Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1231 Starlink Fortress

In the current situation, let alone the people who found Da Luo Holy Land, even Layer Yan Island has disappeared.

Lu Yu and others had to slow down and look for traces of the Daluo Holy Land people in the waves of the blue sea.

After some maneuvers, the surrounding waves suddenly rose again and gathered into a powerful offensive, hitting the Spring Conch where Lu Yu and others were.

Seeing this, Lu Yu was not surprised, but felt happy.

He was seen standing tall on the green shell, taking out an object without haste and facing the huge wave ahead.

The object emitted bursts of colorful rays of light, and it was clearly the Great Luo Holy Order. Immediately after, the huge wave nearly a hundred feet high was annihilated for the first time.

"Ah, Daluo Shengling? It's Master Xianshi!"

A surprised voice came from the waves.

Lu Yu immediately raised his voice and said: "Lu Yu is here again, please come and meet the seniors of Da Luo Holy Land!"

Suddenly, the sea water continued to flow around, a stream of light scattered in the sea area, and a small island slowly emerged from it.

On the island, stood the Daluo Holy Land disciples who were scarred but still prepared. The first people who caught the eye were Xuanwu Altar Master Gui Yunzuo and the eldest disciple Du Qishang. Both of them also looked tired and covered with blood. Embarrassed.

"Lu Yu, you are finally here!"

The moment they saw Lu Yu, everyone's eyes burst out with a strange light.

Lu Yu knew that they had misunderstood and thought that he had arrived with large reinforcements behind him. He went straight to the island without any explanation and asked, "How is the situation?"

Gui Yunzuo said sadly: "Our Xuanwu Hall's manpower has been reduced by nearly one-third, and the situation of other altars is expected to be even worse..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned and asked: "How could it be like this... What on earth is going on?"

After Gui Yunzuo's narration, Lu Yu and others realized that this place had indeed suffered a fierce attack from Bixiao Shrine, but it was not their main force, but also a vanguard force.

Since the battle on Jiaohai Sea ended, the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect withdrew their headquarters, and the tribesmen of the Daluo Holy Land began to gradually mobilize and defend the Shenhuo Xuanzong in batches. After the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong arrived, more Layer Yan Island was set as the focus of defense, and they began to build formations on the island.

Under the auspices of the three ancestors, the entire Layeryan Island was divided into a number of movable military fortresses that could be advanced, attacked, retreated and defended. The ability to withstand enemy attacks was greatly improved, and the defensive situation seemed impregnable.

However, what they didn't expect was that they had the ability to transform the island, and the other party was not inferior. Bixiao Shrine sent an extremely elite vanguard force and also began to build a formation fortress thousands of miles away.

At first, everyone in the Da Luo Holy Land thought that the opponent was planning to set up a defense line in advance and prepare for a protracted battle. However, after the opponent's formation was completed, they discovered that the opponent's formation fortress was not just for defense. Remote attacks are also possible.

This formation is called the "Heavenly Sorrow Array". Once it is activated, its momentum will be like the heaven and earth flowing with sorrow and thousands of horses galloping. All kinds of offensives emerge in an endless stream, including swords, guns, swords, halberds, water, fire and poisonous insects... all-encompassing, and more importantly, its attacks The range is extremely large, both in distance and power, far exceeding the rainbow ray, and can achieve ultra-long-distance strikes.

It was under such a formation offensive that Daluo Holy Land suffered huge losses and had to lurk in pieces. In fact, they had not even touched the corners of the opponent's clothes.

"Thanks to the transformation of the three ancestors, we were able to break it into pieces and deploy defenses in the sea. Otherwise, the losses we would have suffered would have been even greater..."

"The three ancestors also led us to attack, hoping to destroy the opponent's formation fortress in one fell swoop, but they had already made arrangements. Not only was the defense of the fortress extremely powerful, but it was also divided into three fortresses, serving as mutual defenses. The horns are connected with each other. It is impossible to break through one of them. You must break through all three at the same time..."

"But our strength is limited after all. It is extremely difficult to attack one of them, and we cannot do a three-pronged approach... Therefore, not only did we fail to break through the opponent's fortress, but we once again lost our troops. Even the three ancestors were He was injured in the process.”

"Now, wise envoys, it's great that you are here! With your assistance, we can implement a three-pronged approach and break through the enemy's fortress in one fell swoop!"

Gui Yunzuo said excitedly at the end, feeling quite happy that the clouds had cleared and the moon was bright.

Lu Yu didn't say anything. He silently took out a large amount of healing elixirs and handed them to Yang Chudie and others beside him, signaling them to distribute the elixirs and heal the injured disciples first.

The three women went immediately.

Lu Yu then took Gui Yunzuo aside and said: "Master Gui Tan, to be honest, it was only with this magic weapon that we were able to arrive so quickly this time. It will take some time for the main force of the Dali Sword Sect to arrive. , as for the situation at Taishang Immortal Sect, it is probably similar..."

Gui Yunzuo was stunned and asked, "How long will it take?"

Lu Yu pondered for a moment and replied, "It will take at least three to five days."

Gui Yunzuo sighed: "It will be difficult to do this... Not to mention whether we can persist here for so long, when we attacked before, we also discovered that the people from Bixiao Palace were building the fourth tower. Once the construction of the fortress is completed, this fourth fortress will also be incorporated into the defense system. At that time, four fortresses will have to be destroyed at the same time to completely defeat it..."

"I heard from those in the Bixiao Palace that they call these formation fortresses 'star chains'. In addition to the fourth one, they can also build the fifth and sixth ones in an endless stream, and eventually they will be like stars. The chain is just like..."

"The longer time passes, the less likely it is to break through. This is how they are shouting to us, hoping that we will surrender as soon as possible and give up resistance..."

"If we really have to wait three to five days for reinforcements to arrive, in my opinion, we can only retreat temporarily!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.


I didn’t expect that Bixiao Shrine would have such a method...

However, considering their background, it does not seem very surprising that they can have such means.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel troubled.

If they really formed an unbreakable star chain fortress, then there would indeed be only one way to retreat, but where would the retreat ultimately go? After all, it’s just drinking poison to quench thirst...

"Where are the three ancestors now? Let's wait until I discuss this matter with the three ancestors!"

Lu Yu finally said this.

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