Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1522 The End of Two Hundred Thousand Years

With the mutual blessing of the Tianshu Star Plate and the Galaxy Sword, they flew at a very fast speed towards the Chaos War God who was rapidly approaching the Earth Seal God.

This was the first time that the two of them opened their hearts and cooperated without reservation.

Although they had cooperated once before when dealing with the three-star connection on the Biyun Tianmen, Lu Yu was reserved at that time, and his strength was far from what it is now.

The power of the two combined together, the power burst out far exceeded one plus one greater than two, as if they had broken free of some kind of restraint invisibly, allowing their respective powers to be perfectly exerted without restraint.

Careful investigation, this is because the mysteries of the stars are combined with each other.

"It turns out that you have mastered so many mysteries of the stars..." Lu Yu murmured.

In Meng Ting's Tianshu Star Plate drive, there are also eight kinds of changes in the mysteries of the stars. This is superimposed on the eight kinds of mysteries of the stars on his Galaxy Sword. It is not just a simple accumulation of numbers, but an exponential superposition like building a building on flat ground!

It's like two mirrors. Originally, Lu Yu could only reflect a piece of his own world through his mirror, but now, after putting the two mirrors together, the world in the mirror can be reflected back and forth, endlessly.

"This should not be your limit..."

Meng Ting also responded softly.

Because he saw that although there were only eight kinds of star mysteries on Lu Yu's star and sword, these eight kinds of star mysteries were not fixed, and they were replaced back and forth, indicating that he really mastered them. In fact, it is not just eight star mysteries...

"No..." Lu Yu shook his head and said, "What about you?"

Meng Ting said, "This was originally my limit, but after combining with your power, I found that I seemed to have broken through again..."

Lu Yu paused: "Actually, I am the same..."

In fact, in the short moment when the two people's power combined with each other, Lu Yu had already discovered that he could not only drive the eight-stage star mysteries, but also add the ninth star mysteries. It seems that he can handle it with ease.

Obviously, Meng Ting on the side also has the same feeling.

"If that's the case, then... why don't we make another effort?" Meng Ting said.


Suddenly, the nine kinds of star mysteries flashed on the Galaxy Sword!

The same was true on the Tianshu Star Plate!

The two of them instantly burst out with an extremely magnificent momentum, and it seemed that even the speed of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation above was slightly slowed down.


The two of them came later and quickly caught up with the Chaos War God, and fiercely bombarded the chaotic cloud.

Suddenly, it was the turn of the Chaos War God to be hit hard and flew out.

Originally, the Chaos War God was about to reach the side of the Earth Seal God, and the Chaos Cloud was about to merge with the Dark Thunder, but at this moment, the two sides were separated again.

The figures of the two condensed in the void.

Diyin God was furious: "Saintess, you actually helped him!"

Meng Ting looked at Diyin God, shook his head gently, and said firmly: "No, I'm not helping him, I'm helping myself!"

"You... you are so brave!"

Diyin God gritted his teeth and roared.

"You are a traitor! Do you think you can break free from the shackles of the wheel of fate? The judgment of the upper world on you will come soon!"

Meng Ting said lightly: "Maybe it is true, but at least you will no longer exist by then."

"You want to kill me too?"

Diyin God laughed wildly.

"You want to kill me with your strength? If so, don't blame me..."

"Even if my efforts of 200,000 years are in vain, I will first wipe out all of you traitors!"

As he said, his body shook violently.

Instantly, the old man Tianjian was shaken away.

It turned out that he still had some strength left, and he had not used it before, just because he was unwilling to pay a huge price.

Now with Meng Ting's betrayal, he finally decided to do whatever it took to clean up the mess.

I saw a series of dark chains appearing and being held in the hands of the Earth Seal God.

This scene was exactly the same as the situation when the Forgotten River Patriarch hijacked the laws of heaven and earth just now.

The only difference was that what the Forgotten River Patriarch hijacked was only the laws of the seventh heaven and earth, and the dark black chains held in the hands of the Earth Seal God at this time, although Lu Yu did not know where it came from, he knew that all this must have far exceeded the scope of the seventh heaven.

The Forgotten River Patriarch on the side suddenly changed his face and spit out a stream of blood again, but he did not bother to wipe it off and shouted loudly: "No, he is going to destroy this world in advance!"

The golden light in his eyes began to gradually fade, and the golden chains held in his hands were also constantly melting, turning into law fragments, and gathering towards the black chains in the hands of the Emperor Seal God.

Lu Yu was stunned.

Turning his head to look at Meng Ting on the side, he found that he was also looking at him.

Everything was self-explanatory.

The two of them simultaneously activated the mysteries of the stars, driving the Galaxy Sword and Tianshu Star Plate in their hands, and actually directly guided the extremely violent power of the stars to blast towards the Earth Seal God.


The body of the Earth Seal God was instantly penetrated by the starlight, but he was still constantly gathering the black chain in his hand.

And because the old man of Tianjian has been thrown away, no one can restrict him from combining with the dark thunder. As the dark thunder continues to flow back, the wound on his body is also recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Even the voice of the Earth Seal God has completely changed, revealing incomparable madness.

"Do you only have this little strength? If you only have this strength, it won't be enough to save the world..."

"Originally, you could have better prospects, so why did you choose to take such a path?"

"For me, this is just a waste of two hundred thousand years, but for you, it is all over!"

Lu Yu ignored the shouts of the Emperor Seal God, turned to look at Meng Ting again, and said, "Can you try harder?"

Meng Ting's face flushed, he panted slightly and said, "I think it's okay..."

"Okay, then let's try harder!"

With that said, the two gathered stars again.

This time, neither of them had any distracting thoughts in their minds.

Forget about heaven and earth, forget about hatred, forget about yourself...

All he could think about was the endless bright starry sky in his mind.

The light of mysteries gradually lit up bit by bit on the Galaxy Sword and Tianshu Star Disk.

One, two, three... nine!

Ten ways!

They finally broke through themselves once again and reached an unprecedented level.

However, this has not stopped yet.

Then, the brilliance of the eleventh secret also shined!

Although Lu Yu has only comprehended the ten secrets of the stars, the secrets of the stars he has comprehended are not the same as those comprehended by Meng Ting.

Under the cross-fusion of the two minds, the upper limit of the secrets of the stars that can be driven is no longer just ten.

But this is still not their limit.

Twelve ways!

On the Xinghe Sword and Tianshu Star Chart, the light of the twelve mysteries lit up!

The twelve secrets of the stars are already the limit contained in this world.

For a moment, the light erupting from the Xinghe Sword and Tianshu Star Disk was like a sun, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Without any hesitation, the two pushed this round of "sun" into the body of the Earth Seal God.

Suddenly, the body of Earth Seal God completely disintegrated in an instant and disappeared into ashes.

The dark chains also melted.

The super overlord that had been lurking in this world for 200,000 years came to an end.

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