or even turned into ashes. Therefore, ordinary people stay away from it.

But for the disciples of the Shenhuo Xuanzong who practice fire attribute skills and love to delve into the art of alchemy, this is a rare blessing, even to the point of being hard to find.

The bottom of the entire Vulcan Mountain is dotted with countless caves, large and small, like nests eaten out by termites, and they look extremely ugly.

But this is the place where the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong absorb the earth fire spiritual veins and place the earth fire elixir furnace. Each cave is equivalent to a cave for ordinary cultivators.

Due to the limited earth fire spiritual veins, these earth fire caves are also very scarce resources. Only the most outstanding disciples can own an earth fire cave here. Otherwise, they can only find another place, or share the public earth fire with other disciples. A cave.

But whether you find another place or share it with others, the intensity of the earth fire is far inferior to the earth fire cave here in Huoshen Mountain. Whether it is cultivation or alchemy, its efficiency will be greatly reduced.

At this time, a bright brilliance suddenly erupted in a cave under the Vulcan Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon's light and shadow took off and hovered in the air for a long time before returning to its original place.

Then, in front of the cave, a tall and handsome man wearing a crimson crown gently opened the alchemy furnace.


Suddenly, a dragon's roar shook the sky and lingered for a long time.

As soon as the elixir was born, it was accompanied by the sound of dragons roaring, which meant that the elixir in the furnace was already the top elixir in the realm of perfection.


On the side, a woman with a delicate face was so excited that she couldn't help but dance.

"Senior Brother He, I didn't expect you to actually refine this furnace of Dragon Roar and Tiger Roar Pill... You are really amazing!"

It turned out that this pot of elixir was made by He Feiyang, the youngest red-topped master in the history of Shenhuo Xuanzong. The red crown on his head represented his extraordinary status.

And this dancing woman is none other than Junior Sister Yao who accompanied He Feiyang to the Golden Rooster Islands to explore the post-war ruins.

In addition, there were several other disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong who also stopped to watch. They were all disciples who were usually good friends with He Feiyang. Although they were not as overjoyed as Junior Sister Yao, they all expressed their sincere gratitude. Feeling happy, they all came forward to congratulate He Feiyang.

However, He Feiyang's reaction was obviously calm, just slightly modest, and did not seem to be excited at all by such an amazing achievement.

"Eh? Senior Brother He, why don't you look very happy?" Junior Sister Yao suddenly asked.

"No..." He Feiyang responded lightly.

"Who said there isn't? There obviously is!" Junior Sister Yao said dissatisfied, "The method of Dan Qi Soaring Dragon was originally just a guess, but you realized it and successfully refined Tiger Roar with it. Longyin Pill...isn't this worth being happy about?"

"This is indeed something to be happy about..."

He Feiyang smiled slightly, and then sighed sadly: "But don't forget, Lu Yu of the Dali Sword Sect had mastered similar techniques four or five years ago, and not long ago, he was refining alchemy at Wuwang Mountain. At that time, it was said that he had achieved the vision of thousands of dragons soaring in the sky, but I was still far behind him!"

Junior sister Yao was stunned and fell silent immediately.

She knew that a few years ago, Senior Brother He had a fight with that Lu Yu on the Heavenly Prison battlefield. Since then, Senior Brother He had begun to work hard and work hard, always aiming to surpass the opponent.

This undoubtedly made him make great progress in both cultivation and alchemy, but the same opponent also became a lingering nightmare in his heart.

She really didn't know what to say to this.

However, several other brothers and sisters on the side had something to say about this.

"Senior Brother He, why bother paying attention to him!"

"His alchemy techniques are said to have come from an alchemy scripture taught by gods from outside the sky. They cannot be considered real skills!"

"He just has good luck! Dali Sword Sect has always been good at swordsmanship, and the way of alchemy can only be regarded as commonplace... If we can also get the Tianwai Alchemy Book, our achievements will definitely not be weaker than his!"

"It is said that he caused a huge disaster this time and attracted siege from all the major sects. He is probably dead this time!"

"It's a pity that Tianwai Alchemy Book... If we can get the elixir recipe above, our Shenhuo Xuanzong's alchemy method will definitely be improved to a higher level. Maybe you and I can use elixirs to enter the Tao in our lifetime!"

"So, our Shenhuo Xuanzong dispatched a large number of troops this time, firstly to punish Lu Yu, and secondly to obtain the alchemy scripture from him!"

"I don't know what's going on ahead now, and when will I be able to get the Tianwai Alchemy Sutra..."

As they talked, the topic suddenly turned to the discussion of the war situation.

All that everyone knew was hearsay from elsewhere, but they still talked about it with great interest.

He Feiyang listened quietly, frowning slightly, but did not agree.

Junior Sister Yao was always paying attention to his every move, and suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Senior Brother He, when you were in seclusion to refine alchemy, Elder Jin sent someone to tell you, hoping that you could also participate in the battle on the front line... …”

Before she could finish her words, He Feiyang shook his head decisively: "I won't go."

"Uh... why?"

He Feiyang was silent for a moment, looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him, and said: "The eight major sects have been inherited for thousands of years. They have always been close, watching and helping each other, and feeling like brothers. But now they have fallen into this situation. This is definitely not a blessing for the world."

"Besides, the Dali Sword Sect has a profound foundation. As the saying goes, the centipede does not freeze even when it is dead. If we rashly start a war with it, even if it is just a counterattack before death, it will be enough to cause huge damage to the sect."

"It's a pity that I'm a soft-spoken person, so no one is willing to listen to what I say..."

After speaking, he sighed lightly.

Junior sister Yao looked at him with a faint look.

She didn't know why, although Senior Brother He's reasons were very good, she always felt that this was not his true thoughts, at least not all of them...

Perhaps, all this is related to the guy named Lu Yu... At first, that person was indeed the nightmare in Senior Brother He's heart, but gradually, he mythologized that person in his heart and developed a kind of feeling towards that person. Inexplicable sympathy for each other.

"However, Elder Jin's attitude seems to be very determined. Now that you have completed the refining and made such a big noise, I'm afraid he will send someone again soon..." Junior Sister Yao said.

The words just fell out.

Suddenly a group of figures appeared in the sky, flying toward this side of the sky like fire and wind. Before anyone arrived, a voice came over first: "He Feiyang, you are finally out of seclusion!"

Junior sister Yao was stunned.

Isn't this the same Deacon Gong who came to urge Senior Brother He to go to the front line on the orders of Elder Jin when he was in seclusion?

Unexpectedly, as soon as she mentioned this person, he would arrive immediately...

The sound of breaking through the air continued, and everyone descended one after another.

Deacon Gong's smile was cold and his tone was full of evil: "He Feiyang, how have you considered what Elder Jin told you?"

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