Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1359 Who do you listen to?



"Lord City Lord!"

"Bold! Why don't you release our city lord quickly!"

Everyone rushed forward and launched a fierce attack on Lu Yu, trying to rescue Ji Siming from Lu Yu's hands.

It's not like they don't know how powerful Lu Yu is. Even with Ji Siming's strength, he couldn't last even one round under Lu Yu's hand. This fully shows how powerful Lu Yu is.

At this time, Lu Yu was focusing on controlling Ji Siming, with his back completely exposed. They wanted to use their numerical advantage to catch Lu Yu by surprise.

But they seemed to have forgotten that Lu Yu was not alone. When everyone's offensive was about to hit Lu Yu, suddenly a shadow of a fire phoenix swept over, with a violent force they had never seen before. In an instant, Then he blasted everyone away.

In an instant, the entire Fengyang City was wailing.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Weilan's vigorous and valiant figure appeared behind Lu Yu, and the remaining flames on her graceful body were gradually extinguished.

At this time, she was like a god of war coming out of the flames.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized that this overly beautiful demon spirit woman actually had such great strength, and was not just a vase following Lu Yu...

Lu Yu, however, didn't care about what was happening behind him. He looked down at Ji Siming who was kneeling in front of him and said lightly: "Can you let us go now? Or do you want to continue here with me for more time?" Play for a while?”

Ji Siming gritted his teeth, and the two horns on his forehead vibrated wildly, making a whining sound. However, even though he exhausted all his strength, he still couldn't break free from Lu Yu's hand, and he couldn't even move. Can't do it all at once.

At this moment, he understood what Lu Yu had just said. It turned out that this was suppression in the field.

But he couldn't figure it out no matter what, how such a human who seemed to have ordinary cultivation could completely suppress himself in the field.

"who are you?"

Ji Siming finally accepted his fate, gave up the struggle and resisted, and asked fearfully.

Lu Yu glanced at him with a sneer: "Before this, you dared to intercept other people's frames without understanding the specific situation? Don't you think it's too late to ask this question now?"

"This is all an order from the military..."

"I don't care who gave the order. In short, my current order is to leave here immediately and go to Tuoshan. Do you want to think carefully about whose order you should listen to?"

Ji Siming looked at Lu Yu with malicious eyes and sneered: "Do you think you can still reach Tuoshan safely? Although I don't know who you are, you have obviously offended the big shots in the military. The blockade order It was ordered by His Highness Qinglong himself! Even if you can successfully leave this place, you will definitely end up dead!"

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "That's my own business, you don't need to worry about it... Haha, a dead end? I'm afraid even if Liu Hongxu was standing in front of me, she wouldn't dare to say such a thing... What you should really worry about now is It’s your own life that matters!”

Hearing that Lu Yu actually called the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons by her first name, Ji Siming couldn't help but change his expression. Then he suddenly thought of a possibility:

"Are you Lu Yu? The Lu Yu who was given the black tail of the dragon fish by Her Majesty the Queen? Aren't your Eight Immortal Sects in the middle of a civil war? How come you are here..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head gently: "Look, you are really not attentive enough. Why are you always distracting your attention in places where it shouldn't be? In this case, I am the only one who can help you concentrate!"

After saying that, he stretched his hand to Ji Siming's forehead, held the root of one of the horns, and then suddenly exerted force on his hand.

Suddenly, Ji Siming couldn't help but burst into mourning, and the shrill voice resounded throughout Fengtian City, making everyone's hearts tremble involuntarily.

"Let it go, let it go! I'll let it go now!"

"Sir, spare your life, I know I was wrong!"

"Old Four, Old Four! Remove the city ban immediately and arrange a new carriage for the young master!"

"Young Master, you and I have never had any complaints in the past! I really know I was wrong, please forgive me this time..."

The Dragon Man's horn is an extremely critical part. If it is damaged here, not only will its strength be greatly reduced, but it will also become a laughing stock from now on.

Therefore, when the key points were fatally threatened, Ji Siming begged and wailed in pain, and he lost even half of the heroic spirit of an overlord.

However, Lu Yu was completely indifferent to his pleas. He kept exerting force on his hands, and finally there was a crisp sound, and the huge horn was pulled into two pieces!

Lu Yu held the horn that was almost as tall as a man in his hand and played with it for a while, and then said: "It's rare to encounter a dragon-like horn of such good quality, and it can be used as a medicinal material for me... This is all a treat." This is a small punishment for you. If you are still so inattentive next time, I will break the other one for you too! "

After saying that, he threw the horn in his hand to Ye Weilan behind him.

Ji Siming was breathing heavily, with only air coming out and no air coming in. There was no room for argument.

Others around him were also frightened and had no intention of coming forward to resist.

It didn't take long for the eight divine horses to be brought over. Since the previous carriage was not damaged, as long as the two were reassembled, it would be a complete carriage frame.

The clouds and fog dispersed in the sky above Fengtian City, and the sky became clear and clear again, without any obstacles anymore.

Lu Yu and the others immediately got into the car without staying too long.

Long Qingxuan was in charge of driving the car. She activated the array and waved the whip. Immediately, Tianma Jin hissed, vibrated her wings, and with the blessing of the array, she pulled the car into the air.

With everyone watching, the car drove away and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.

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