Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1505 Pulling Each Other

Lu Yu remained calm and asked: "Ancestor, how do you plan to perform the Earth Seal God?"

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled mysteriously and said: "As long as Yue Xishan and his Xuanshui Kingdom are wiped out in one fell swoop, the Earth Seal God will naturally show up..."

Lu Yu blinked and said, "Is this so easy to do?"

Ancestor Yunxiao said: "Is this difficult to say? Is it easy to say? If I don't have too many worries, with my full force, the so-called Xuanshui Divine Kingdom can be destroyed with just a few fingers..."

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but be moved.

It can be destroyed with a snap of a finger... I thought that Ancestor Yunxiao was so confident.

Just listen to him continue to say: "But it is precisely because I have scruples that I can't take action with all my strength, so I have been letting Yue Xishan stir up trouble outside and do whatever he wants... But if I can think of a way to distract those who are hiding in the dark, With my attention, I can easily deal with Yue Xishan!"

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Judging from the meaning behind his words, it was obvious that someone was lurking outside...

So, I couldn't help but ask: "Is it the mysterious existence hidden in the chaotic clouds that the ancestor is worried about?"

Ancestor Yunxiao suddenly couldn't help showing a look of surprise and said: "I didn't expect you to have noticed the figure with the power of chaos... Yes, that is indeed my biggest concern at the moment, but besides that, there are also There are other concerns.”

"Then... I wonder if the ancestor knows the identity of that person?"

Ancestor Yunxiao shook his head: "I know what you are thinking. Although I don't know who controls the power of chaos, one thing is certain, he will definitely not be the Earth Seal God... …”

Lu Yu was not too disappointed when he heard this. After all, his previous judgment was that the person could not be the Earth Seal God. Now he is just more convinced of this.

"I wonder how the ancestor plans to attract the attention of those who make you wary?" Lu Yu said again.

Ancestor Yunxiao turned his head and looked at the giant dragon's body made of paste-like colloidal crystals in front of him, and said: "As long as the last part of this maze is solved, it will naturally attract everyone's attention."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows.

As someone who has successfully cracked the Xuanyang Dao Lock, he naturally knows the overall layout of the entire maze. As long as he cracks this part of the maze in front of him, it means that the entire Xuanyang Dao Lock is completely unlocked, which means that the mysterious hidden dragon will fully displayed in front of the world.

Although this was part of his plan from the beginning, after the intervention of Ancestor Yunxiao, everything seemed a little bit wrong...

Although he said this, who knows what he will do after the Dragon Secret Hidden is truly opened?

Just take away the treasure inside? Or should we go back to deal with Yue Xishan and sit back and watch the treasures inside attract everyone's attention?

Lu Yu was not absolutely sure about this.

"Since the ancestor has been able to get all the way here, then this last hurdle should not be difficult for you?" Lu Yu said tentatively.

Whether to start the Mysterious Dragon War at this moment is no longer dependent on his personal will.

If Ancestor Yunxiao also has the ability to break the entire Xuanyang Dao Lock, then this secret treasure will be opened immediately whether he wants it or not.

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled and said: "Xiaoyu, you don't have to test me here. To be honest with you, this is actually the twenty-fourth time I have entered this maze. I have already been here sixteen times before. Here, I have been stuck on this last hurdle, and I have not made any achievements in the next eight times... So even though I don't want to, I have to admit that this difficulty in front of me is really stumping me. !”


Having said this, he paused, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Xiaoyu, this must be your first time here, right? You can actually crack this place so quickly, even faster than me who has been in for more than 20 years." The person who made the fourth trip is even faster. Could it be that you already knew something about this maze before?"

"Ah! I see. It seems that Her Majesty the Queen has some inheritance about this dragon secret in her hands?"

With that said, Patriarch Yunxiao moved his gaze to Liu Hongxu.

Liu Hongxu was not sure whether to tell the truth at this time, so she did not answer and turned to look at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu said: "Ancestor did guess wrong. I did know something about this maze beforehand, but all this is actually the work of Ancestor Tailing..."

Ancestor Yunxiao was slightly shocked.

Ancestor Tailing leaned over and said, "I feel ashamed to say that I entered the thunder whirlpool by mistake thousands of years ago. I have stayed in it for hundreds of years, but I have never been able to go as deep into the maze as my ancestor." He only maliciously recorded the changes in Xuanyang Dao Lock, which fully shows the gap between me and my ancestor..."

Ancestor Yunxiao said in astonishment: "So you discovered this place earlier. So you are the first person to enter here?"

Ancestor Tailing said: "I have also thought about asking you to learn more about the secrets here, but your whereabouts are elusive and I have never been able to contact you..."

"In the end, until Xiao Yu appeared, I felt that he was the one who was expected to crack the mystery here, so I taught him the Xuanyang Dao Lock I learned here..."

"And he has lived up to expectations. This problem that has troubled me for hundreds of years has been solved in just over a year in his hands!"

Ancestor Yunxiao's eyes suddenly lit up: "So, Xiaoyu, are you really able to overcome this last difficulty?"

Lu Yu was worried and said: "Yes, in fact, before the ancestor appeared, I had already discovered the mystery here. For me, the difficulty here can be overcome with just a few clicks... Does the ancestor need my warning?" Leave some time for you to return to the outside world and launch a fatal blow to Yue Xishan at any time? "

As he spoke, he looked at Patriarch Yunxiao in front of him with piercing eyes.

The scene fell silent instantly.

Everyone felt Lu Yu's tough attitude towards Patriarch Yunxiao, and couldn't help but be a little stunned for a moment. However, including Patriarch Tailing, they didn't say anything after all.

After this period of time, Lu Yu has performed a series of amazing performances, and his status in the hearts of everyone is no less than that of Patriarch Yunxiao.

Therefore, even if he and Ancestor Yunxiao broke up, under such circumstances, there would be no change in everyone's stance.

Ancestor Yunxiao also looked back at Lu Yu, his eyes unblinking.

After a moment, Patriarch Yunxiao suddenly laughed: "As expected of Xiao Yu, no wonder you can rise so quickly and achieve brilliant achievements in such a short period of time. You are indeed extraordinary... But, about this You are worrying too much!”

As he spoke, he waved his hand gently.

Suddenly, an illusion continued to evolve around him. What those illusions showed was a scene that Lu Yu was very familiar with - Floating Cloud Palace!

"I can return to Floating Cloud Palace with just a raise of my hand. Not only will this not delay much time, but it will actually make my whereabouts even more unexpected..."

"So, feel free to crack it boldly! Once the time is right, I will immediately return to Fuyun Palace and deliver a fatal blow to Yue Xishan!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Unexpectedly, after some pulling and pulling, the pressure finally returned to him.

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