Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1145 Extinguished

As the leader of Shenhuo Xuanzong, Huoshenshan cannot be so vulnerable.

In fact, it also has a very powerful defensive barrier, but because there are five Tiangang ancestors sitting on the floating battleship, under the joint suppression of the five Tiangang realm powerhouses, its defensive barrier directly appears. A breach allowed Lu Yu to establish his power with one sword and gain the upper hand.

After Lu Yu's shouting in the air ended, all the safe passages of the floating battleship were opened, and all the real strong men filed out. A total of 207, no more, no less, all dispersed to various places, and began to attack the Vulcan Mountain. Attack with defensive formations everywhere, aiming to completely paralyze Shenhuo Xuanzong's counterattack force in the shortest possible time.

This was all also rehearsed beforehand.

In an instant, all kinds of Taoist tactics were like a violent storm, bombarding every important building on the Vulcan Mountain.

The disciples who were kneeling at the foot of the mountain were extremely horrified and frightened. Only then did they realize that Lu Yu had not lied. It was really a total of 207 real strong men from the two major sects who had come here personally, and there was no trace of water in them...

Suddenly, groups of disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong were like ants whose nests had been uncovered, scurrying around in panic like bereaved dogs.

Occasionally, some powerful members would directly turn around and launch a counterattack against the "real army" in the air.

For these tough guys who were not afraid of death, the real strong men resolutely fulfilled the promise made by Lu Yu and directly killed them without mercy.

Suddenly, the sky and earth on the Vulcan Mountain were dark, smoky, and rivers of blood flowed. The air was filled with violent power everywhere.

Looking at this scene, He Feiyang, who was in front of the cave at the foot of the mountain, couldn't help but feel bitter. At this time, only one word emerged in his mind - the end is coming.

"Senior Brother He, what should we do?"

At some point, Junior Sister Yao had curled up next to He Feiyang, clutching the skirt of his chest tightly with both hands, and asked with a pale face.

Perhaps in her mind, Senior Brother He is the incarnation of omnipotence, with the courage to face any difficulties, but at this moment, He Feiyang really feels that there is nothing he can do. The strength shown by the other party at this moment , it was simply something he couldn't resist, and a sense of powerlessness filled his whole body.

The other brothers and sisters around him were all despairing, and the energy they had when confronting Deacon Gong was gone.

However, at this moment, a circle of flames suddenly burst out from the mountain that was about to be shattered.

At the same time, a deep voice came from inside the mountain: "Da Li Sword Sect, Da Luo Holy Land! You have gone too far to bully others, and you actually want to destroy the ten thousand year foundation of our Shenhuo Xuan Sect. I will fight to destroy this I am determined not to let you succeed!"

Suddenly, circles of flames burst out continuously, forming rings of flames around the Vulcan Mountain. This method seemed to have the charm of an infinite circle, and there was an oath to burn all enemies who came close. momentum.

A group of real strong men couldn't help but be forced to retreat, and the offensive also stopped.

The disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong at the foot of the mountain couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"It's the ancestor of Hong'an!"

"So he's still here!"

"It looks like he has become one with the mountain!"

"Based on the strength of the mountain, which is equivalent to having an endless supply of earth fire spiritual veins, he will definitely be able to stop this group of people from the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land!"

"We are not defeated yet!"

Hope could not help but rekindle in everyone's hearts.

On the floating battleship, apart from the crew, only Lu Yu and the five Tiangang ancestors who were suppressing the defensive barrier were left.

They were not surprised by the sudden change.

In fact, all this was within their expectations... Just a burst of firepower from the real strong men, even killing more than ten real elders of the other side in the process, was still not enough to completely conquer the opponent. .

Only by surrendering their Tiangang ancestors can they completely defeat the opponent.

Only in this way can the maximum deterrence be ensured and Lu Yu's original strategic goal be achieved - to make the major sects avoid joining the war easily.

"Five Ancestors, the next step depends on you!" Lu Yu said.

Patriarch Zhaoyun said: "Why do we need to take action together? Just looking at Taoist Brother Hongyi is enough!"

Ancestor Hongyi said with a smile: "Forget it! Let me meet this Taoist brother Hong'an and see what tricks he can do after communicating with the earth fire spiritual veins! I also ask all Taoist brothers to hold the battle for me. !”

After saying that, he lightly stomped his feet, and his body flew out quickly, reaching the sky above the Vulcan Mountain in the blink of an eye.

Rings of fire immediately surrounded him.

Ancestor Hongyi's body burst out with bright golden light, and he looked like a dazzling little golden man.

Real gold is not afraid of fire.

Despite the extremely violent impact of the rings of fire, he remained unmoved.

Everyone below looked at it in amazement.

Is this a battle between Tiangang strong men?

Sure enough, it is not something that ordinary people can bear... At this time, the golden light and fire light in the sky are constantly changing alternately, which has caused countless people to have a sense of glare, some fell into temporary blindness, and some even passed out directly.

The two sides fought inextricably.

The alternation between the fire light and the golden light became faster and faster, and finally it seemed to be red and gold, flashing back and forth.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but raise their throats.

"Brother Hong'an, do you have any other abilities?"

Just when everyone thought that the two sides had fallen into a bitter battle, Unexpectedly, Patriarch Hongyi in the air suddenly spoke.

"As the saying goes, it's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating! You, Shenhuo Xuanzong, are allowed to help the emperor to besiege us, but you are not allowed to fight back? What kind of truth is this!"

"This time, it's time for you Shenhuo Xuanzong to pay the price for your previous actions!"

"However, for the sake of our long-standing alliance as brothers, I am still willing to give you a chance...Whether Shenhuo Xuanzong will continue to be passed down or whether it will be destroyed will all depend on your thoughts at this moment!"

After saying the last sentence, Ancestor Hongyi slowly opened the Litian Sword Canon in his hand.

Suddenly, the surrounding flames were extinguished.

Between the sky and the earth, suddenly clouds gathered and thunder rolled.

It seemed that in the next moment, the entire Vulcan Mountain would be completely swallowed up.

Everyone's expression changed with shock.

Originally, they thought that the previous scene was shocking enough, but until this moment, they realized that the previous scene was still far behind compared to this moment.

This is a tremor that comes from deep within the soul.

Even every drop of blood and every cell in the body trembles!

No wonder it is called the number one supreme magic among the eight major sects... Litian Sword Code is so terrifying!

"Now, please tell me your choice, Brother Hong'an!"

Ancestor Hongyi said calmly.

In his eyes, there was a look of indifference to the common people.

There was dead silence.

After a long time, the Vulcan Mountain finally slowly broke open, and a dark red figure flew out from it.

He stood under the Litian Sword Code, lowered his head, and said quietly: "I surrender..."

With this light word.

The hope that was finally rekindled in the hearts of the many Shenhuo Xuanzong disciples in the audience was completely extinguished...

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