Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1496 Theory of the Round and the Incomplete

With the super dragon responsible for clearing the way in front, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel more relaxed.

This super giant dragon consists of a total of fifty-six dragon clans, each of which is an old dragon that has experienced tens of thousands of years, and its types cover various categories.

In this way, it is equivalent to this super dragon, possessing various dragon talent attributes.

The fire from the fourth heaven, the poison from the fifth heaven, and even the sharp metal and stone blades from the sixth heaven could not cause effective damage to it. Lu Yu and others only needed to follow this super dragon all the way. sit back and relax.

The only troublesome thing is that when breaking through the Tiangang Barrier, even this super dragon cannot cross the Tiangang Barrier quickly and has to struggle hard in the thick Tiangang Barrier.

At this time it was Lu Yu's turn to take action.

After being able to drive the eight secrets of the stars at the same time, the power of the Galaxy Sword has become extremely powerful. With just a few blows, the super dragon that seemed to have been trapped in the quagmire was able to escape and smoothly enter the new sky.

All the Tiangang ancestors in the cave sky space could not help but be completely stunned.

Everyone was silent and did not make a sound for a long time. Even Tailing Patriarch forgot to continue introducing the situation of the seventh heaven to everyone.

After a long time, someone sighed: "I didn't expect that there would be such incredible power in the world..."

"Not to mention Mr. Lu's magical weapon, the power of these giant dragons is completely incomparable to us..."

"As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. This is indeed a wise saying... We have been in the sky for thousands of years, and we thought we were at the top of the matter. But now it seems that we are just the top. Just a frog in the well!"

"Why are you so frustrated? The more powerful these giant dragons are, the better it is for us? After all, they are on our side. With such strong support, why worry about not succeeding in this big event?"

"That's right. The Earth Seal God and Ancestor Shanwen would never have thought that we still have such power!"

"Now, I admire Mr. Lu so much. I didn't expect him to have such a trump card hidden in his hand..."

"Brother Dao, I think it's too early for you to surrender. You know the way Mr. Lu Yu behaves. He always likes to show half and hide half. I'm afraid he may have a bigger trump card!"

"It seems that this time the Prose Ancestor and the Emperor Seal God are dead!"

"Fellow Taoist brothers, we don't need to belittle ourselves. As the saying goes, spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums are all good at winning. The power displayed by these giant dragons is indeed very powerful, but we may not be without strengths in other aspects!"

"That's right. Since these giant dragons can merge into one and enhance their own strength, why can't we also imitate their method and concentrate everyone's strength in one place?"

"Brother Tailing, it is said that you have done a lot of research on Taoist combinations. How about we also discuss this aspect?"

Unexpectedly, the performance of the super giant dragon actually united all the powerful Tiangang warriors in the cave space like never before, and they also thought of gathering the strength of everyone to exert more powerful combat power...

Lu Yu didn't know about all this for the time being, but he couldn't help but be quite surprised by the super dragon's calm performance in resisting the chaos of all levels of the universe.

It can deal with the fire of the fourth heaven and the poison of the fifth heaven, but when it can also calmly deal with the metal and stone blades of the sixth heaven, this is not only beyond Lu Yu's expectation.

It can be seen that they are actually already prepared.

So, he couldn't help but look at Liu Hongxu and asked: "Is all this due to you?"

Liu Hongxu said: "I don't have that much ability. I just described to them in detail the scenes I saw with the young master before. These are all countermeasures that they came up with on their own."


Liu Hongxu paused and then said: "According to what Tianjin Long said, all this seems to be related to the body refining method that the young master taught them to resist the invasion of darkness..."

"How to fight against the invasion of darkness?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, "How is this possible?"

The method he deduced was essentially to create a certain flaw in the dragon's body structure so as to achieve the purpose of being immune to the invasion of darkness. As a result, it would damage the power of the dragon clan.

Even Lu Yu himself couldn't figure out how all this could be related to the increased power of the super dragon.

"Nothing is impossible..." Liu Hongxu said, "The body of the giant dragon clan was designed by the Dragon God clan. It was originally the flawless and strongest body... but being flawless sometimes does not mean it is the best... …”

As he spoke, Liu Hongxu waved his hand and drew two circles in the void.

"Just like these two circles, they are in their most perfect state at this time, but in this state, they cannot depend on each other, but if they are not so perfect..."

As he spoke, Liu Hongxu suddenly knocked off a piece of each of the two circles, turning them into two irregular shapes, but these two irregular shapes happened to fit together perfectly like gears.

"In this way, they can actually depend on each other!"

Liu Hongxu concluded.

"So, although the original intention of Young Master deducing that method was not to make them like this, but by accident, they still became more powerful after being combined..."

Lu Yu was stunned.

He didn't expect that the method to fight against the invasion of darkness could have such a wonderful effect. Even he didn't expect this.

However, it has to be said that the fact that a group of old dragons can think of this and apply it is enough to prove their wisdom.

"They are really smart..."

After a while, Lu Yu said with emotion.

Liu Hongxu said: "After all, they are a group of beings with tens of thousands of years of life. Master, please don't underestimate them!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I have not underestimated them. In fact, they will play an extremely important part in the plan to deal with the Earth Seal God..."

"However, I may have to take back what I said before. With this super dragon here, the chance of success they provide is not only 20%, but at least 25%..."

At this time, the super dragon in front suddenly stopped.

They have reached the dome of the sixth heaven, and there is only the last hurdle left before the seventh heaven.

Liu Hongxu said: "Young master, if you want to take it back, it's not just this sentence. I think your evaluation of this magical weapon in your hand is too low..."

"Since this group of old dragons can increase the chance of success by 25%, is it possible that the Young Master's Galaxy Sword is not as good as this group of old dragons?"

Lu Yu said: "This... is not such a comparison method."

Liu Hongxu smiled slightly: "Is this the case? We will see the real chapter soon... Young Master, now I ask you to take action and break this last barrier! I also want to see what the seventh heaven is. appearance!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and clenched the Galaxy Sword in his hand.

After this long breath was completed, the sword was already shining with unprecedented brilliance.

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