Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1524: War breaks out again

"What did senior call me just now? Did he say I was Meng Feiyan?" Meng Ting said in surprise.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at Meng Ting up and down, his eyes full of confusion.

"What are you doing?"

Meng Ting felt uncomfortable when Lu Yu saw him.

"Do you also believe what he said and think I am Meng Feiyan?"

Psychologically, Lu Yu naturally found it difficult to accept that Meng Ting was his mother, Meng Feiyan...

But Lu Yu could clearly hear the last words spoken by Old Man Tianjian before his death. He indeed recognized Meng Ting as Meng Feiyan.

In addition, Shenmu Wangding had previously judged that he and Meng Ting were related by blood.

So, this is all really questionable.

Even if the old man Tianjian recognized the wrong person just now in a trance, this at least shows that Meng Ting's appearance is very similar to his mother, Meng Feiyan.

"I can't be Meng Feiyan." Meng Ting said solemnly, "Do you think I will be your mother?"

Lu Yu hesitated and said, "Are you...really sure that your memory has never been tampered with?"


Meng Ting opened her mouth to say yes, but the nightmare that had been haunting her made her less confident...

If what happened in that nightmare is real, it is not a pure dream, but a real memory, but it has been artificially tampered with into a memory...

After all, Ye Fei and others from Taishangxian Sect once swore that they had done bad things. They felt that they had done some very evil things, but he himself had no impression of it at all.

Such things as tampering with memories are unthinkable to others, but to a sect with a strong background like Bixiao Shrine, it is not unthinkable.

For a moment, Meng Ting couldn't help but panic.

Could it be that he and Meng Feiyan were really the same person? Is she really Lu Yu’s mother?

He actually has such a big son?

She felt like her whole outlook was shattered.


Lu Yu sighed softly: "I have never seen my mother. In the Lu family in Ding'an, my father never left anything related to my mother in order to hide my life experience..."

Therefore, I don’t know if your appearance is really similar to your mother’s…”

"Then... what if I really look like her?" Meng Ting asked.

Lu Yu said: "Even if you really look exactly the same, there are endless possibilities... The methods of Earth Seal God Lord and his gang are really powerful. No one knows what kind of tricks they have done."

"Maybe you will be my mother, maybe you will be my sister, maybe you will be my mother's sister, or even, you will be my mother's mother... all of these are possible!"

Meng Ting was immediately amused: "Your mother's mother? Then why don't you call your grandmother to listen? My eldest grandson!"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes at her: "Don't joke about this kind of thing. No one can tell what kind of involvement there is. Maybe you will be the one who suffers the consequences..."

Meng Ting also rolled his eyes at him: "What kind of disadvantage will I suffer? Do you think my grandmother is too young? In fact, I am your ancestor?"

Lu Yu said: "That is also something that cannot be said for sure!"

"Okay! Then you should call the ancestors first to listen, so that I don't suffer a loss!"

The two of them joked for a while, and the depression in their hearts suddenly eased a lot.

Lu Yu said seriously: "It is actually very simple to find the answer to this question. My father has always believed that my mother was imprisoned in the Jiuyou underground. For this reason, he even crossed the earth's lightning tribulation and went deep into the seventeenth floor underground. To find the whereabouts of my mother..."

"Although my father will never come back, I believe that he must have a reason for doing so. There must be some traces of my mother's existence in the seventeenth underground floor. As long as we enter the deepest part of the Jiuyou underground, I believe everything will come to light!”

Meng Ting's eyes flashed and he said: "You said before that you would let me go with you to find the whereabouts of your mother. I'm afraid that at that time you were already making up your mind to take me deep into the seventeenth floor underground, right?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I'm not just using your identity as the Saint of Heavenly Palace, but I really think you are related to this matter. Now I am even more convinced of this!"

Meng Ting nodded and said: "You are right, this is indeed my business."

Lu Yu added: "Although there is no Earth Seal God sitting in the Jiuyou underground at this time, it is much safer to go deep into the seventeenth floor underground than before..."

"But to be on the safe side, we'd better get rid of this Chaos God of War first!"

After saying that, Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the Chaos God of War who was fighting with Ancestor Yunxiao in the void.

Unexpectedly, without the Earth Seal God, the Chaos God of War would become even more powerful.

Although Ancestor Yunxiao had used secret techniques to restrain this powerful man before, after he broke free now and with full firepower, Ancestor Yunxiao was actually tired of dealing with him.

Even with the mechanical arm inherited from the demon spirit, even if the mechanical arm is loaded with Tianfang flint, it cannot suppress the opponent at all.

Lu Yu looked at the fierce battle in the sky, his eyes became more and more sharp, and continued: "If I remember correctly, this Chaos God of War is a strong man sitting in the palace in the center of the seventeenth floor underground, and I His mother is probably imprisoned in his palace."

Meng Ting was slightly stunned and said: "I don't know this, I just know that this person was arranged by the Earth Seal God, and he asked me to cooperate with him, and he must be the priority in everything, and I have high expectations for him. High hopes!”

At this time, the situation in the air continued to be tense, and the battle continued for a long time. Ancestor Yunxiao was also beaten and became angry, and shouted loudly:

"Are you crazy? Your master is already finished, and you are still so desperate?"

"Besides, even if you try your best, you shouldn't come to me! I didn't kill your master!"

The Chaos God of War was covered in black energy, and his face was covered by black armor. His facial features could not be seen clearly, and his voice sounded like a machine:

"Leave the Tianfang flint, or die!"

Immediately, black cyclones spread from his body, and a moment later, his body had become the center of the whirlpool wrapped in a black ocean man.

The nine heavens seemed to sense his power fluctuations, and thunder appeared, echoing it from a distance.

This Chaos God of War actually had similar power to the regional god, and once again attracted the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

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