Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1245 Thousands of Miles of Flowing Clouds

One day later, Lu Yucai walked out of the Spring Conch again.

At this time, someone had been waiting for him for a long time. It was the golden-robed master who was responsible for guiding the way. After being reminded by the Chudie sisters, he already knew the other person's honorific title - Zhenren Jiayou.

"Master Lu, have you recovered your strength?"

As soon as he saw Lu Yu appear, Master Jiayou's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly took the initiative to greet him, speaking respectfully and kindly.


Lu Yu responded lightly.

He knew that the other party's respect and kindness were not directed at him, but because of the spell on the ancestor of Xishi - the other party was urging him to undo the spell.

" you think we can set off to Resentment Mountain now?"

"I'm not busy... take a look first and then talk."

Lu Yu waved his hand and said.

At this time, the surroundings of the teleportation circle are still busy. Although large troops have rushed to Resentment Mountain, in order to defend Resentment Mountain and build it into a solid line of defense, it is necessary to continue to transport supplies and build Resentment Mountain into a A strong fortress.

Therefore, as long as the plan to send troops to Resentment Mountain remains unchanged, it can be expected that this teleportation circle will be very busy for a long time in the future.

Lu Yu walked slowly, his eyes scanning the flow of people passing by around the teleportation circle. He looked unhurried, a little careless.

Master Jiayou had been waiting for Lu Yu for a whole day, and he was already impatient, but at this moment he had to be patient. Seeing Lu Yu's serious look on his clothes, he didn't know what Lu Yu could tell from these people coming and going. …

"How is the situation on the front line?" Lu Yu asked casually.

"It's quite stable so far..." Master Jiayou replied, "At least I haven't heard any bad news..."

"Where are the ancestors? Have they all rushed to Resentment Mountain?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Yes, Mount Resentment is of great importance. Ancestors and elders dare not be careless in the slightest. Everyone, including Ancestor Xishi, has now arrived at Mount Resentment in person..."

As he spoke, Master Jiayou showed a look of eagerness, and the implications were self-evident.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, pretended not to understand what he meant, and continued to patrol forward.

Master Jiayou was helpless, but he didn't dare to push too much, so he had to follow him honestly... He had already heard that the guy in front of him was not someone to be trifled with. Everything that happened in Yuandu these two days, This is fully proved.

It wasn't until he felt a familiar warmth crawling up his back that Lu Yu stopped patrolling and said, "Okay, let's set off to Resentment Mountain now!"


Looking at Lu Yu who suddenly stood firm, Master Jiayou couldn't help but be stunned. He thought Lu Yu would be interested in him for a long time, so he didn't react for a moment: "Now?"

"Nonsense, of course it's now. Does your Excellency have anything else to do? If so, then it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer. I just don't know if Patriarch Xishi is willing to wait any longer... "

"No, no...I'm fine! Let's set off now!"

Master Jiayou wiped the sweat from his forehead, and no longer thought about the meaning of Lu Yu's inexplicable behavior, he said quickly, "Master, please come this way!"

So, the two returned to the teleportation circle. At this time, Chudie and Yudie sisters had also walked out of the Spring Conch, and the four of them stepped into the magic circle together.

The scene in front of them was strangely distorted, and soon Lu Yu and others arrived at a brand new area.

However, this is not Mount Resentment. Mount Resentment is thousands of miles away from the headquarters of Hunyuan Qi Sect, and this stable teleportation array can only travel a few hundred miles at most. It takes at least ten years to reach Mount Resentment. The transfer of several teleportation circles.

In addition, this type of magic circle has relatively strict requirements for its users. They need to carry specific tokens or master certain secrets before they can be used. Generally, only disciples of the sect can use it. For example, each major sect has a transmission line that leads directly to the Heavenly Prison battlefield, and only disciples of their own sect can use it.

However, everything is not absolute. As the builder of these teleportation circles, there are still ways to circumvent these restrictions. Therefore, Master Jiayou will stay here to wait for Lu Yu, just to help Lu Yu and others escort them.

Under the guidance of Master Jiayou, Lu Yu and others traveled very smoothly, passing through one teleportation circle after another.

The only fly in the ointment is that Lu Yu is a little worried about Ye Weilan's situation...

Although her shadow possession method is very powerful, it cannot be teleported with her. Therefore, Lu Yu just made a special patrol just now in order to create an opportunity for Yang Chudie to quietly send Ye Weilan into the Spring. Among the Dharma conch.

As early as when they met just now, Ye Weilan had already been sent in. But after all, this is a continuous passage through the teleportation circle. When a cave magic weapon like the Spring Conch enters the space tunnel, its internal laws will change accordingly. The cave space will be greatly restricted. If there are It’s just a pile of dead things, but if it’s a living thing, there will still be certain risks. I don’t know if she can withstand the spatial distortion inside...

"How is Weilan's situation?"

After passing through six teleportation circles, Lu Yu finally couldn't help but asked quietly.

In fact, he originally did not agree to use this method to cross the magic circle. It would not matter if he exposed his whereabouts and let the people of Hunyuan Qi Sect know the existence of Ye Weilan. However, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan insisted on doing so. Even Yudie agreed with their opinions, thinking that at this time, it was better to hide one hand. After all, people's hearts are separated from their stomachs. No one knows what choice Hunyuan Qi Sect will make next. At this time, Ye Weilan has taken the two pills of Guixi and Shenglong. The longer she hides, the stronger her accumulated power will be. At the critical moment, she may become a surprise force. "Don't worry! It's okay." Yang Chudie nodded lightly and answered quietly. Lu Yu felt relieved and was about to step into the seventh teleportation magic circle. But at this time, a piece of flowing clouds suddenly floated in the sky, which looked brilliant and beautiful. Everyone was surprised. But Lu Yu couldn't help but feel nervous. In that glow, he felt a familiar powerful force, like the power of Tiangang, but completely different from Tiangang. If his guess was correct, it should be the power of Disha...

The glow spread quickly, illuminating half of the sky, and the blue sky within a thousand miles was all infected by the flowing clouds.

Soon, the flowing clouds arrived in front of everyone, but its color suddenly became thicker, and in an instant it became as dark as ink.

At this time, even the most dull people knew that the situation was not good.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

I didn't expect that the Bixiao Palace actually had such an attack method...

It seems that this transcendent sect that has stood in the sky and the earth for hundreds of thousands of years is really not just talk.

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