Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1259 Tailor-made

"Put it on and try it!"

Yudie pushed the puppet in front of Lu Yu and said.

Even though she was so obsessed with the Xingyao Divine Armor, she was actually just curious about the manufacturing process of this treasure and had no intention of keeping it for herself.

The power of the Xingyao Divine Armor has been verified before. Now it is just for Lu Yu to try whether he can control this treasure.

In fact, according to Lu Yu's own thoughts, he was not willing to put on this armor. He felt that it would be most suitable to give it to Ye Weilan, because she was always deep in enemy territory and responsible for rushing to the front line, and she was the one who needed protection the most. That one.

But including Yudie, the three women all agreed that in the current situation, he was the most dangerous one.

Lu Yu had no choice but to pick up the treasured armor by himself.

This object was originally the most precious treasure of the Bixiao Palace, and was firmly bound to the thoughts and consciousness of Palace Master Chunyang. But now that Palace Master Chunyang has long since passed away, this armor has also been reshaped from beginning to end, which is equivalent to An ownerless thing.

And the entire activation process just now was completed by Lu Yu alone.

Therefore, Lu Yu easily completed the process of recognizing his master without any effort. His thoughts and consciousness were firmly bound to the Xingyao Divine Armor. The 78,400 star-falling stone particles all transmitted a kind of The surge of blood connection.

However, after completing this step, Lu Yu suddenly stood still.

"What's wrong? Why are you standing there stunned?" Yudie urged.

Lu Yu looked at the Chuchen robe he was wearing and said, "Should I just put it on like this? Isn't this a little weird?"

Yudie understood immediately, couldn't help but blush, and spat: "Tch, who cares to see those two ounces of flesh on your body, as thin as a piece of firewood..."

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but pursed their lips and snickered.

Lu Yu was very dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, if there is no investigation, there is no right to speak. Why does this woman say that her figure is like a piece of firewood?

But seeing that she had turned her back, Lu Yu stopped pursuing it.

Lu Yu took off his outer robe, leaving only his close-fitting underwear. Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it forward. Suddenly, the fallen stones were absorbed and automatically covered his body. After a while, a brilliance formed. Shining armor appearance.

In fact, it is best to cover the outside of this Xingyao Divine Armor with a layer of camouflage, so that its effect can be maximized.

For example, the Master of Chunyang Palace had previously hidden it in his own golden elixir domain. When the domain collapsed and suddenly rebounded, everyone was caught off guard and they all took action.

But it's just for demonstration at this moment, so naturally there is no need to go to so much trouble.

"Come on! Give me a try with your sword!"

Lu Yu spread his hands to the three women and said.

The three women looked at each other, but no one moved, as if they were discussing who should take action.

"No need to go to so much trouble, you three can come together!" Lu Yu waved his hand.

"Are you sure you can control this armor?" Yudie asked.


Lu Yu said without thinking: "What you should worry about is your own safety, but don't get hurt by my rebound attack! However, it doesn't matter if you get hurt. I have the lotus hydrotherapy method, and I believe I can heal you soon." Restored as before!”

Yudie couldn't help but sneered: "Humph! What a loud tone! Then I want to see if you have such ability!"

The rebound offensive actually involves a reaction process. If the opponent is prepared, it is indeed not that easy to hit, especially when facing a top master like San Nu.

In the past, the Master of Chunyang Palace was able to subdue everyone through rebound attacks. In the final analysis, it was because of the four words of surprise.

As he spoke, Yudie had already prepared an offensive, and raised his hand to execute a Great True Dragon Sword Technique.

Seeing this, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan also used their own tricks to suppress the bottom of the box.

None of the three stayed behind at all, because they knew that when the real enemy arrived, the attack Lu Yu would face would be far more severe than this.

Suddenly, three extremely fierce attacks blasted towards Lu Yu in the field.

Lu Yu didn't panic, didn't dodge, didn't make any moves.

I saw a flash of brilliance on the Xingyao Divine Armor, and the roar in my memory did not appear at all. In the blink of an eye, the shadow of a real dragon roared towards Jade Butterfly.

Then, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan's offensives were bounced back.

Yudie's expression changed. Although she had expected it, she didn't expect that Lu Yu's rebound would come so quickly. She couldn't dodge in time and was hit hard on the ankle by the real dragon's shadow. She thought her foot was sprained. .

After all, Chudie and Ye Weilan's offensives slowed down. With Yudie's warning, they finally avoided the rebound of their own offensives in time, but the difference was only a hair's breadth.

"Sister Yudie..."

"How are you?"

Chudie and Ye Weilan both rushed over to check Yudie's injuries.

Lu Yu straightened up and walked forward, spreading his hands and saying, "I'm just saying, it's you who should pay attention to yourselves..."

Yudie ignored her injuries and quickly asked: "How could it be so fast?"

The rebound process just now was at least twice as fast as that of the previous Palace Master Chunyang.

Although she could be the main surgeon in repairing the armor, Yudie knew very well that there were no changes in the craftsmanship of the entire armor. She just copied it mechanically according to the drawings.

Lu Yu lowered his head, looked at the Star Glory Armor on his body, and said slowly: "The formation arrangement on this armor is completely designed based on the mystery of the starry sky. As expected, its original design intention should be It must be controlled by someone who has mastered the secrets of the starry sky..."

"Although it's a bit unkind to say this, I still have to say that it would be a waste of natural resources to hand over this Starry Sky Divine Armor to someone like Lian Xishan who doesn't understand the secrets of the starry sky at all..."

Yudie couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at Lu Yu in silence for a long time and sighed quietly: "It seems that this thing is destined to fall into your hands..."

Lu Yu's eyes couldn't help but become deeper.

Since the Xingyao Divine Armor is tailor-made for those who master the secrets of the stars, then who will be its original owner?

Did my mother also wear this armor before?

In addition, in the Bixiao Palace, there is at least one person who masters the secrets of the stars, Meng Ting. She is obviously more suitable to control this set of armor than Lian Xishan, but this set of armor was handed over to Lian Xishan...

Is there some kind of signal hidden in this?

Does it mean that Meng Ting has fallen out of favor? Even no longer trusted by Bixiao Palace?

Countless complicated thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind...

But he didn't have time to think for too long, and soon a ray of light came, interrupting his thoughts.

"Everyone...what are you doing? I didn't disturb you, did I?"

An elder from the altar of Hunyuan Qi Sect looked at the Taoist remnants all over the ground and couldn't help but said uneasily. It was the elder in green robe who was summoned by Lu Yu to return the head.

"Master Qinghui, are you back?"

Seeing that Lu Yu was hesitant to speak, Yang Chudie obviously didn't know what to call him, so he took the initiative to greet him.

"Has it been smooth sailing along the way?"

Master Qinghui smiled bitterly.

Returning the head of Chunyang Palace Master was not an easy task. He could not help but tremble with fear during the journey. When he was still a hundred miles away from the defense line of Bixiao Palace, he used Taoism to deliver the head. , regardless of whether the other party has received it or not.

"It's a near miss!" Master Qinghui said: "I'm here mainly to report to you what I've seen on the sea. It seems that the Bixiao Shrine has sent a force that is good at water escape and is moving very quickly. Come to the Mountain of Resentment quickly! I see they are very aggressive, I’m afraid they’re coming with bad intentions!”

"Good at water escape?" Lu Yu frowned slightly: "What is your background?"

Master Qinghui said: "If I read correctly, they should be troops from Bohai Palace!"

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