Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1392 Golden Dragon

Lu Yu and others followed closely behind. Since they were in an environment with dozens of times the gravity, the landing point of their footsteps was still exactly the same.

After a few steps, they understood why Liu Hongxu gave such instructions.

Whenever they were close to the dragon egg, they would hear a huge sound, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, and then a giant dragon would appear and attack them.

At first, several people couldn't help but be shocked, but then they realized that these were just illusions.

However, it cannot be said to be just an illusion... Lu Yu tried to release his mind and consciousness and explored the inside of the dragon image. As a result, he immediately felt a tingling sensation in his brain, forcing him to give up quickly.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

This shows that these illusions are accompanied by very huge spiritual power. Just the brief contact just now made him feel a vastness like a bottomless abyss.

Fortunately, this vast and incomparable spiritual power is composed of countless scattered ideas. It is chaotic, dark and manic, and does not form a unified will.

Thinking of the past when the Dragon God clan sacrificed countless individuals to create the Dragon God, Lu Yu seemed to be able to understand how this place was formed.

Obviously, the dragon clan also tried the same method here.

Their purpose may not be to create a god comparable to the Dragon God, but to have an unprecedentedly powerful individual. It is a pity that they failed in the end.

And all this is the product of their failure.

Rather than saying that this is a hatchery for dragon eggs, it is better to say that this is a cemetery for countless dragons, but a cemetery where ghosts linger.

Because of this, the illusion in front of him is far more dangerous than the real dragon. Lu Yu can also try to control the real dragon with spells, but there is a bunch of lingering dragon thoughts, and Lu Yu has no way to control them. control.

Maybe he still has the ability to parry, but if it were Ye Weilan or Long Qingxuan who were infected by these illusions, they would inevitably be dragged into the abyss of chaotic thoughts.

"Be careful."

Lu Yu gave special instructions to Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan.

As for Liu Hongxu, she already knows her way around and does not need any special reminder from Lu Yu.

Seeing the solemn expression on his face, the two women couldn't help but nodded solemnly.

Liu Hongxu, who was at the front, looked slightly sideways and said in surprise: "Did Young Master see something?"

Lu Yu said: "I only know that this place cannot be a trap set by the Five Color God Lord. It should not be so capable."

Liu Hongxu smiled and said: "Young Master is really powerful! Yes, the scene here was not created by the Five Colored God Lord. I have already said that a large part of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave was gathered by the Dragon God from all realms outside the sky, and it was wrapped in it. This place... the Five Colored God Lord is just making some use of it!"

"Is that all?" Lu Yu asked back.

"What if that's not the case?" Liu Hongxu looked curious, "Did Young Master see something else?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Let's leave here first!"

The four of them continued to move forward in the illusion of countless furious dragons.

With Liu Hongxu leading the way, the real test here is the Taoist realm of several people. If the Taoist heart is not stable enough, it will be difficult to stay calm in such a vast vision, and it is inevitable to make mistakes in the chaos, and as long as one step If you make the wrong step, you may end up in a situation that is beyond redemption.

Fortunately, these people were all people with perseverance and perseverance. Even Long Qingxuan, who was slightly inferior in strength, followed closely behind Lu Yu without any distractions and never caused any trouble.

In order to avoid the phantom's attack, the group of people did not walk in a straight line, but kept going in circles between the domes. After several hours, they finally passed through the hatchery.

The moment they stepped out of the hatchery, all the illusions disappeared instantly, and the entire hatchery returned to a dark, cold, and dead state.

Several people looked back at this scene and couldn't help but let out a long breath. For a moment, they felt as if they were in another world.

"How far does it take to reach the final seal?" Ye Weilan asked.

Even with her strength, she couldn't help but feel tired at this time. On the road she just walked, it was useless to rely solely on physical strength. The pressure mainly came from the mental level. If there were places like this on the next journey, even she could not help but feel a headache.

"We have arrived." Liu Hongxu said.

Several people couldn't help but be startled, and quickly turned their heads and looked around, only to see that the surroundings were still strange, solid, and riddled with holes, which was no different from the area they walked through before entering the hatchery.

"Is there a seal here?" Ye Weilan asked doubtfully.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

According to what Liu Hongxu said before, the core seal in Ten Thousand Dragons Cave is based on the power of the Dragon God, so the place where the seal is located should also be accompanied by the extremely huge power of the Dragon God, but he did not have it at this time. The powerful power of the Dragon God is sensed here.

Liu Hongxu smiled slightly, followed the changing pattern of holes on the surrounding walls, walked to a wall, and then stretched out his hand to press on it.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful and strange tone came out of his mouth. It was not a human language at all, but a dragon's spell.

This spell seemed to have infinite magic power, and the entire passage suddenly glowed and changed rapidly.

The small holes in the original wall quickly enlarged, and the entire space also expanded and distorted rapidly. The surroundings trembled violently, and after a period of spinning, for some reason, the wall Liu Hongxu pressed had already stood on a huge and hollow sphere. .

As for behind them, the hatchery they had just walked through was completely covered and completely disappeared.

Before a few people could be surprised, a burst of extremely huge coercion suddenly hit their faces, and then golden dragons emerged from the hollow holes and entangled themselves around the huge sphere.

The shape of these swimming dragons is very similar to that of giant dragons, but they are far less huge. The individual lengths are about several feet.

But there are really a lot of them. The huge sphere in front of you is covered with at least tens of thousands of them, intertwined with each other, and firmly locking the space inside the sphere.

At this time, Liu Hongxu didn't need any introduction. Lu Yu understood that these densely packed golden dragons in front of him were the true body of the seal.

Because he sensed an extremely huge dragon god's power on it, the strength of a single individual was enough to rival the wisp of dragon god's power on Chiyan Island.

In other words, the power of the Dragon God contained in the seal in front of him alone would be thousands of times that of Red Flame Island.

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