Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1183 Little things

The falling out between Bixiao Shrine and Taishang Immortal Sect seems to have been foreshadowed at this time.

Back when he was at Biyun Tianmen, Ye Fei, who was ranked number one on the Jin Kuibang list, used his influence to connect the Jin Kuibang disciples from various factions to secretly scheme against Meng Ting, the saint of the Heavenly Palace. However, Lu Yu happened to break through and rescued Meng Ting.

At that time, Lu Yu thought that this was just a personal grudge between Ye Fei and Bixiao Shrine, but after so long, there was no conclusion to the matter.

From the Taishang Immortal Sect's attitude towards Ye Fei's protection, it can be seen that this matter is not just a simple personal grudge.

Meng Ting is the current Heavenly Palace Saint, while Lu Yu's mother Meng Feiyan was the previous Heavenly Palace Saint.

According to the information Lu Yu learned from Senior Tianjian, his mother was once entrusted by the Bixiao Shrine with important tasks related to the Jiuyou Underground. Because she refused to cooperate, she also incurred the bad luck of being imprisoned. She still does not know what happened. trace.

Meng Ting is also a saint of the Heavenly Palace, so her mission should be similar to that of her mother... But Ye Fei planned an action against her at Biyun Tianmen at that time. Could this be because he also Knowing the mission that Meng Ting carries, so he wants to obstruct it?

In fact, this matter is not Ye Fei's personal behavior, it is simply the instruction of Taishang Immortal Sect...

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the scene when Ye Fei and Chunyang Palace Master Lian Xishan cleverly escaped from a head-on fight under the Biyun Tianmen and left in a daze...

At that time, Ye Fei used Taishang Wangqing Dao to confront Lian Xishan's Pure Yang Dao, but it stopped abruptly at the last moment. He suddenly turned around and said to himself: "One day you will know what you are doing today." I regret what I did..."

At the time, this sentence seemed a bit inexplicable, but now that I look back and re-examine this scene, it is obvious that the other party meant something.

Maybe the senior officials of Taishang Immortal Sect, including Ye Fei, have also noticed the conspiracy plan of Bixiao Shrine for many years... Therefore, Ye Fei said such words at that time.

Of course, Lu Yu did not regret saving Meng Ting.

Ye Fei has Ye Fei's perspective.

And Lu Yu also has his own stance...

He really didn't want to see Bixiao Shrine using the Saint of Heavenly Palace to promote the secret plan hidden in the Jiuyou underground, but just because of the inextricable relationship between Meng Ting and his mother Meng Feiyan... At one point, it would be impossible for him to ignore death.

These thoughts passed through Lu Yu's mind in just a moment.

At this time, in front of Li Fuyun, he immediately asked: "Why do they want to go to war with Bixiao Shrine?"

Li Fuyun, however, remained incomprehensible and said: "You should know the reason soon..."

"Is there anything that can't be said?" Lu Yu said dissatisfied.

Li Fuyun said lightly: "It's not that I don't want to talk about it, but I don't know very clearly about the age-old grievances between Taishang Xianzong and Bixiao Shrine. I just have some rough guesses in my mind... These are ambiguous. It’s better not to say it out loud, as it will cause trouble to you!”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Is there anything else in the Nine Heavens that you don't know about?"

Li Fuyun said: "The vastness of the Nine Heavens is far beyond your imagination, and we also have things we focus on. How can we have so much energy to care about trivial things?"

Lu Yu was immediately speechless.

no big deal?

It's enough to make Taishang Xianzong and Bixiao Palace fall out with each other. Is this a small matter?

I don’t know how big of a deal this guy and Ancestor Yunxiao are planning, so much so that they don’t even bother to deal with such a thing...

"After this battle, the pattern has been established. The alliance between the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land will be unstoppable. I believe that it won't be long before people from the Taishang Immortal Sect come to discuss the joint fight against the Bixiao Shrine. ...If you are curious about this, you can ask the person who is interested in the Immortal Sect for the reason," Li Fuyun said again.

Just as Lu Yu was about to say more, Li Fuyun interrupted: "Okay, that's all I want to say to you..."

"What do you mean? Are you planning to leave now?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "You guys are saving so much trouble! You gave me a lot of things for no reason and didn't say anything, and you kept saying that you wanted to accept me as a closed disciple. The result was that I was allowed to be self-taught..."

"Anyway, I'll call you Senior Brother Fuyun. Shouldn't you stay here and give me some pointers?"

Li Fuyun glanced at him and said, "It's not that I don't want to stay here to study Taoism with you, but I have another thing to do right now, which is also very important and can't be delayed any longer..."

Lu Yu said: "It's okay if you don't want to teach me... But anyway, I am working for you. You can give me two protective treasures, right? If it is really inconvenient, give me some high-level forging or alchemy." I won’t mind the materials either…”

Li Fuyun glanced around: "Li Hexiao used a lot of good things when he built this Fuyun Palace. Pay close attention to it in the past three days. If you can take anything away, feel free to take it with you. You should take it with you." It’s Li Hexiao’s support for you!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless again.

I have never seen someone so perfunctory... He refuses to take the initiative to take out good things, but instead has to look for them himself.

Besides, this Floating Cloud Palace is so empty, where can any good things be moved?

Perhaps the main body of this palace is made of some top-notch materials, but I can't demolish this palace, right?

However, Li Fuyun ignored his dissatisfaction and raised his pen again. Suddenly a burst of light surged up, and a teleportation circle opened in front of him.

Seeing that he was about to step into the magic circle...

"Wait a moment!"

Lu Yu suddenly stopped him loudly.

Li Fuyunyun turned around and looked at him doubtfully.

"Brother Fuyun, I have one last question..."

Lu Yu's eyes looked straight at Li Fuyun, with an indescribable determination in them.

"When we were fighting against the Xuanshui Kingdom, Patriarch Hongyi used Little Zhou Tian's secret to issue a series of instructions. Was the person behind the scenes the commanding officer actually you?"

Li Fuyun smiled faintly: "I didn't expect that Yue Xishan didn't suspect it, but you saw it... Yes, that person is indeed me!"

After saying that, he strode into the teleportation circle without stopping again.

After a burst of distortion of light and shadow, the teleportation circle and his figure disappeared from the spot.

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