Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1394 The Ark on the Other Side

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but be startled when he heard Lu Yu's question.

"The young master's guess is from a very novel angle and seems to make some sense..."

"However, I didn't find any relevant records on the Dragon Soaring Diagram of the Other Side, or maybe it's because my strength hasn't reached the level of analyzing such secrets... I don't have an answer to this question either."


Lu Yu smiled slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"You really don't know?"

Liu Hongxu was stunned: "Master... what do you mean by this?"

Lu Yu said: "If you really don't know anything about the appearance of the Dragon God Clan, why is there a pattern mark like this in your Dragon Nian Palace?"

Liu Hongxu was stunned.

Her brain was working rapidly.

However, before she could figure out where her flaw was, Lu Yu had already smiled: "Don't think about it anymore, I didn't actually see similar patterns in Nianlong Palace, but your reaction at this time It says it all.”

Liu Hongxu suddenly became completely speechless.

Lu Yu ignored her reaction and turned around to wave to Long Qingxuan.

"Qingxuan, come here."

Long Qingxuan followed the words and walked over, still trembling: "Master...what do you need me to do?"

"Remember what I just told you? I need you to help me verify something..."

"How to verify?"

Lu Yu looked down at his feet, silently calculated the holes on the ground, and then pointed to one of them.

"Break this place open."

"Smash...smash it open?" Long Qingxuan looked in disbelief.

She remembered the scene not long ago. Even with Lu Yu's attainments in swordsmanship, he couldn't even make a scratch on it. How could she be able to break it open?

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "Just do as you are told, and I will help you!"

After speaking, Lu Yu stretched out his hand and clicked together. Suddenly, the golden elixir seeds began to spin rapidly in his body, and even the vision of Jiu Xing Qianmo also changed rapidly.

He stretched out his finger again, and suddenly a star trail was projected out, one end of which was connected to the golden dragon he had just held, and the other end was connected to the horn on Long Qingxuan's forehead.

Long Qingxuan's whole body felt like electricity, instantly filled with power.

The star track has the function of guiding the power of the stars. All powers in the heavens will be restrained by them as long as they are not transcendent above the stars.

Lu Yu's move was equivalent to directly bridging the power of the Dragon God into Long Qingxuan's body.

Of course, it is not easy to do this. In addition to having extraordinary skills that reach the peak, you must also have an extremely clear understanding of Long Qingxuan's physical condition.

Otherwise, if it were another dragon man, even the more powerful Liu Hongxu in front of him, he would not be able to achieve this level.

hold head high--

Long Qingxuan let out a violent roar, the sound sounded like a dragon's roar.

Her eyes turned into golden light, and golden lightning spewed out of her mouth. The sudden surge of power brought her great discomfort.

"Hold on! Smash it hard!"

Lu Yu urged through clenched teeth.

Obviously maintaining such a star trajectory is not an easy task for him.

Long Qingxuan no longer hesitated, overcame the great discomfort in his body, and punched downward with force.


There was a loud noise and the ground shook violently.

Even the tens of millions of swimming dragons on the huge sphere nearby couldn't help but feel a little commotion.

After throwing out a punch, the power in Long Qingxuan's body was released, and his whole body immediately relaxed, and the light on his body also faded.

Lu Yu has also removed the star track. Looking at the place where Long Qingxuan's fist hit him, he saw a clear crack on the originally indestructible hole structure.

"It actually broke open!" Long Qingxuan said in disbelief.

As he spoke, he used his hands and feet to completely break the cracked hole structure.

Although she didn't know what Lu Yu's real purpose was, after spending so much effort, it was obvious that he wanted to get this rock mass with a hole structure.

But at this moment, those cracked gaps began to heal on their own initiative.

Long Qingxuan was immediately shocked. He didn't expect these rock masses to be so weird and even have the function of automatic repair.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Lu Yu seemed to have expected this. Jiuxingqianmo activated it, and the star track was projected out again, forming exactly the shape of a ring, surrounding the cracked rock mass. In the middle.

Suddenly, the rock mass seemed to have lost its vitality and could no longer "heal". It was easily pried up by Long Qingxuan.


Long Qingxuan presented the black rock mass in front of Lu Yu.

However, even though the rock mass was held in her hands, it still squirmed slightly, and Long Qingxuan couldn't help being startled.

Lu Yu took it with one hand, and he didn't know what he was doing. The rock mass squirmed faster, and the holes on it continued to twist and expand, and finally turned into the shape of a dragon.

Except for its dark color, its appearance is exactly the same as the golden dragon on the giant sphere.

Several people couldn't help but be stunned.

If one rock mass is like this, what about other rock masses? They didn't expect that the rock masses they were stepping on could undergo such changes...

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the true body of the Dragon God Clan..."

Lu Yu held the nearly three-foot-long swimming dragon in his hand with a smile on his face.

Although the dark body is still slowly squirming, it has lost all vitality. These changes can only show that it is its natural attributes.

Lu Yu looked at Liu Hongxu and said, "Now, are you telling us the truth?"

"Young master is really amazing..."

Liu Hongxu smiled wryly at himself.

"Okay! Since the young master has already noticed it, I will tell you everything... In fact, this is the biggest secret of the entire Dragon Clan!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and waited for her to continue.

Liu Hongxu said: "As the young master said, the form of these wandering dragons is exactly the original appearance of the Dragon God Clan! The Dragon God Clan has very powerful power, but due to the limitations of its body, it cannot use its own power at all. To exert their own power to the extreme, so they created the giant dragon clan to inherit their own power, just to bring their own power to the extreme..."

"This is also the reason why the appearance of the giant dragon clan and the dragon god clan are so similar. Similar situations actually also exist among the human race. In order to pursue more powerful power, the human race has created many puppet creations. These puppet creations imitate It’s exactly the form of the human race…”

"It's just that the dragon's level of creation far exceeds that of humans. What they created is the most powerful and perfect race in the world!"

"Perfect?" Lu Yu said.

Liu Hongxu said: "The giant dragon clan that you see now has not reached the final form designed by the Dragon God Clan, so naturally it is not perfect... Even with the power of the five-color god king back then, compared with the final form of the giant dragon , there is also a huge gap.”

"If the giant dragon clan can really advance to its final form, even the five ancient heavenly clans will not be able to compete with it..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows again.

He wanted to ask, if the dragon clan was really so powerful, why would they be beaten to pieces by the shadow clan?

However, there is no practical significance in arguing about this issue at this time. It is better to listen to Liu Hongxu continue talking first...

Liu Hongxu continued: "After the Dragon God Clan sacrificed their lives, they were divided into two parts: their thoughts and energy spirits merged to become the Dragon Gods; and their original body corpses were pieced together into an extremely powerful super alloy. , the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave we are in now is part of it..."

"The Ten Thousand Dragons Cave we see now is not its original appearance. In the world of the heavens, it has an extremely resounding name, even comparable to the legendary artifact of creation!"

Lu Yu's heart suddenly jumped: "What is it called?"

Liu Hongxu took a deep breath: "The Ark on the other side!"

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