Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1366 Provocation

Lu Yu didn't even expect this change, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Who is this guy? Is the internal style of Wanlong Kingdom... so wild?"

"Commander Lin..."

Long Qingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said thoughtfully: "There have been many upstarts in Wanlong Kingdom recently. I don't know exactly where this person came from... The reason why he dares to be so arrogant and domineering is probably because Or is it because this young general is not a dragon...

"Within the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom, although nominally the giant dragon clan is the coexistence of all the Haixi clans, the dragon clan still has a transcendent status. After all, the Wanlong Kingdom is founded on dragons, and the dragon clan is the blood of the dragon. Descendants naturally receive special preferential treatment, especially some individuals with true dragon bloodline, which can be said to be the privileged class in the entire Wanlong Kingdom..."

Lu Yu frowned slightly and remained silent.

No matter how privileged they are, they cannot be so domineering.

After all, this young general was ordered by the Minister of Military and Aircraft to escort him. Although this young general is not a dragon, the Minister of Military and Aircraft is a genuine dragon. I am afraid that things will not be that simple...

As he spoke, the dragon leader had already stepped forward on his horse and waved his finger in the direction of Lu Yu: "I only want these three people, and the rest will retreat on their own!"

With the young general's ready-made example right in front of them, the imperial guardsmen dispersed without any hesitation. In the blink of an eye, only Lu Yu and the others were left standing.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

Commander Lin, the leader of the dragon people, was sitting on a high horse, looking down at Lu Yu, his tone full of contempt.

"I'm right, do you have any advice?" Lu Yu admitted openly.


Commander Lin smiled coldly: "The Lord of Fengtian City and I have a life-long friendship. Although we are not real brothers, we are better than brothers... Now, you should know what is going on, right?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a deep look at this man.

Being able to serve as the leader of the marching troops, this person naturally has good strength, but he has not surpassed Ji Siming. On the contrary, the tens of thousands of imperial troops behind him are even more terrifying.

However, that's not what Lu Yu really cares about... Long Qingxuan has no impression of this Commander Lin, which shows that he should be a newly emerged figure during this period, who can make a name for himself in just a few years or even a few. He has grown into such a powerful figure within a few months, which is enough to prove that the hematopoietic ability within Wanlong Kingdom is far beyond his imagination.

Perhaps the appearance of dozens of giant dragons did not just increase the strength on paper. The real strength of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom was far stronger than he expected.

Lu Yu silently assessed the strength of Wanlong Kingdom in his heart. I couldn't help but feel a little lost for a while.

When Commander Lin on the opposite side saw this scene, he thought that Lu Yu had developed a fear. He didn't know what to do for a moment, so he couldn't help but smile coldly: "Kneel down first, and I'll capture you honestly. I promise to kill you before you die." I won’t let you suffer too much, or I will make you regret coming into this world!”

Only then did Lu Yu come back to his senses. He glanced at the other party in surprise, then looked at the majestic and splendid Forbidden Army troops behind him, and said:

"I want to know, is this all your own initiative? Or is it an order issued by the entire military aircraft department? Or is it the intention of Queen Bandung?"

"Is this important?"

Commander Lin smiled coldly.

"Surnamed Lu, I know your identity, but don't forget that this is the Wanlong Kingdom, not the eight major sects that let you stir up trouble! The Wanlong Kingdom naturally has the rules of the Wanlong Kingdom. If you run wild on the land, you are totally wrong!”

"When you become a prisoner of my imperial army, all your identity and background will be empty, and your past glory will also become a glorious stroke in the merit list of my Wanlong Kingdom!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless.

He immediately understood that all this was just the private action of Commander Lin.

As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. As a rising star, this person is undoubtedly very courageous. He wants to use himself as a stepping stone to achieve greater achievements. The so-called brotherhood with the Lord of Fengtian City may also have , but never too much.

However, it is difficult to say whether there is any instigation from others behind this...

Lu Yu didn't think too deeply about the mysterious connection behind this. He smiled softly and said: "In that case, you might as well give it a try... However, I have to remind you that when you were in Fengtian City before, your My good brother may have similar thoughts. He ultimately paid a heavy price for his unrealistic ideas. You better not follow his old path!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu stretched out his hand behind him.

Ye Weilan, who was behind him, immediately understood. He took out the extremely rare Dragon Man's horn from the Qiankun Bag and handed it to Lu Yu.

This behavior is undoubtedly a strong provocation.

When Commander Lin on the opposite side saw this scene, his eyes suddenly turned red and his eyes were about to burst.

"How brave! You dare to speak so brazenly in front of our imperial army. I want to see what kind of tricks you have!"

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