Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1221 The next generation is formidable

"How is this going?"

Starlight appeared all over the sky, and everyone under Guyun Terrace was shocked.

Originally due to the influence of the detonation of spiritual veins, the world around Wulao Peak was dark, and even the sun and moon could not be seen. Unexpectedly, so many stars suddenly appeared at this time.

Everyone naturally thought that all this was caused by Lu Yu and the sacred wooden king tripod, because not long after they went up, such a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky...

But then, everyone immediately instinctively denied it...

Guyuntai has been standing here for tens of thousands of years, and everyone is already very familiar with it. The scene in front of them is far beyond the capabilities of Guyuntai. It is really hard for everyone to imagine how Lu Yu and the Divine Wood King Cauldron passed through it. The method caused such a phenomenon to occur in the sky.

"This... was all caused by that boy?"

Yudie couldn't help but ask Yang Chudie who had just returned to the ground.

Suddenly, everyone around him couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

"Yes." Yang Chudie said, and couldn't help but think of the scene where Lu Yu urged him to leave just now. Obviously he had expected this.

"What exactly did he do?" Yudie asked again.

Yang Chudie looked up and looked back, only to see the stars in the sky filled with brilliance and inversion, so beautiful that it was suffocating... She couldn't help but think of what Lu Yu had just said, and directly quoted him, and replied: "Facing the stars. ”

Jade Die couldn't help but be stunned.

Everyone around him couldn't help but be confused.

But Yang Chudie obviously had no intention of explaining further, so they had no choice but to keep silent and continue to observe with full doubts.

However, they soon had a deeper understanding of Yang Chudie's answer...

As the starlight continued to flow, the stars in the sky were getting closer and closer to them. The mountains, buildings, and the earth... it seemed that everything around them had disappeared, leaving everyone alone in a dark void, surrounded by Surrounded by many stars.

It seemed that in an instant, they had been involved in a brilliant galaxy.

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

It turns out that this is facing the stars...

It turns out that this is what it feels like to face the stars...

In front of the vast starry sky of the universe, even the most powerful cultivator in the world is not even a speck of dust.

Screams came one after another, coming from all directions.

Although everyone could not see the things around them, they knew that these screams were made by the disciples under them. Faced with such a scene, even they, the real strong men, were greatly shocked and said. The heart is almost lost... It is conceivable that those disciples with poor cultivation will lose their mind here and it is not surprising that they will feel fear.

"Disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, obey your orders! This is the Guyuntai of our sect doing the method of connecting the stars to the stars. Don't panic! Meditate on the spot immediately, close your eyes, and guard the spiritual platform!"

Li Wangji shouted loudly after transporting enough real energy.

After repeating this sentence five or six times in a row, the screams around him gradually subsided.

After his shouting, the mood of everyone around him calmed down a little.

But at this time, the scene in the sky changed again, and only large, clear stars were seen, all emitting bright and dazzling light, heading straight towards them.

To be more precise, the light was directed towards the Guyuntai above, but their location was also shrouded in the escaping light.

Soon, everyone's surroundings were filled with light, and the darkness completely disappeared. They could only see infinite and boundless light in front of their eyes, and could no longer see anything else...

In the dark, they could only feel an extremely powerful force coming.

It was a terrifying force that made them tremble from the bottom of their hearts...

In the infinite light, if anyone can see something slightly, it is only the two ancestors, Hongyi and Tailing.

"This is the power of the stars!"

Ancestor Tailing said with infinite emotion.

At this time, he no longer cared about sarcasm Hongyi Patriarch, his heart was completely shocked by Lu Yu's actions at this time.

As a strong man who can travel through the nine heavens, he is not ignorant of the power of stars. He can vaguely realize that the power of Tiangang is transformed from the power of stars. However, what he is pursuing at this time is still how to tame it. Tiangang, using the power of Tiangang, one can only look up to the power of the stars.

Because of his understanding, he was even more shocked. It was really hard for him to imagine how Lu Yu on Guyuntai could do all this.

"Brother Hongyi, when you replenished the divine power of Litian Sword Code, it seems that you used this kind of power, right?" Tailing Patriarch said again.


Ancestor Hongyi exhaled a long breath and seemed much older for a moment.

This is indeed quite similar to the power he used to replenish divine power for Litian Sword Code, but it is far more powerful than the power he used to replenish divine power.

The previous source of replenishing divine power was the Fuyun Palace of Ancestor Yunxiao. The current situation can only mean one thing, that is, Ancestor Yunxiao has completely trusted Lu Yu and taught him all the methods of controlling the power of the stars. …

In his heart, he was still secretly holding a breath. Originally, the Dali Sword Sect was in trouble. It was he who accepted the order at the critical moment and worked hard to manage the situation. This was how he managed the situation. He did not let down the Yunxiao Ancestor in any way...

He felt that as long as he performed well enough, he would definitely regain the trust of Ancestor Yunxiao and continue to be entrusted with important tasks by him. However, the scene in front of him made him completely understand that he would never have a chance again.

This has nothing to do with whether Patriarch Yunxiao trusts him or not...

Some people are born with extraordinary qualifications. For example, they would never be able to handle the situation like this. Even if they had the same means and the same power, they would not be able to control this power, which stretches thousands of miles. Between the violent spiritual veins, a protective zone was accurately isolated.

As expected, he is indeed the disciple appointed by Patriarch Yunxiao!

In thousands of years, among billions of living beings, he only made this choice once...

Instead of feeling aggrieved and unfair, Patriarch Hongyi felt more and more like Gaoshan Zhizhi, and was completely impressed by Patriarch Yunxiao's shocking plan.

The one who also felt that the mountain was standing still was Tailing Patriarch on the side.

"There are talents from generation to generation! Brother Hongyi, you and I were once the first choice, but now we can't even accept it..."

Ancestor Tailing once again expressed deep emotion.

"At least within the next thousand years, this world will probably be dominated by this person!"

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