Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1502 Fantasy Realm

Everyone felt that the world was spinning for a while, and then they continued to rise and fall in a thunder.

An unprecedented huge pressure came over, as if the power of the entire sky was blessing everyone.

Lu Yu subconsciously wanted to drive the star track to resolve this powerful force, but at this time Tailing Patriarch reminded loudly: "Don't try to resist the power of thunder, let everything take its course!"

Therefore, Lu Yu suppressed his instinct of resistance and allowed himself to completely let go of everything and let nature take its course.

However, they did not expect that after giving up the resistance, the power that had been exerted on them would automatically dissipate. Suddenly, their eyes suddenly became clear. It was as if they were slowly walking towards a strange world from a waterfall curtain, and the scenery in front of them became It's becoming clearer.

The spinning feeling finally subsided, and what appeared in front of them was a completely unfamiliar scene, with white clouds curling, blue sky and green trees, green mountains in the distance, gurgling streams nearby, exotic flowers and plants, too numerous to mention.

This is a scene that can only be seen in a dream. It is the Qincao Garden, the hometown of the Queen Mother of the West, that Lu Yu has visited before. The scenery there is far inferior to that here.

Everyone had just experienced the chaotic world of black crystal quicksand, and suddenly they saw such a clear world, as if it was not affected by the outside world at all. This shocked everyone's hearts.

"It's so beautiful..." Liu Hongxu couldn't help but sigh, "I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful place hidden in the chaos of the seventh heaven and earth. Is this really incredible?"

"Is this the Dragon Mystery Hidden?" Shenmu Wangding also said very excitedly.

Ancestor Tai Ling said: "This is not the Dragon Mysterious Treasure. At best, it can only be regarded as the entrance to the outer perimeter of the Dragon Mysterious Treasure. If you want to enter the real secret treasure, I'm afraid it depends on Xiaoyu's efforts..."

Shenmu Wangding said enthusiastically: "Regardless of whether it is true or not, it seems that there should be a lot of good things in this place...for example...this! Let me analyze and analyze what good things this is!"

With that said, the Divine Wood King Cauldron opened the inlet, and with a sudden breath, a strange flower and grass with seven-colored petals was sucked in by him.

"Wait a minute!" Ancestor Tailing and Lu Yu shouted at the same time.

However, it was still a step too late after all, and the seven-color strange flower was immediately swallowed by the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

Then the tripod shook slightly, as if it was chewing.

Click! Click! Click, click, click...

Immediately afterwards, the Divine Wood King Cauldron made a strange sound, as if it was coughing, and spit out the seven-color strange flower.

"Damn it! What the hell is this! Why does it taste so bad?" Shenmu Wangding screamed.

At the same time, the lines on its body changed rapidly, appearing and disappearing, as if it was caused by insanity due to poisoning.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

You must know that when the Divine Wood King Cauldron swallowed the Dragon Man's horn before, his appetite was very good, and he seemed to have no inhibitions.

Unexpectedly, this small seven-color flower would have such a big reaction. This was really beyond everyone's expectations.

The small seven-color flower spit out by the Divine Wood King Cauldron instantly turned into a black object, twisting continuously, like a living creature, burrowing into the ground and disappearing.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked again.

"It seems that everything here is not as beautiful as it seems..." Liu Hongxu sighed again.

"If I read correctly, this should be..."

As he spoke, Liu Hongxu suddenly paused, turned his head and looked at Lu Yu, showing a questioning look.

Lu Yu nodded slightly and said, "I feel like..."

Although the black thing that Qisehua painted just now is different from the remains of the Dragon God Clan in Wanlong Cave, he still found a somewhat familiar feeling on it. He was almost certain that the black thing Only Bajiu is another form of the remains of the Dragon God Clan.

As the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons, Liu Hongxu had gone deep into Ten Thousand Dragons Cave many times, so she naturally saw the origin of that black thing.

And the Divine Wood King Cauldron actually wanted to swallow the remains of the Dragon God Clan in one gulp, so it was not surprising that he would react like this.

However, in this way, they can be sure that they have indeed found the right place, and their previous inference is also correct. The Dragon Mystery Hidden is the outer shell of the Ark on the other side.

Even the strange scene that appeared here, Lu Yu boldly guessed in his heart that this should be the Dragon God Clan's fantasy about the legendary land on the other side. This fantasy scene is rooted in their core, so much so that they fell here. Later, due to a strange combination of circumstances, such an imaginary scene reappeared.

"What does it look like? What are you talking about?" Shenmu Wangding asked curiously, "Do you know what that thing was just now?"

Lu Yu said: "No matter what it is, you should not touch anything here at will... By the way, where is Li Fuyun? He is the one who came in before us. Have you seen where he is?"

Everyone couldn't help but shook their heads, saying that they had not seen any trace of Li Fuyun, but one thing was certain, he must have entered here.

Ancestor Wangchuan said: "Since this person is a direct disciple of Taoist Brother Yunxiao, he must have something special about him. Just now, he single-handedly forced the Holy Maiden of Tiangong back, which is evident from this... I'm afraid he has something else. There may be other plans!”

Lu Yu nodded slightly.

Indeed, Li Fuyun's entry here must have come from the instruction of Ancestor Yunxiao. Although he has come in, Ancestor Yunxiao is still outside. He is sure that you still have to find a way to let Ancestor Yunxiao come in.

These two people are mysterious and have no idea what kind of tricks they are playing.

But no matter what tricks they were playing, Lu Yu's goal was determined.

That is to take the opportunity to enter the Dragon Mystery Hidden first. With the previous experience in Wanlong Cave, and the fact that Liu Hongxu, the true successor of Dragon God's power, is here to take charge, it will not be easy to turn this place into their home field. What a difficult thing to do.

In this way, they can make arrangements according to local conditions and wait for the moment when the Earth Seal God shows up.

Lu Yu first checked the Spring Conch and found that the laws in the conch were still intact and had not been affected by the previous passage through the thunder whirlpool. Then he felt relieved.

"Now that my Senior Brother Li has entered here, without his interference, it won't take long for the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace to enter here, and even the mysterious strongman hidden in the chaotic clouds may also come... Without further ado, let’s take action now!” Lu Yu said.

Ancestor Tailing was slightly stunned and said: "Are you going to start breaking the Xuanyang Dao Lock now? But the Xuanyang Dao Lock will only appear every time a shock occurs. Now that the shock has not started, it should be How to crack it?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Don't forget that since this place is called the Dragon Mysterious Treasure, it must be related to the Dragon God... And now we have a true successor of the Dragon God's power here who wants to open this Dragon Mysterious Treasure. , wouldn’t it be more effective with half the effort?”

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