Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1469 The whereabouts of the treasure

Ancestor Tailin couldn't help but change his face immediately, and said in surprise: "Have you cracked it?"

There was a slight tremor in the voice.

Lu Yu nodded slightly: "So, can you tell me now about the true origin of this Xuanyang Dao Lock?

Ancestor Tailing suddenly began to ponder, seeming to still be thinking about something.

"By the way, the scene of the dragon coiling in the sky a few days ago is also related to me. If I am not mistaken, when the scene of the dragon coiling in the sky appeared, it should be the critical period when I was breaking the Xuanyang Dao Lock... …”

Lu Yu said again.

"At that time, I happened to be invited by the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons to break the Xuanyang Dao Lock in a place called Ten Thousand Dragons Cave and release some giant dragons from the seal... But according to what they said, it seemed that they knew that the cliff was counting down. It’s called the Dragon God Seal!”

"So, don't think about finding any reason to fool me. In fact, my understanding of Xuanyang Dao Lock is far beyond your imagination."

Ancestor Tailing couldn't help but widen his eyes with a look of astonishment: "You mean, the Xuanyang Dao Lock is actually a seal set by the Dragon God?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that Tailing Patriarch does not know the connection between the Xuanyang Dao Lock and the Dragon God Seal...

So where did he get the Xuanyang Dao Lock he mastered?

Ancestor Tailing smiled bitterly, and then said with great emotion: "I actually don't know what the dragon god seal is at all, but this way it makes everything right..."

"When I traveled across the heavens, I fought with many powerful Tiangang men in order to compete for the position of mobilizing and driving the Tiangang. One time, I encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy. After fighting with him, I Suffering extremely serious injuries, I finally had no choice but to stray into a mysterious place..."

"That mysterious place is very special. On the surface it looks beautiful, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. It's very beautiful and peaceful, but in fact everything is just an illusion."

"Every once in a while, an earthquake will occur in that mysterious land. After the earthquake, a strange paste-like transparent colloid will spew out from the ground. It looks like a crystal and exudes a very strange fragrance. …”

"It was because I took this special crystal that I was able to recover from my injuries, and even improved a lot in my cultivation... Seeing that these colloidal crystals had such an effect, I started to collect them..."

"The traces that appeared on those crystals seemed to hide some kind of mystery. In order to collect more colloidal crystals, I began to study them... In the end, it took more than four hundred years for me to collect these traces. Refining and recording the information hidden in it, this is the Xuanyang Dao Lock!"

"Just some of the crystals formed by external leakage are already so powerful. You can imagine what a huge secret is hidden behind this anomaly. I decided at that time that it was definitely a huge treasure... "

"But with my own ability, I have never been able to finally see through it. Until I saw the expansion caused by you when you improved your cultivation at Jade Butterfly Peak, I saw the opportunity to break the Xuanyang Dao Lock, so Only then will I return to the Dali Sword Sect, hoping to use your power to see through the Xuanyang Dao Lock..."

"In this way, we can know what kind of secret is hidden behind this..."

"Now, according to what you said, my guess at the time was indeed correct. Behind this Xuanyang Dao Lock, there is indeed an extremely huge treasure, and it is also a treasure related to the dragon clan... No wonder I swallowed those colloidal crystals in the first place After that, not only can the injury be cured, but the cultivation level can also be improved and the life can be prolonged, probably because those colloidal crystals are the essence of the Dragon Clan."

Lu Yu frowned slightly and said, "Then where did the name Xuanyang Dao Suo come from? Did you name it yourself?"

"of course not!"

Ancestor Tailing replied: "In fact, this name is hidden in the law. After I recorded all the contents in Xuanyang Dao Lock, such a name naturally popped up in my mind..."

"I don't know if you have ever had a similar feeling. In short, it is a very wonderful experience, as if everything is inherently contained in the Dao... This is why I am sure that there is a greater secret behind the Xuanyang Dao Lock. Another reason for the secret!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

He did have similar feelings.

For example, in the Nether Dragon Realm not long ago, he just glanced at the starry sky, and the name naturally appeared in his mind.

Also, when Fairy Yao Ji showed the picture scroll in her hand in the ancient city of Woyun, two strange characters appeared from the picture scroll. One said reincarnation and the other said era. He also I understood it inexplicably at once.

Therefore, even though what Patriarch Tailin said was very mysterious, Lu Yu believed him.

Since the core of the Ark on the Other Side can be transformed into the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, it is not unimaginable that its outer shell can be transformed into a mysterious place.

However, compared to these causes and consequences and details, Lu Yu was more concerned about another issue.

"Where exactly is that mysterious land?"

"The seventh heaven." Tailing Patriarch replied.

"The seventh heaven?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised: "Isn't that place... said to be the territory controlled by Emperor Haoyan?"

Ancestor Tailing sighed softly: "The person who beat me to the point of being unable to fight back and forced me into a desperate situation was none other than Emperor Haoyan who escaped into the devil's path!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Speaking of which, Emperor Haoyan was the first Tiangang strongman he met...

At that time, his mind and consciousness passed through the demon mark in the sea monster's lair and directly entered the seventh level of the sky, where he had a battle with Emperor Haoyan in the air...

Unexpectedly, all of this is now related to Emperor Haoyan, and the location of Long Mysterious Hidden is in the seventh level of heaven that he once fully controlled.

"The location of that mysterious place is very hidden. If you don't know the secret, it will be absolutely difficult to discover its existence. Therefore, even though Emperor Haoyan controls the entire seventh level of the sky, he has never been able to discover its existence, and neither do I. By chance, I discovered it by accident..." Patriarch Tailing said again.

Just as Lu Yu was about to ask for the specific details of how to enter, the surrounding images suddenly fluctuated violently and became blurry.

Lu Yu knew that his thoughts had reached the limit and the communication connection would soon be unsustainable.

So, he finally said: "Ancestor Tailing, please prepare well... Maybe we will enter that mysterious land again soon..."

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