Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1255 Displacement of Disha

"There are eight Tiangang strong men in our sect who have transferred to Disha. For some special reasons, they have guarded this darkness and have not been known to outsiders for thousands of years. Within our sect, they are called the ancestors of Disha. ”

"These eight Earth Evil ancestors all shoulder important missions. Together they form a powerful Earth Evil formation. One of them is indispensable and cannot be separated for a moment..."

"If anyone leaves their post without permission, a powerful force will be released from the depths of darkness, so that the lightning disaster in the land in front of us will grow. At that time, not only will the Jiuyou Earth Palace be destroyed Once it happens, its violent power will bring disaster to the entire world."

Several people were stunned for a while.

Unexpectedly, there is such danger hidden in the Jiuyou underground.

Master Caitong said again: "Of course, I will not hide it from you. Guarding Disha is not just about hard cultivation. There are huge opportunities hidden in it, and it will have great benefits for the improvement of cultivation. Our sect has cultivated to Zhengguo by the ancestor of Disha. , there are not many examples of it directly ascending to the sky, so we have exclusive access to this place and never reveal anything to outsiders. "

"Whenever one of the Disha ancestors dies, a Tiangang strongman from our sect will join the Disha to replace him. The eight Disha ancestors have always been one carrot after another, and they have not been cut off for thousands of years..."

"Nowadays, the three factions of Dali Sword Sect, Taishang Immortal Sect, and Daluo Holy Land have formed a strong connection. It is difficult to destroy them with ordinary strength alone. Only by dispatching the ancestor of Earthly Evil can we cut through the mess quickly..."

"But with the great changes in the Nine Heavens, our sect's Xuanji Star City is already crumbling... Both in the sky and on the earth, we are facing severe tests. We really cannot send out manpower to replace the ancestor of the Earthly Evil at this time. Therefore, we can only ask the four Come take over!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

It turns out that this is what the so-called taking over the job means...

Ancestor Chonghua frowned and said: "The power of the earth evil has always been extremely dangerous and cannot be touched easily... How can we protect the law?"

Master Caitong said: "I have a shallow cultivation, so I really don't know how to answer you...According to the deity, as long as you are in place, everything will be smooth sailing. Moreover, all of this is the arrangement of the deity, and it will never put you in a trap." In danger."

Ancestor Xueyun said: "As long as the four of us cross this land and reach the other side, can we replace the four ancestors of the earth evil?"

"No, if four people enter here, only one of them can be replaced."

Several people couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that the four Tiangang ancestors could only do the work of one person.

Master Caitong said again: "The strength of the Disha ancestors is far beyond your imagination. Otherwise, our sect would not need you to replace them, let alone intentionally invite them to come out to establish the situation."

Ancestor Chonghua took a deep look at Master Caitong and said hesitantly: "Then, the Earth Seal God is respected by others..."

Master Caitong nodded lightly: "Yes, the Lord God is now the head of the eight Earth Ancestors! Therefore, he will only appear at a specific time in a month..."

The four Tiangang ancestors exchanged looks with each other.

After a while, they finally made up their minds together, and Patriarch Chonghua said: "In that case, please ask Master Yin to send us there! Let us also see what is at the end of Jiuyou!"

Master Caitong bowed and said: "On behalf of Bixiao Shrine, Yin would like to thank you all for your generous help!"

After speaking, he took out the small Kunlun mirror and unfolded it in front of the four people.

A black vortex appeared on the mirror, spinning and changing, looking extremely weird.

Just when the divine power was about to be activated, Master Caitong suddenly paused and added: "By the way, there is a magnificent palace nearby where you are going. That is the place of the God of Death. Please remember not to get close. it!"

After saying that, he could no longer suppress the explosive power, and the Little Kunlun Realm shot out a ray of divine light, sucking the four Tiangang Ancestors into it, and then disappeared without a trace.

In the darkness, only Master Caitong and Master Kunpeng were left.

"Is this good?" Master Kunpeng asked in surprise.

Master Caitong said: "Next, all we can do is wait."

Master Kunpeng looked at the small Kunlun Mirror in Master Caitong's hand, his eyes were deep, and he said: "Master Yin, how many people can your treasure be delivered to at one time?"

Master Caitong glanced at him: "Brother Kunpeng, I know what you want to say. If it can deliver infinitely, how can I sit back and watch the Hunyuan Qi Sect occupy the Mountain of Resentment?"

"In fact, its delivery effect is related to the situation of the target location. If it is a location that needs to be located by itself, then delivering one person is the limit. But if there is a connection point at the target location, then there is no need to deliver multiple people at one time. Problem, for example, I just sent four ancestors at once."

Master Kunpeng nodded suddenly, and then said: "I heard that in the world above, your sect also has a similar Kunlun Mirror, which is an artifact of creation. I wonder what kind of power it has?"

Master Caitong replied calmly: "The changes in the heavens and the birth and death of all worlds are all under his control."

Master Kunpeng was slightly moved and wanted to say more.

At this time, Master Caitong closed his eyes directly: "Brother Dao, please forgive me, this day is really too long for Yin, I will take a rest first!"

So Master Kunpeng just stopped inquiring and waited silently in the darkness.

After about a quarter of an hour, suddenly there were sounds of ghosts crying and howling in the darkness.

Master Kunpeng suddenly became energetic: "Is the ancestor of the Disha about to come out?"

Master Caitong opened his eyes and opened the small Kunlun Mirror again.

Then, he knelt down directly.

Master Kunpeng couldn't help but be stunned.

As the head of a sect, you don’t need to pay such a big courtesy even when you are facing the ancestor of the sect. I don’t know why Master Caitong suddenly came like this...

However, before he could figure it out, he suddenly felt dizzy, then his vision went dark, and he fainted.

Just a breath of the Earth Evil Ancestor was already too much for him to bear.

The next moment, a powerful black shadow condensed around him.

"Disciple Yin Juntong, meet the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor!" Master Caitong kowtowed deeply.

The Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor ignored the master master who was kneeling on the ground, glanced at the master Kunpeng next to him, and said, "Why is there an outsider here?"

Master Caitong didn't even raise his head as he replied: "This person is the one favored by the God. The God thinks that he may be able to rank in Tiangang soon."

Jiu Xuan Earth Patriarch didn't say anything anymore. He turned back to look at Caitong Zhenren, who had his forehead on the ground, and snorted coldly: "How is Shan'er doing now?"

Master Caitong suddenly trembled slightly.

In fact, this was the real reason why he knelt down...

The reason why he knelt down was not to show respect, but to apologize, because the Lord of Chunyang Palace, Lian Xishan, was the close relative of the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor.

"The Master of Chunyang Palace is trapped alone in the enemy's formation. I'm afraid it's going to be a disaster..."


There was a deathly silence.

Master Caitong knelt on the ground, trembling with fear, not even daring to raise his head.

As the head of a sect, he has seen many big scenes. Even when he paid a visit to the Ming Dynasty Master alone, he did not feel too much pressure... But the person in front of him really made him feel it. To the fear.

"Get up!"

After a while, the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor finally spoke again: "As the leader of a dignified sect, how do you behave in such a manner to kneel on the ground like this? Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. I can't blame you for this matter... I hope Shan'er is still the leader now." There is a destiny, otherwise all the people involved will suffer a fate worse than death!"

After saying that, he let out a weird laugh, and his body turned into a bunch of flying insects, rushing forward, ignoring the surrounding storm clusters, and disappeared in the realm of ten thousand swords in the blink of an eye. the end of.

Master Caitong breathed a long sigh of relief and got up from the ground. Only then did he realize that his back was already soaked.

When everything calmed down, in the dark depths of the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords, another pair of eyes suddenly opened.

These eyes are extremely deep.

The owner of the eyes stared for a long time in the direction where the flying insect disappeared, then silently turned around and walked in another direction.

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