Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1426: Farewell with rays of light

Under the tug of the stars, the body of the Sky Crystal Dragon was rapidly elongated and enlarged, and transformed into the form of a giant dragon again.

But Tianjing Long knew in his heart that his body had not changed at all, and all these changes were just the presentation of illusions.

But what makes it shocking is that the details of the structure of the self shown in the fantasy are exactly the same...

What kind of terrifying eyes does the Lu Yu in front of him have to be able to observe him in such detail?

After the huge dragon's body was fully revealed, clusters of starlight in the sky immediately came over. After the starlight approached, Tianjing Dragon saw that the clusters of starlight contained extremely complex star linkages. system.

Each cluster of starlight is a self-contained whole.

This point is actually very similar to the star composition in the star map of the other side.

After each cluster of starlight fell, it merged with the dragon's body and shrank into a dot.

As the stars flickered down, the dragon's body suddenly began to shrink sharply until it finally turned into a point of light.

The light spot danced slowly and fell on Lu Yu's hand.

As it settled on Lu Yu's hand, the stars suddenly disappeared, the darkness retreated, and the scenery in the courtyard was restored.

It was still the same courtyard as before, the only difference was that there was a small ball of light in Lu Yu's hand.

This ball of light is the final result of the deduction.

Lu Yu studied the ball of light in his hand for a moment, then handed it to the Tianjing Dragon: "This is what you need..."

Tianjing Long took it carefully and tried to take a look, when he felt an extremely huge flow of information rushing towards him...

It quickly broke off the connection with its thoughts and raised its head with a surprised look on its face: "Is this... the dragon god's seal?"

Although it was only a brief moment of contact, the Sky Crystal Dragon had been trapped in the Dragon God's seal for thousands of years and was already very familiar with the Dragon God's seal. It could immediately see that there was a great connection between the two. .

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "In the past tens of thousands of years, it has been fully proved that the dragon god's seal is an extremely effective protection against dark invasion. If this is the case, why can't we use it?"

Tian Jinglong was speechless for a while.

It has now fully understood the principles of Lu Yu's method. It basically uses the method of cultivation to coat special parts of the dragon's body with a shell that contains the dragon god's seal...

Because the principle of dark invasion is also to accurately locate a special physical sign of the dragon, and as long as these special parts are "plated" with the dragon god's seal, the effect of resisting dark invasion will naturally be achieved.

If the resistance effect is not good, it will not be because this method is not good, it will just be that the parts of these "coatings" are not selected accurately enough. As long as continuous adjustments are made, the effect of resisting the invasion of darkness will eventually be achieved!

Although the whole process sounds simple, it is not simple at all when it is actually done!

First of all, you need to be extremely familiar with the Dragon God's seal. Secondly, you need to have a considerable understanding of the dark invasion and the dragon's body structure...At the same time, the most difficult point is to combine the Dragon God's seal with the dragon's body. Simplify it to the point where it can be accepted by the dragon...

Finally, all of this was refined into a quintessential secret...

The difficulty of this is simply unimaginable, even more difficult than breaking the Dragon God's seal!

"Thank you sir for the gift!"

Tianjing Dragon bowed deeply, and no trace of the dragon's arrogance could be seen in his eyes.

What he saw in front of him not only proved that the Dragon God's seal was indeed broken by Lu Yu, but also that his ability was far beyond this.

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Don't say thank you for helping me yet. In any case, this is just my unilateral deduction. Before it is tested in practice, it is still a matter of two opinions whether it will be effective!"

Tianjing Long sighed with emotion: "Young Master's sanity has reached the heavens... Besides, I was partially involved in the deduction process just now, but I have full confidence in Young Master's deduction! This method will definitely work and free our clan from the ten thousand years of trouble." Troubled!”

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "Master Zuo, you are ridiculous. It's better not to say this now... lest it overturns the situation later, both of you and I will look bad!"

Tianjing Dragon carefully put away the ball of mysterious light and said: "Young Master's method will restore the kindness of our clan. We will definitely keep our previous promise and accept Young Master as the National Master of Wanlong." Guidelines……"

"As soon as His Majesty comes out of seclusion, we will immediately hold a grand coronation ceremony for you, so that everyone will know your reputation... Perhaps, from now on, I should change my name to you as the National Master!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Let's forget about this..."

"I have already said that my biggest wish during this trip is to gain your sincere friendship. As long as you can form an alliance with me and help each other from now on, that will be enough..."

"As for those false titles, they are all dispensable."

Tianjing Long said seriously: "Master National Preceptor doesn't care about this. That's because you are so humble, but we can't ignore it, because it represents the respect of our dragon clan for you!"

Lu Yu said: "There's really no need to go to such trouble. Besides, I don't have that much time..."

"Do not have time?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "This trip to Haixi has already taken nearly a month... Outside of Haixi, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

"For example, when we were at Wanlong Cave, we had already detected clues about the outer shell of the Ark on the other side. After returning this time, I will implement this matter as soon as possible..."

Tianjing Dragon was stunned. Originally, it wanted to try its best to persuade him to stay, but when he heard that Lu Yu was going back to deal with such a matter, he swallowed his words hard.

"Master National Preceptor...when do you plan to set off?"

"Everything cannot be delayed. If there is too much time to delay, let's do it now! It is also a good time to try out what kind of power the power of a hundred dragons is!"

After speaking, Lu Yu reached out and patted his back.

Suddenly Ye Weilan's figure appeared and handed the black tail of the dragon fish to his hand.

Lu Yu put the black tail of the dragon fish on his back, and instantly a familiar and abundant feeling spread throughout his body.

He flapped his arms slightly, and his brilliant wings spread out, not just one pair, but seven or eight pairs of them intricately intertwined.

He even felt that he still had some strength left, and if he continued to push, more wings would be able to spread out.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile: "This is much more convenient..."

Immediately, one of the pairs of wings quickly lengthened and transformed into the shape of a giant dragon's tail fin, surrounding Ye Weilan on the side.

Then he suddenly flapped his wings, and he picked up Ye Weilan, and the two of them flew high into the sky together.

"Master! Wait... there's me too! How could you forget my disciple?"

Suddenly, a roof in Dahonglu Temple was suddenly lifted open, and Long Qingxuan, with a pair of colorful horns on his forehead, leapt up from it.

Lu Yu glanced down in the air, waved his hand, and one of the wings suddenly lengthened, changing into the shape of a tail fin, and rolled up Long Qingxuan.

The three of them disappeared through the air, leaving only a blurred afterimage.

Tianjing Long looked at this scene in astonishment.

After a moment, he came back to his senses, raised his head and raised the Panlong Realm Mountain upwards and let out a dragon language.

A few more breaths passed like this, and suddenly countless giant dragons roared at the same time, and their voices resounded throughout the earth: "Congratulations to the Imperial Master!"

At the same time, suddenly the sky was filled with rays of light, and a sweet voice pierced through the clouds.

"Please be sure to come back as soon as possible, Imperial Master! I am here looking forward to your good news!"

It was Her Majesty the Queen of the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom. It turned out that she had also sensed all this in the Nianlong Palace, and sent her off with a ray of light.

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