Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1352 Starry Sky Travel

Strong pressure came from all directions.

In an instant, Lu Yu felt as if the whole world was blessing him, the blood in his body was almost boiling, and every cell in his body was trembling and howling violently.

This is the real power of the Dragon God!

However, even under such strong pressure, a kind of enlightenment still emerged in his heart. The world that is blessing them at this time is not the real world they originally lived in, but a world that is mysteriously related to the dragon clan. It is transcended from the real world, but closely connected with the real world.

Lu Yu felt that his eyes were going dark. At this time, even if he wanted to open his mouth and make a sound, it was a waste of hope.

Ye Weilan on the side must have felt the same way, and held Lu Yu's hand tightly.

Finally, when the pressure reached its limit, my eyes suddenly became enlightened, and the pressure on my body quickly subsided.


Lu Yu took a long breath and opened his eyes again. He saw a strange and bizarre world in front of him, with extremely brilliant brilliance flashing in it. Everything he had ever seen before was more brilliant and brilliant.

"What is this place?"

Ye Weilan asked, breathing deeply, as if she was about to collapse.

"This is the realm of the Nether Dragon, a world exclusive to the dragon clan."

Lu Yu stared at the brilliant light in front of him and said silently.

"The Realm of the Dark Dragon?"

Ye Weilan looked at Lu Yu in surprise. She originally just asked casually, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu actually knew the answer.

And he was so serious and serious, but she really couldn't figure out how Lu Yu knew all this?

"Well, the realm of the dark dragon!"

Lu Yu nodded seriously, as if he had confirmed with himself again.

Then he saw the strange expression on Ye Weilan's face, and then he explained: "This is the unique language of the starry sky, just like the scroll I understood in Yao Ji's hand before, and I can't explain the specifics. reasons, but I understand its significance..."

As Lu Yu spoke, he reached out and pointed towards the gorgeous starry sky above.

His fingers traced the image of a character along the direction of those brilliant lights. Ye Weilan did not recognize that character, but felt an indescribable mysterious power in it. It seemed that its meaning was Minglong. boundary.

"So, we are somewhere in the starry sky outside? We have left our original world?"

Ye Weilan said in disbelief.

"There is indeed a brand new starry sky world there."

Lu Yu pointed to the Dark Dragon Realm above and said.

"I can feel its vastness, and it is inextricably linked to the Dragon Clan. Maybe the real Dragon God is hidden in it, but that's not necessarily true..."

"But we have not really entered this world. At best, we have only used some mysterious rules to shorten the distance between each other and walk on its borders... Don't look at it, although it is within our reach at this time. , but in fact the distance between us is still extremely far..."

Ye Weilan's face was full of astonishment, and she was speechless for a moment. All this was far beyond her understanding, and she felt it was extremely magical.

Lu Yu didn't say anything more, and silently stared at the gorgeous starlight in front of him, his eyes flashing with shoulders, as if he was thinking about how everything in front of him was caused.

At this time, an equally brilliant light floated under their feet, moving forward continuously, seemingly revolving around the entire Hell Dragon Realm.

Gradually, Ye Weilan was also attracted by the gorgeous brilliance in front of her, and was addicted to this gorgeous starry sky...

After a long silence.

"I see!"

Suddenly, Lu Yu said with a sudden look on his face.

"In fact, we are still in the original world. All of this is just an illusion caused by the traction of starlight and the effect of the Dragon God's crypt..."

"The Dragon God's Crypt has powerful power. After the magic circle is activated, it can pull the starlight, connecting the Dragon God's blood with the starry sky..."

"This is all the same as our Star Gathering Bead, except that the Star Gathering Bead is effective against all stars, while these Dragon God Crypts are only for a specific star field, which is the realm of the Underworld Dragon in front of us. "

Ye Weilan blinked her big, flickering eyes and looked at Lu Yu next to her with joy.

In fact, she seemed to understand everything Lu Yu said. Even if she understood, she didn't care very much. But she couldn't help but feel sincerely happy when she saw Lu Yu's excited expression of having figured out the key to the matter.


Suddenly Lu Yu changed his tone again, showing an expression of regret.

"Although the power of Dragon God's Crypt is enough to draw starlight, it is still not strong enough after all. If it can be stronger, maybe we can really enter the realm of Minglong to find out what's going on, instead of like now , we can only use its edge areas to pass..."

"Do you want to enter the world in front of us?" Ye Weilan asked.

Lu Yu smiled softly and said: "Not only the world in front of me, but also every world in the world, I want to go there personally, because I want to explore all the secrets in the starry sky!"

"And among these worlds, each one hides a unique mystery of the starry sky. If we can explore all these mysteries, then we will get a complete star map..."

"At that time, we can display this complete star map in the illusion of our minds, and together we can witness how brilliant this world is! I hope that we can be with the stars in the future and never be separated! "

Ye Weilan's heart trembled slightly, and her eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of yearning.

Be with the stars!

This was the most touching love story she had ever heard.

"Don't think I'm bragging, I mean what I say."

Lu Yu turned around, glanced at Ye Weilan, and said seriously.

"When we were in Guoyun Ancient City, the Nantianmen ruins we saw told us that in fact, in the past years, teleportation between the stars was possible... Although these Dragon God crypts are not enough for the time being, Breaking through the shackles of the starry sky allows us to see the possibility of traveling between new stars!”

"But these are all things for later, let's wait until we solve the difficulties before us!"

While they were talking, a huge whirlpool appeared in front of them again.

The two people immediately understood that this time the starry sky shuttle trip was over, and they had reached the connection point across Chongyang.

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