Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1457 Done


There was a very violent vibration outside the furnace, and the dull sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts.

Did he succeed?

Everyone forgot their actions for a moment and asked secretly in their hearts.

The scene fell silent briefly, just for a few breaths, but as long as several days and nights.

After a few breaths, the entire storm-eye furnace shook violently, and streams of terrifying flames spurted out from the various valves of the furnace, forming strange scenes.

The images of a giant dragon, a peacock, and a fire phoenix appear alternately around the furnace, like crazy.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

This is a scene that has never appeared since the Storm Eye Furnace was put into use, let alone a situation included in the entire forging plan.

Lu Yu failed...

In an instant, this terrible thought appeared in everyone's mind involuntarily.

The current situation is not just a simple forging failure, but it seems that the entire storm furnace is completely out of control...

No one could even imagine how terrifying an out-of-control storm furnace was.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel confused and didn't know what to do.

"Two real men, the matter has come to this, everything needs to be considered in the long term. In my opinion, this place must be evacuated as soon as possible..."

Lin Zhengtie mustered up his courage and said to Chudie and Yudie.

He knew that the relationship between the twin sisters and Lu Yu was extraordinary. He and Lu Yu also had a close relationship, but besides himself, he also had to consider the people around him.

Emotionally, he didn't want to give up just like that, but his reason told him that this place was already a land of right and wrong. If he evacuated too late, everyone would be buried with him.


However, the two sisters said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two sisters looked at each other.

"Did you feel it too?" Yang Chudie asked.

Yudie nodded and said, "It seems we have the same idea."

Lin Zhengtie couldn't help but be slightly stunned. He didn't know what kind of riddle the two sisters were playing, but judging from their expressions, it didn't seem like they were being motivated.

"Everyone in his place!"

Yudie said loudly, her eyes as sharp as knives, and her voice revealed unquestionable determination.

"The forging has not failed. There is still a possibility of recovery. As long as all of us work closely together, from now on, we will give up the original plan and everyone will follow the instructions of me and Master Chudie!"

After saying that, she controlled a forging hammer and struck it hard.

Everyone was frightened by her grace and immediately returned to their original positions.

What follows is a series of exquisitely coordinated performances by the two sisters.

Various instructions were constantly spoken from the mouths of the two people. Although the two people had not had any discussions before, they had a tacit understanding. Each instruction was related to each other and coordinated seamlessly with each other.

At the beginning, everyone still had some doubts, but as the operation progressed step by step, the furnace gradually showed signs of stability. Everyone's confidence suddenly increased. There was no longer any doubt, and the two sisters carried out various tasks without hesitation. Instructions that are not part of the planned schedule.

Long! Long! Long!

Gradually, the sound of the hammer forging took on a sense of rhythm. The rhythm alone gave people a pleasing feeling.

The strange phenomena around the Storm Eye Furnace gradually receded, and there was no longer any sign of restlessness.

After about a quarter of an hour, everything finally calmed down and returned to the stable state before.


Yudie suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, everyone stopped in response and looked expectantly at the storm furnace in front of them.

These people present are all forging experts, and they know the situation of the furnace very clearly. At this time, the furnace flame, furnace pressure, color, gaseous reaction... various feedbacks all indicate that the furnace has been It is a sign that success is imminent.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel as if they were in another world. They had personally experienced the danger at that moment, and they almost gave up.

Fortunately, the two real people turned the tide and did not give up, leading to the success they have now.

Otherwise, all of them will miss out on such success.

"Brother-in-law, can you hear me?" Yudie said loudly.

"If you can hear it, please give me some feedback so that I can judge your current position... We are about to proceed to the final step of sealing!"

In her hurry, she didn't even notice the occasion and called out the two people's private titles.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

The first real person actually called Lu Yu brother-in-law? what is happening? Did I hear it wrong, or did the first real person call me wrong in a fit of impatience?

However, this moment is obviously not the time to dwell on this issue. Everyone can only suppress the question in their hearts for the time being and pretend that they have not heard it.

Yang Chudie, on the other hand, also had no reaction to this. I don't know if she didn't pay attention or if she heard it and didn't bother to pay attention.

Lu Yu did not answer Yudie's words, but not long after, a stream of fire flew out from a valve in the furnace. This was obviously the feedback he gave.

Yudie immediately understood and said: "Okay, I understand! Just hold on for a while and be careful not to hit my hammer... We will be done soon!"

After saying that, she manipulated the forging hammer of the Wind Eye Furnace again, and smashed it down with a loud bang.

The sealing pattern is the last step in forging the divine weapon.

After all the mystical arrays are pressed into the cast body, the magic weapon already has a very powerful power, but if you want it to be able to fully exert the power of all the mystical arrays inside, you have to press it on the surface of the ice. Printing a special pattern is called sealing.

In the secular world of hammering and forging, this step is also called edge cutting.

The entire forging process before only gave this magic weapon an extremely powerful core. If you want to fully utilize the power of the core, you need this pattern to finally show it.

Just like a brave and strong war horse, it must be shoed and iron hoofed in order to maximize its ability. This is the same principle.

Although this process is also very complicated, it is undoubtedly much simpler than the previous procedures. It no longer requires the efforts of everyone, as long as the two sisters can complete it.

At this time, the two sisters used the forging hammer alternately, without much words at all, and just made eye contact to complete the wonderful cooperation.

After a period of hammering, the final seal was finally completed.

"Cut the fire!" Yudie said loudly.

After shouting this sentence, she and Yang Chudie sat slumped on the ground at the same time.

Both sisters' faces were flushed and sweating. They looked at each other and couldn't help showing expressions of relief.

Soon the fire went out.

Yang Chudie was immediately stood up again, ready to open the furnace to see what the final result would be, and more importantly, to get Lu Yu out.

Unexpectedly, Yudie on the side grabbed her, gently shook her head at her, and said, "Let little Phoenix go!"

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