Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1271 Death on the spot

This series of exquisite coordination made all the Bohai Palace disciples dizzy.

When they finally reacted and wanted to pursue the Spring Conch, the Spring Conch had already sunk into the sea.


Elder Chen Bing shouted loudly.

Originally, he was just Elder Hua's deputy, but now that Elder Hua was directly captured by the opponent, he automatically replaced him and became the leader of the array.

Suddenly, the formation erupted into circles of cyclones.

The facing sea was then opened layer by layer, and the green shell of the Spring Conch was revealed again.

But at this time, Lu Yu suddenly came out of the tide, sat down on the Spring Conch, and removed the black tail of the arowana from behind, and transferred it to the Spring Conch shell.

"You don't have to send me off!"

Lu Yu gave a long laugh.

Suddenly the black tail of the dragon fish turned into ten wildly twisting dragon tail fins, and in the blink of an eye it got rid of the cyclonic entanglement of the crowd.

The Spring Conch went up against the tide again and firmly caught Ye Weilan who was flying in the air. A series of movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Leave this to you! I'll go in and help!"

Lu Yu had already checked Ye Weilan with the medical star's sight, and after making sure that she was fine, he said to her.

"Yeah!" Ye Weilan nodded.

Then Lu Yu activated the transmission channel and entered the interior of the cave space.

At this time, the two sisters had completely subdued Elder Hua, and had torn open Elder Hua's scalp. They looked at a black beetle crawling crazily on the skull, but they didn't know what to do.

After all, both of them had seen the power of this black beetle. Even Lu Yu had difficulty dealing with it with the power of the red lotus. They had no confidence in subduing it.

"Come here and see if this is the Insect King? What should we do now..."

Yudie hurriedly pulled Lu Yu to her side. In her desperation, she didn't realize that her actions were a little too intimate.

Lu Yu's heart jumped twice for no reason. Taking the opportunity to examine Elder Hua's skull, he quietly withdrew his hand from the warm and soft touch.

He looked back at Yang Chudie and said, "Be prepared..."

Regardless of whether the one in front of it is the insect king, it can be predicted that it will definitely launch a fierce attack in an attempt to return to its own group, so the Spring Snail must be prepared for the impact.

"Yeah!" Yang Chudie nodded.

Lu Yu picked up the bloody beetle.

The beetle was obviously bigger, and it twisted even more crazily in Lu Yu's hands, while Elder Hua seemed to have collapsed and passed out.

"How is it?" Yudie couldn't help but ask.

"This insect is indeed more powerful, but to see if it is the King of Insects, maybe we have to try it before we know." Lu Yu squinted slightly and stared at the beetle in his hand.

"How to try?"

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and suddenly used two fingers to crush the beetle on his hand.

Suddenly, a wisp of black energy escaped.

At first everything was normal, but gradually, the black air escaped faster and faster, and finally it gradually became a surge, running wildly in the cave space.

Just as Lu Yu expected, the strange power in the beetle's body would react violently, wanting to actively find a way out to fight with similar groups.

Suddenly, the entire cave space shook violently.

From the outside, the Spring Conch has expanded more than ten times, and it looks like a small mountain peak, standing on a vast ocean.

It seems that without the restraint of the beetle body, this strange force has become even wilder.

"Is there no way to stop it?"

Jade Die asked with a frown.

At this time, Yang Chudie's face was extremely pale, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. The Spring Conch was her natal magic weapon, so the severe impact suffered here would naturally make her feel the same.

Lu Yu shook his head. He had tried various methods, but none of his methods had any effect on this wisp of black energy.

"Open the passage and let it out!" Lu Yu said.

Hearing this, Yudie was about to do as she was told, but Yang Chudie stopped her and said, "Not yet, I can hold on a little longer!"

As he spoke, the space in the cave expanded once again to buffer the constant impact of the black energy.

On the sea outside, the jasper shell of the Spring Conch has become like a mountain, which is breathtaking.

Suddenly, there was a "click" and a tiny crack appeared on the crystal wall.

Lu Yu couldn't help but change his expression: "Let it out quickly!"

Jade Butterfly no longer delayed, and immediately opened the transmission channel, and the wisp of black energy immediately flew out.

"Really, I'm not good enough, why do I have to show off my strength..." Yudie couldn't help but muttered, "Hey, Yang Chudie, you won't die here like this, right?"

Although her tone was not good, it was obvious that she still had a very close relationship with her twin sister.

"Are you okay?" Lu Yu also asked with concern.

Yang Chudie looked pale and shook her head: "I'm fine... Go out and see what's going on outside. Just let Yudie stay with me here!"

After saying that, he pushed Lu Yu out.

Lu Yu glanced at Jade Die on the side, said nothing, and retreated.

On the jasper shell outside, Ye Weilan had already looked forward to it. Seeing Lu Yu appear, she quickly asked: "What happened just now?"

"We originally wanted to use the Spring Conch to trap the wisp of black energy, but it failed because Senior Sister was injured..." Lu Yu answered briefly,

"Sister Die is injured? Is it serious?" Ye Weilan asked in surprise.

"There is Jade Die inside to take care of her. Their golden elixir laws can make up for each other, so there shouldn't be a big problem."

As he spoke, Lu Yu followed the traces of black energy and quickly locked it again.

Just like the previous Bohai Palace elder, the black energy rejoined the formation of Bohai Palace.

The only difference was that it kept making whimpering sounds along the way, as if it was frightened and crying.

"It seems that Sister Die has also seriously injured it..." Ye Weilan said.

Lu Yu remained silent, feeling that something was a little unusual.

Soon, that wisp of black energy returned to the battle formation of Bohai Palace, and the formation once again erupted with amazing momentum. Every Bohai Palace disciple in the formation was strengthened, and everything was exactly the same as the previous scene. .

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.

Just when they thought that after a new round of strengthening, the Bohai Palace disciples would become even more unstoppable.

But at this moment, the Bohai Palace disciples suddenly fell down one after another, as if they were infected with some kind of plague, and died on the spot.

In an instant, a large piece of it had fallen.

This scene caught the two of them off guard and stunned them.

"You... what exactly did you do to it just now?" Ye Weilan said nonchalantly.

Lu Yu's eyes were solemn: "This... I guess I have to ask you, Sister Die, to find out."

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