Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 12 A wonderful rejuvenation

"Zhou'er! Zhou'er!"

Yu Wanli shouted loudly.

But no matter how much he shouted, Yu Rongzhou didn't wake up again.

Not only did he not wake up, but his convulsions became more and more severe. He kept jumping up from the bed like a fish jumping ashore.

This time Yu Wanli was completely panicked and quickly asked Xue Xuanzhen for help.

"Doctor Xue, what's going on? Why is Zhou'er like this?"

Xue Xuanzhen looked solemn.

"Get out of the way and let me see!"

He stepped forward, held Yu Rongzhou's pulse with one hand, and took out the silver needle with the other hand, preparing to prick Yu Rongzhou's body.

But Yu Rongzhou was twitching so violently, as if he was about to dance on the bed, and Xue Xuanzhen couldn't find his acupuncture points at all.

"Someone, hold him down."

A group of Yu Mansion's servants rushed forward in a hurry. More than ten of them held down Yu Rongzhou's hands and feet to stop him from moving.

Xue Xuanzhen finally found the acupuncture point and waved his hands so fast that he could only see an afterimage. After a while, he completed another set of shuttle acupuncture techniques.

The twitching of Yu Rongzhou's body gradually subsided, but he did not wake up. Instead, blood slowly flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

It was actually bleeding from all the orifices!

"Doctor Xue, how are you?"

Yu Wanli asked nervously.

Xue Xuanzhen slowly lowered his hand that was holding Yu Rongzhou's pulse gate, and his whole body seemed to be exhausted.

"I'm afraid your son will never recover, so let's prepare for the funeral..."

Being thousands of miles away is like falling into an ice cave.

After hearing the sad news, the female relatives of Yu Mansion could no longer bear it and began to cry loudly.

The transition between heaven and hell was so fast that no one in the house was prepared.

In his desperation, Yu Wanli suddenly remembered the young man just now, the young man who had dissuaded him from blindly trusting Xue Xuanzhen.

Where is that boy now?

"Master Lu..."

Yu Wanli grabbed a life-saving straw like a drowning man, ran towards Lu Yu with all his strength, and threw himself to the ground.

"Master Lu, is there anything you can do? Please, please save my Zhou'er..."

Lu Yu lost his father when he was young. When he saw Yu Wanli's eagerness to save his son, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"President Yu, please wake up!"

He helped Yu Wanli up.

"Lu is here to save Young Master Yu. If President Yu can trust me, I will give it a try."

"However, ugly things must be said first. After all, Young Master Yu is like this. Lu can only do his best."

Thank you for your kindness.

"I trust you, but I beg you to take action. No matter what the outcome is, I will not blame you."

Lu Yu strode forward and faced Xue Xuanzhen who was standing next to the bed.

"Excuse me, please give way."

Xue Xuanzhen was full of anger and indignation.

"His five internal organs are rebellious, his mind is confused, and his life is at an end. What can you do to save him?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "What to do to save me, this is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Xue Xuanzhen was so angry that his face was distorted, but he had no choice but to wave his sleeves and walk away.

"I want to see how capable you are!"

Lu Yu pressed his hands on Yu Rongzhou's chest and injected a burst of red lotus power into his body.

Then close your eyes and sink your consciousness into the medical stars on the star chart.

Through the close connection between the medical scripture stars and the power of the red lotus, the situation in Yu Rongzhou's body suddenly appeared clearly in his mind.

Various medical principles then appeared in the stars. According to these guidelines, Lu Yu manipulated the power of the red lotus, like peeling off a cocoon, to sort out the chaos in Rong Zhou's body bit by bit.

A full two quarters of an hour passed.

Lu Yu finally completed the treatment process and retracted his hands.

"Sir, how...what's going on?"

Ai Ai every month for thousands of miles, worrying about gains and losses.

"His life has been saved for the time being, but he is still very weak. President Yu quickly ordered people to carry him in for a good rest."

Yu Wanli was overjoyed, and his voice became trembling.

"Okay, okay..."

Xue Xuanzhen on the side heard this and didn't believe it at all. He rushed forward and grabbed Yu Rongzhou's wrist to check his pulse.

"You little brat is trying to make a fool of yourself here! This person's pulse is clearly disordered. How could could you..."

The sentence ended abruptly.

Xue Xuanzhen's complexion turned from green to red, and then from red to white, which was extremely exciting.

"This, this, how is this possible! Why has the pulse become so stable?"

Now, everyone was surprised.

This young master named Lu actually rescued someone?

It’s so incredible!

It was clear that even Divine Doctor Xue was at his wits' end and had announced that he was going to prepare for his funeral, but he could still save him?

This can't be true...

Yu Wanli stepped forward and touched Yu Rongzhou's pulse. Although he didn't understand medicine, he could still tell whether a person's pulse was normal.

After a moment, he put down his son's hand, feeling reassured.

"Someone send the young master back!"

"Wait!" Xue Xuanzhen said loudly, "This, this must be weird, this, this is impossible! He must be up to something. Let me check again..."

Yu Wanli took a step forward and stood in front of Xue Xuanzhen.

"Doctor Xue, I won't bother you with the dog's injury!"

"Yu, you actually believe him? Don't you believe me?"

"Why should I believe you?"

The more Yu Wanli thought about it, the more angry he became. This man had just asked him to prepare his son's funeral, but now he actually had the nerve to tell him to trust him?

If Mr. Lu hadn't happened to be here today, I'm afraid he would have sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man, and he would have regretted it for the rest of his life...

"Do you deserve to be called a miracle doctor? I wasted so much trust in you before. Who would have expected that the famous Doctor Xue would actually be a deceiver and a thief!"

"Not only will I smash your sign today, but I will also send people to Fuling Mountain to tear down your mountain gate, so that you will not come out to harm others in the future!"

Lu Yu said calmly: "President Yu, calm down. In my opinion, this person is not the real Doctor Xue."

Yu Wanli was very surprised: "Master Lu, why do you say this?"

"Although I have never met Divine Doctor Xue, I have heard of many of his deeds. If he were really Xue Xuanzhen, he would not be unable to see the pulse of the young master, not identify the condition, and only know how to use the shuttle needle blindly. Law."

"However, this person does know the shuttle stitch technique. It is expected that even if he is not Xue Xuanzhen himself, he must have come from his disciples, maybe his disciples and grandsons."

When "Xue Xuanzhen" heard this, his expression suddenly changed and he spat fiercely.

"Bah! Who are his disciples and grandsons!"

"It is true that I am not Xue Xuanzhen, but who does Xue Xuanzhen mean? He is just his junior brother! I started training earlier than him, and I also learned the flying shuttle stitch better than him. In what way am I inferior to him?"

This time, it’s no longer self-inflicted.

Everyone understood that this person was actually a Xibei guy.

Yu Wanli couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"You are so brave, you actually dared to deceive me, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce! Come on, take him down, I will peel off his skin and cramps!"

There is naturally no shortage of experts in the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. Even though "Mr.

The matter finally came to an end.

At this time, people looked at Lu Yu again, their eyes full of admiration.

Those who had ridiculed and looked down upon Lu Yu before felt their faces burning.

"Yu thanked Mr. Lu for his great kindness! If Mr. Lu hadn't acted righteously today, Quanzi would definitely have lost his life!"

Yu Wanli bowed deeply to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu stopped him quickly.

"President Yu, you have broken me."

Yu Wanli ordered people to carry the three boxes of gold over.

"Young Master Lu has shown kindness to me and the Yu family, and we have rebuilt it with kindness. This gold can only be used to repay Young Master's kindness. Please don't dislike it, Young Master."

Lu Yu shook his head.

"I don't want the gold. In fact, I came to your house this time to ask for something. If President Yu wants to express his gratitude, just promise me something."

Yu Wanli was stunned.

"I don't know what it is, sir, but it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Lu Yu smiled slightly.


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