Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1200 You should have told me earlier

Meng Ting left like this.

Lu Yu himself didn't expect that she would leave so lightly, just like when she suddenly appeared in front of him.

Originally, he thought that something big would happen this time, and at least a fight would be inevitable, but he didn't expect that the whole process would not cause any waves.

Lu Yu stood on the boat, looking at the direction where Meng Ting's figure disappeared. He stood silently for a long time without regaining consciousness.

In a sense, Meng Ting can be said to be the person he is closest to in the world besides Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan.

Not only because their powers are from the same source, but also because there is some mysterious connection between her and her mother that has not yet been understood.

"Who is this girl?"

Suddenly, the sacred tree king Ding on the side suddenly asked a question, which made Lu Yu come back to his senses.

He glanced at the sacred tree Wang Ding next to him in surprise and said: "Brother Ding, I haven't seen you talk for so long. I thought you had entered a dormant state. It turns out that you are still here all the time!"

Shenmu Wang Ding said: "This girl is not simple. Now just stabilizing this star-gathering bead has already reached the limit of my energy. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble to attract her attention... Who is she?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that the Divine Wood King Ding had remained silent for so long. It turned out to be because he was afraid of Meng Ting... It seemed that the strength of the Saint of Heavenly Palace might be more powerful than he expected.

"She is the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine...Have you heard of this?" Lu Yu said.

"Bixiao Shrine? Saint of Heavenly Palace?" Shenmu Wangding seemed to be talking to himself: "What is this? I have never even heard of it..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Indeed, even though the Divine Wood King Cauldron has at least hundreds of thousands of years of experience, his scope of activities has always been limited to the interior of the Fire God Mountain, with almost no opportunities to communicate with the outside world. Naturally, it is impossible to know about the Bixiao Temple. , Heavenly Palace Saint Maiden and other things.

"Boy, don't be too proud! Although I don't know anything about Bixiao Shrine or the Saint of Tiangong, at least I saw one thing from this girl, and it's also a thing that has a lot to do with you! "The voice of Shenmu Wangding seemed to be sneering.

"What's going on?" Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious.

However, the Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly lost his temper and ignored Lu Yu's question.

At this time, Lu Yu had completely figured out the temperament of this ancient artifact, and said helplessly: "Brother Ding, you are arbitrary in the past and present, and your wisdom is as high as the sky. Just now, I was superficial and my attitude was bad. I apologize to you... Brother Ding, with your infinite wisdom, can you tell me, this lost lamb, what exactly have you seen?”

Shenmu Wangding snorted slightly, seemingly extremely proud, and finally said: "There is some kind of blood connection between this girl and you..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally, he thought that the Divine Wood King Cauldron had discovered that he and Meng Ting had the same power system. He was still surprised during the whole process just now. Meng Ting never used any powerful power. How could he see it? Come out with these...

Unexpectedly, he saw the blood connection between himself and Meng Ting.

In fact, Lu Yu had already speculated about this.

She and her mother both share the same surname of Meng, and it is very possible that they are related to each other.

Now the words of Shenmu Wangding have undoubtedly confirmed this point.

Since she is related to her mother, it is not surprising that she is related by blood to her.

In other words, she is most likely his cousin...

Even considering her age, it cannot be ruled out that she and her mother are sisters... If that is the case, then she is his aunt.


Lu Yu silently recited the title in his heart, and couldn't help but froze.

He has not seen his mother since he was a child, and his father also passed away when he was very young. Although the Lu family in Ding'an City is a large family, the internal relations are full of indifference. He has never How much warmth of family affection have I experienced.

If there is no mother in the palace on the seventeenth floor of Jiuyou Underground, and she has unfortunately died, then this cousin or aunt is the person closest to him in the world.

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing Lu Yu standing still without any reaction, Shenmu Wangding couldn't help but become dissatisfied: "Don't you believe my words? Are you questioning my eyesight? Let me tell you, I have seen all kinds of rare treasures There are many materials, and they may be of different types, but I can find their common connections in subtle ways... Although you are human beings and not rare materials, these subtle connections are still easy to distinguish..."

Lu Yu knew that Brother Ding actually looked like an old kid sometimes. He just said this because he wanted to get his praise and admiration.

But at this moment, Lu Yu had no intention of continuing the application with him. He gently shook his head and said slowly: "Brother Ding, you should have told me earlier..."

Shenmu Wangding was stunned: "Why?"

Lu Yu sighed softly: "Because if you had told me this earlier, then I would have kept her no matter what, and I would not let her continue to go back to Bixiao Shrine to take risks alone!"

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