Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1228 Dark Deal

Patriarch Xueyun did not speak, dragged his sick body out of his seat, and knelt directly in front of the Earth Seal God.

"Do you want me to treat the injuries of Wuya Seventh Son?"

The Earth Seal God said slowly, "Li Hexiao was indeed cruel this time, and I didn't expect him to be so courageous... I heard that four of the seven of you were killed this time, and only three of them escaped with their bodies broken. I don’t know how the other three were injured. Why didn’t they come over in person?”

Ancestor Xueyun said sadly: "There is no hope for Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and our fate has been decided. How dare we waste the divine power on treating the old, weak and disabled like us? Xueyun came here this time not to seek medical treatment. I only hope that the Lord God can remember to meet King Ming once, and send the last bit of blood that King Ming left in the world back to the Great Ze Realm..."

"King Ming still has his bloodline left in the world?" the Earth Seal God said in surprise.

Then, a pair of shining eyes suddenly appeared on his blurry figure, which seemed to be brighter than the stars, and he looked straight at Wei Zhihan in the corner.

"is it him?"

Yue Zijing and Yue Xiujun looked at Wei Zhihan in surprise.

Wei Zhihan was completely frozen in place, with an expression of astonishment on his face. It was obvious that he had no idea about this matter at all.

It wasn't until Master Kunpeng pushed him from behind and urged him to come forward and kneel down that he finally woke up from a dream and argued: "No, it's not... I am a descendant of the great Wei family. I have been in the great Wei since I was a child. Growing up in an aristocratic could I be of the blood of Prince Ming?"

Master Kunpeng said: "Idiot, there is no need to doubt! Otherwise, why do you think I would choose you to be my apprentice?"

"This, how is this possible..." Wei Zhihan said in disbelief, "If this is true, then who is my mother..."

Ancestor Xueyun slowly turned around, his face covered with glistening tears: "Han'er, your master didn't lie to you, all this is true, I am your mother..."

Wei Zhihan suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

His mother turned out to be an ancestor of Tiangang, and his father was a powerful man who descended from the sky... He felt that his life had been completely overturned.

"Why... why... why on earth is this..."

Wei Zhihan's body couldn't help but tremble slightly as he murmured.

"Don't you know the story of Jiu occupying the magpie's nest?" Master Kunpeng said with a smile, "First of all, Master Fa Zun and Patriarch Xueyun have been hiding in the ancient city of Guoyun all year round. There is no environment suitable for your growth...Secondly, if not If you become a descendant of the Wei family, how can you get the divine artifact of the Nine Lives Coffin?"

Wei Zhihan stood there stunned, not knowing what to say for a moment.

But from the relaxed look on his face, it was obvious that he had gradually begun to accept what the two said.

The aunt and nephew of the Yue family on the side couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect to see such a drama of human relations here.

Now, they finally understood Wei Zhihan's purpose of coming here.

"I didn't expect that King Osawa Ming actually had a bloodline left in this world..." the Earth Seal God sighed.

At the same time, his eyes retracted and his face turned into a black shadow again. It was obvious that he had confirmed that Wei Zhihan was indeed the bloodline heir of Ming Wang Fa Zun.

"Daze Realm has always attached great importance to the inheritance of blood. If you send this son back to Da Ze Realm, there is indeed a lot of potential... So, your purpose is to want me to send him back to Da Ze Realm, right?" Lord Yin Shen looked at Patriarch Xueyun and said.

Patriarch Xueyun knelt down and said: "Please grant me your blessing!"

At the same time, he did not forget to wink at Wei Zhihan, urging him to kneel down as well.

Under the double urging of Master Kunpeng and Patriarch Xueyun, Wei Zhihan finally knelt down with a numb expression.

The Earth Seal God said: "Daze Realm is far away from the sea of ​​​​stars. If it were anyone else, this matter would be really difficult to handle. As for you..."

As he spoke, he seemed to glance at the Nine Lives Coffin behind Wei Zhihan.

"Thanks to the black coffin you are wearing, this matter is not difficult...but what price are you willing to pay for this?"

Ancestor Xueyun said: "Although Wuya Immortal Pavilion suffered heavy losses in the Dali Sword Sect, it still has some family assets left. Xueyun is willing to contact the remaining parties of Wuya Immortal Pavilion and cooperate with my three remaining Taoist brothers. Let’s work together to serve the God!”

Master Kunpeng also knelt down and kowtowed: "I am willing to do my best and die for the Lord God!"

The God of Diyin smiled and said: "A good bird chooses a tree to roost. This is not a big price, but it is an advantage for you... Anyway, this matter is not too difficult in the first place, and I will not refuse you due to emotion and reason. reason."

"However, I have to say something ugly up front. Dazejie is not a paradise. Danger will also happen there. I just send people there. As for whether they can make a career there, it depends on their own destiny. "

"In addition, this is not the best time to enter the starry sky. I will decide when to send the person out. Before that, let him stay in the Bixiao Palace. I will let him do it. Arrange a place to stay.”

Ancestor Xueyun and Master Kunpeng were overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

The Earth Seal God waved his hand and said: "I hope you can fulfill your promise as soon as possible. For the rest, you can go to Xiao Yin to deal with it! You also know that Taishang Xianzong has caused some trouble recently, and Xiao Yin is very busy. Now is the time when we need manpower..."

As a result, the three people disappeared out of thin air and left this mysterious palace.

In the huge palace, only the Yue family's aunt and nephew and the Earth Seal God were left.

The Earth Seal God stared at the place where the three figures disappeared just now, seeming to be thinking about something, and did not speak for a long time.

"Lord God..."

After a long time passed, Yue Xiujun finally couldn't help but scream.

The Earth Seal God came back to his senses and said, "I'm sorry, their request reminded me of some distant past events, so I couldn't help but lose my mind for a moment..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly.

Immediately, the palace changed rapidly, and in an instant it returned to the small stone room before. Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing automatically moved in front of him, and the three of them faced each other.

Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing still couldn't underestimate each other's face, but they could clearly feel that the other person's eyes were on them.

"Both of you are close relatives of Yue Xishan. He sent you two here at the same time this time. So, he has already made up his mind?"

Yue Zijing couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't understand what coming here with his aunt had to do with his ancestor's determination?

However, Yue Xiujun on the side nodded: "Our ancestor... he thinks the time is ripe..."

The Earth Seal God laughed: "Yue Xishan's mysterious clone method is indeed infinitely powerful, but this method has a huge flaw. It seems that this fight with Li Hexiao made him realize this point more clearly. , so I want to use you to make up for this flaw for him... But are you ready?"

Yue Zijing felt his heart pounding. He didn't expect that he would be shouldering such an important mission here. But listening to the meaning of this god's words, it seemed that there was a huge danger hidden in it?

Yue Xiujun said resolutely: "As a descendant of the Yue family, it is my duty to die for the family, and I have already prepared for it!"

"No, you didn't."

The Earth Seal God shook his head, and his blurry face revealed a sharp light that made Yue Xiujun's heart palpitate.

After a pause, he turned to Yue Zijing again and repeated the same shaking motion: "Neither did you."

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned.

The other party's unquestionable tone made them don't know what to say.

"However, since Yue Xi has made up his mind to be kind, it doesn't hurt to let you guys try it..." Diyin God suddenly laughed again, "Anyway, no matter whether he can succeed this time, I have already prepared another plan. The plan to deal with Li Hexiao!”

"Then, let you experience the deepest darkness in this world!"

The Earth Seal God finally said this.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing felt their bodies falling rapidly, and soon they were completely plunged into boundless darkness.

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