Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1216 Not Helping

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Unexpectedly, Yudie's attitude was so tough... Their momentum suddenly weakened a bit.

"Of course, Chief Yudie and Master Chudie have just returned, and we don't know the inside story..."

Master Huanyuan took a step forward and looked at Ye Weilan: "However, it is said that when Lu Yu first came, he was traveling with Miss Ye. I wonder if Miss Ye can tell me what his plans are for waiting for him?"

Suddenly, dozens of sharp eyes looked towards Ye Weilan.

Although Ye Weilan is extremely powerful, he has never experienced such a battle.

She was born in the world of demons and spirits. The rules of conduct in the world of demons and spirits are completely different from those of the human world. Dealing with interpersonal relationships has always been her weakness.

The most important thing is that although she is not afraid that others will be unfavorable to her, she is worried that her reaction and attitude will affect Lu Yu. If that happens, she herself will not be able to forgive herself.

Therefore, Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel at a loss for a while.

"I...I don't know..." she said carefully.

"you do not know?"

"How could you not know!"

"Miss Ye, don't blame me for being blunt. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the relationship between you and Lu Yu at a glance!"

"Don't be pretentious! If you don't know anything, why would Lu Yu keep you here? You have to give us an explanation!"

The crowd was excited and aggressive.

Master Huanyuan waved his hand, signaling for everyone to stop, and said: "Even if Miss really doesn't know his overall plan, you have been following him. What has he said, done, and who has he met these days?" When we meet, you don’t know these things, right? You just need to tell me what you know..."

Ye Weilan was in a hurry.

Lu Yu had just met Ye Fei of the Supreme Immortal Sect, and he also talked about attacking the palace on the seventeenth floor underground. She naturally knew this, but these were also top secrets. How could she make these things public.

"I really do not know……"

Ye Weilan looked at Chudie and Yudie as if asking for help.

Her performance made everyone see at a glance that she was lying, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but become even sharper.


Yang Chudie took the initiative to step forward and protected Ye Weilan behind her: "Don't embarrass her anymore. If it can be said, she will definitely say it... Everyone should be patient and wait for Lu Yu to do everything." Let’s talk about it when we get back! I believe he will always give a reasonable explanation.”

Yudie sneered at the side and said: "Sister, you have underestimated everyone. In fact, they don't want any explanation. They are clearly here to make compensation..."

"That guy just came back from Fuyun Palace, and he might even have the will of Patriarch Yunxiao in his hand. Only children who can cry can get candy. If they don't make a fuss, how can they compete for a greater say in compensation? ?”

"However, for the benefit of your own family, you come forward to force a weak woman like this. Don't you think it's a bit ugly to look at her like this?"

"Miss Ye is not a weak woman..."

After being exposed by Yu Die, Master Huanyuan simply stopped pretending and said directly:

"What Chief Yudie said is right, everything comes down to one code... Although we have doubts about the scorched earth strategy we implemented at the beginning, we should put the overall situation first. This matter has passed, and there is really no need to mention it again. What we are asking for now is just the aftermath of this matter!”

Yudie smiled and said: "Brother Huanyuan is the leader of Zixia Peak. It is understandable that he wants to solve the aftermath for his disciples as soon as possible, but everything must be done step by step, but this matter cannot be rushed..."

"Moreover, I'm afraid you don't know that this Miss Ye is actually Lu Yu's favorite. If you push too hard and annoy Lu Yu, aren't you afraid that he will put your little shoes on? That guy has never been a generous person. figure!"

Everyone was stunned and looked thoughtful, carefully tasting the meaning of Yudie's words.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the air: "Who is spreading rumors about me again?"

Everyone looked up one after another and saw that it was Lu Yu who was driving the escape light and descending from the sky.

His speed was extremely fast, and he landed firmly in the middle of the two sides in the blink of an eye.

"First Master, you are arranging your disciples again, aren't you? When did your disciples not be generous enough to you?" Lu Yu looked at Yudie helplessly and said.

Yudie curled her lips disdainfully.

She was not refuting Lu Yu's words, but felt that it was very hypocritical for Lu Yu to pretend to be a disciple in front of everyone.

However, at this moment, no one cared about her little moves at all, and no one cared about Ye Weilan who was standing beside her. Everyone's eyes were attracted to Lu Yu.

Even the two ancestors, Hongyi and Tailing, stopped showing off and walked towards Lu Yu on their own initiative.

"Lu Yu, where are the three Taoist brothers Zhaoyun, Huitang and Gunlong?"

After seeing Lu Yu alone, Patriarch Hongyi couldn't help but frown and asked.

"Oh, the three ancestors have other important matters, I have asked them to leave first!" Lu Yu said lightly.


Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar again.

"The three ancestors have left?"

These three ancestors of the Great Luo Holy Land were originally the backbone of the management of the spiritual rebellion. In the original plan of the Hongyi ancestors, the three of them played an extremely important role.

But what happened to Lu Yu? Not only did he forcibly recall everyone as soon as he came up, but he also let all three Tiangang ancestors from Daluo Holy Land go away?

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