Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1319 Crazy

boom! boom! boom!

The stars exploded.

Not only was the icy wind that Lu Yu was facing disintegrated in an instant, but there were also countless blood mists flying in all directions. Those were the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong who were hidden in the wind. They didn't even have time to scream, and they changed. It became a pool of blood mist.

Everyone around them was stunned and inexplicably horrified.

I didn't expect Lu Yu's opinion to be so powerful.

A moment later, at the end of the exploding stars, Lu Yu's figure reappeared.

There was starry disillusionment in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Is there anyone else who wants to give it a try?"

The other eleven icy winds around them suddenly lost their target and did not know where to attack. At this time, seeing Lu Yu appear again, they instinctively planned to encircle them again, but they heard Lu Yu's question. After that, I couldn't help but hesitate, and I didn't dare to move for a while.

"I'll fight you!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout.

It turned out that it was the real strong man who was in charge of the icy wind that Lu Yu had just smashed. After all, he had a golden elixir to protect his body and his cultivation level was very strong, so he was not overwhelmed by Lu Yu's offensive.

However, those who followed him were all his direct disciples. The damage caused by Lu Yu's sword just now was really more painful than the stab on his body.

The golden elixir in the real person's body appeared, his whole body was ignited with raging fire, and he rushed towards Lu Yu with a punch.

This time, Lu Yu did not dodge or evade, and did not even wave his sword.

It's just to deal with a real strong person who doesn't have the blessing, so naturally there is no need to use the sword power of the stars.

I saw that he also gathered a punch, swung it out suddenly, and hit the opponent's punch hard, but it was still a head-on fight.

It's really crazy that a person in the Guihai realm who doesn't even have a golden elixir wants to fight head-on with a strong man who has entered the late stage of the golden elixir without any tricks.

This Lu Yu is simply asking for death!

However, a scene that surprised them soon appeared again.

There was a roar, and after the two fists collided head-on, Lu Yu's body did not move at all, but on the other hand, the real strong man of Shenhuo Xuanzong opposite, the flames all over his body were quickly extinguished.

Lu Yu's face showed pain, and his face was flushed, but it was only flushed... On the other hand, the face of the real strong man opposite was pale, with almost no blood.

The real strong man opened his mouth to say something, but before he could regain his composure, Lu Yu had already taken a step forward, stretched out his hand, and immediately inserted his hand into his belly, tightly holding him inside. That golden elixir that helped was fading rapidly.

"You, you, how can you still move?"

The real strong man finally spoke out, but it was obviously not what he originally wanted to say.

Lu Yu smiled grimly, but ignored him. Instead, he cast his gaze deeper into the Luoguang Strait and sneered: "What? Who can really make the decision? Are you still unwilling to come out?"

There was no response from the depths of Luoguang Strait.

Instead, the surrounding disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong shouted:


"How dare you hurt our Elder Huoyun!"

"Don't be impulsive. If you have something to say, say it nicely!"

"Lu Yu, you are here just to persuade us to surrender. If you really hurt our elders, then you and I will fight to the death!"

"Lu Yu, if you have the guts, don't come at me!"

Lu Yu remained unmoved by everyone's provocation and yelling.

He shook his head gently and said to the real strong man in front of him: "Your name is Huo Yun, right? It seems that they don't care about your life or death at all..."

After saying that, in front of everyone, he suddenly exerted force on his hand and squeezed the golden elixir in Master Huoyun's body in one fell swoop.

Master Huo Yun screamed, and the light of the golden elixir quickly dimmed...

When Lu Yu took his hand out of Huo Yun Zhenren's body again, the stable golden elixir that was originally extremely strong and contained countless powerful laws had turned into a pile of powder and fluttered in the wind.

Master Huo Yun also stopped wailing, his body quickly became exhausted and turned into a corpse.

Everyone couldn't help but feel their scalps numb and coldness rising from the soles of their feet.

The guy in front of me has obviously not yet cultivated the golden elixir, but he can actually crush the golden elixir in the body of a living, powerful person with his bare hands.

Although the appearance of Huoyun Zhenren's golden elixir is not among the top-grade ones, it is already a middle-grade golden elixir. In any case, such power is really unbelievable.

Lu Yu put down the corpse in his hand, looked at the other eleven real strong men around him again, and asked lightly: "Is there anyone else who wants to continue to stop me?"

There was silence.

Everyone was silent.

Lu Yu looked at the depths of the Luoguang Strait ahead, then at the people in front of him, and said:

"I'm sorry, even if you don't stop me, I still can't let you go, otherwise I won't be able to meet the real big shot, and the purpose of my trip will not be achieved at all..."

"So, I also want to see how much blood must be shed by the disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong before the Tiangang ancestors of your sect are willing to show up to meet them?"

After saying that, Lu Yu held the sword in his hand and was about to gather his sword power again.

But at this moment, dark clouds suddenly rolled in the sky, and a voice like thunder rolled in.

"What an arrogant boy! Do you really think that everyone in our Shenhuo Xuan Sect is invincible?"

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