Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1300 The name of the ancestor

"Speaking of this, I was actually planning to go see senior recently..." Lu Yu said.

The old man of Tianjian glanced at him: "Is it to reforge this sword? Have you found materials that can repair this sword?"

Lu Yu said: "In the past year or so, I have indeed gained a lot... I once went deep into the ancient ruins of Guoyun Ancient City, where I saw the hometown of the Queen Mother of the West, and gained a lot from it. The treasure of material and land..."

"In addition, at least half of the eight major sects have good relations with me now. If I ask them for some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure, it shouldn't be difficult. Therefore, the problem of materials is not big... "

Old Man Tianjian said: "Then tell me, what kind of ideas do you have?"


Lu Yu scratched his head: "There are specialties in the art industry. Frankly speaking, this aspect is not my expertise. How about waiting for my friend to come over and discuss this in detail?"

The old man of Tianjian smiled slightly: "It seems that during this period, you not only found the materials, but also made many powerful friends... Anyway, let me see how you plan to recast this sword. , to what kind of person!”

Lu Yu said: "They should be here soon."


"Yes, in fact, senior should have met one of them... As for the other one, she only recently came back from Guoyun Ancient City."

Of course what Lu Yu was talking about was the sisters Chudie and Yudie.

Reforging the Feihong Sword is no small matter. In addition to having superb skills, you must also be someone he absolutely trusts. From this point of view, there is no doubt that the Yang sisters are the most suitable candidates.

Regarding this matter, he had already had many discussions with the two sisters before. When he left the Dali Sword Sect this time, the reason why he wanted to drag Yudie with him was precisely to let her go to a place along the way. Go to Mingjian City and discuss with Senior Tianjian about reforging the Feihong Sword to determine the final plan.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. They rushed from the Shenhuo Xuanzong to the Hunyuan Qi Sect, and then from the Hunyuan Qi Sect to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula, with no time to separate in between.

Unexpectedly, I would finally meet the old man Tianjian here again. I have to say that this was really a hit and miss, and it took no effort at all.

Not long after, several escaping lights appeared in the sky, and sure enough, the Yang sisters and Ye Weilan rushed over.

In addition, the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong also rushed over. It was with the support of the three Tiangang strong men that the three women were able to arrive so quickly.

In this regard, Lu Yu also asked Old Man Tianjian whether it would be okay if his whereabouts were seen by the three powerful Tiangang men from Daluo Holy Land, but Old Man Tianjian just replied lightly "It doesn't matter", so Lu Yu did not say anything more. Deliberately covered up.


Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan flew directly into Lu Yu's arms.

Although they were not able to witness this battle with their own eyes, the thrilling level was not diminished at all.

As for Jade Die, she stopped aside and, like the three Tiangang Patriarchs, focused her gaze on the prostrate Jiuxuan Patriarch and the old man with a clear and slender face.

Several people were shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect that a powerful and legendary figure of a generation would really die here like this. It was clear that at the last moment, the Jiu Xuan Ancestor seemed to have the upper hand...

At the same time, they couldn't help but have a trace of curiosity in their hearts...

Who is this mysterious old man? Lu Yu had not revealed before that there would be other helpers involved in this plan.

The three Tiangang ancestors remained calm and silently sent out a burst of energy to explore the old man.

It just so happened that the old man Tianjian seemed to be aware of something and looked back indifferently.

With just one glance, the three of them felt that his eyes were extremely deep, as if there was an infinite suction force that was trying to drag the spirits of the three of them into his eyes.

The three of them were immediately horrified, and quickly retreated, their faces turning pale.

Lu Yu also noticed the confrontation between several people at this time, so he introduced: "This is Senior Tianjian. Thanks to his timely help this time, I was able to kill the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor...

"As for the identity and origin of our seniors, please forgive me for not being able to elaborate here... But the three ancestors should already know the origins of Ming Wang Fa Zun and Earth Seal God Zun. What I can only tell you is that this Heavenly Patriarch Senior Jian’s background is no worse than theirs.”

Several people suddenly understood, that is to say, the mysterious old man in front of them is also a figure from the world above...

The three of them couldn't help but look stunned, but thinking about the other party's look just now, this is indeed the only reasonable explanation.

"We have met senior!"

The three Tiangang Patriarchs saluted gracefully.

Although they are all old people who have lived for thousands of years, and they are not necessarily younger than the old man Tianjian in appearance, this does not affect their respectful attitude at all.

"How many generations of Luo Biting's disciples are you?" Old Man Tianjian asked.

Just this sentence immediately made the three Tiangang Patriarchs stunned again.

Because Luo Biting is the name of the founder of the Daluo Holy Land...

The mysterious old man in front of him directly mentioned the name of the founder of his sect. Doesn't this mean that he is the same generation as the founder of his sect, or even earlier than the founder of his sect?

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