Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1533 The blue clouds fill the sky

For an instant, Lu Yu seemed to have entered a state of fugue in the void.

But all this is actually different from the void fugue. He only observes the vast starry sky in the universe more clearly and intuitively through the refraction of light from the star-gathering beads.

Lu Yu's gaze continued to sweep across the vast starry sky. If ordinary people saw this scene, they would probably only see countless starlight dots and not be able to distinguish the differences.

But everything is different in Lu Yu's eyes. Every bit of starlight falling in his eyes has different shapes and colors, forming different patterns.

Suddenly, Lu Yu saw a special star field in the vast starry sky.

The star field was a fiery red color, and the stars gathered together to form a lotus-shaped pattern.

Lu Yu was suddenly shocked.

He suddenly had a feeling, as if that star field was the source of the lotus seeds in his body, as well as the "Nine Revolutions of Nirvana", "Lotus Medicine Sutra", "Lianhua Dan Sutra", all of them Various sources...

It's a pity that the star field is too far away and exists in the deep space far away. Even if Lu Yu tried his best, it would be difficult to observe the details.

However, this does not affect the transmission of starlight.

While Lu Yu observed the lotus-shaped star field, the distant star field also responded to him.

In an instant, the billions of stars around him dimmed instantly.

Only the connection between the distant fairyland and Lu Yu was left in the void.

A ray of starlight followed, and under the guidance of Lu Yu's golden elixir, it slowly flowed into the black turtle cloud above his head.

There was a loud bang.

A golden crack appeared in the clouds.

Lu Yu did not dare to hesitate and quickly used a variety of dazzling alchemy techniques.

In a moment, all the black turtle clouds were collected and included in the divine wood king cauldron.

Lu Yu's technique was like a storm, with thunder flashing around him, but he remained unmoved and firmly carried out the final steps.

After a while, everything finally calmed down.

Lu Yu exhaled a long breath and extinguished the flames in the furnace, with a look of sincere relief on his face.

Although the alchemy furnace has not yet been opened, he has a premonition of great blessing, knowing that this time it must be completed and everything has reached the most perfect state.

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan, who were on the side, immediately came over to greet them, with excited expressions on their faces: "Did it succeed? Did it succeed?"

They have been accompanying Lu Yu to protect him these past few days, and they have witnessed firsthand how hard Lu Yu has worked and how much sweat he has shed during this period of time.

The signs of gathering the elixir energy this time were completely different from before. Seeing that after more than half a month of hard work, they finally succeeded, they felt not only sincerely happy.

"There should be no problem!"

Lu Yu looked back at the two women, his eyes full of smiles.

However, the sacred wooden king tripod on the side seemed somewhat silent.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, only to see that the lines on the sacred wooden king tripod were constantly changing.

This scene is just like the scene when Lu Yu first saw it in the treasure house of Shenhuo Xuanzong and freed it from the sacred tree stump.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned: "Brother Ding..."

Could it be because something unexpected happened when I was looking at the starry sky through the Star Gathering Bead just now?

But he clearly didn't feel anything abnormal just now...

"Brother Lu..."

Shenmu Wangding said with a choked voice.

As he spoke, the lines on its body were still changing, and water droplets appeared, as if tears were streaming down its face.

"I remembered, I finally remembered...Lingbao Tianjun, my inheritance comes from Lingbao Tianjun!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the moment he looked up at the stars just now reminded him of his heritage.

Putting it this way, could it be that there is some kind of connection between the origin of the Divine Wood King Cauldron and the origin of the lotus flower on his body?

"Lingbao Tianjun..."

Lu Yu murmured.

"Could he be in the star field we just saw?"

"I don't know... He may be here, or he may not be there, but there are definitely traces of his activities in the star field just now."

Shenmu Wangding said quietly.

"Brother Lu, where was that star field just now?"

Lu Yu said: "I don't know exactly where that place is. It's too far away from us. If the Dragon Clan's Ark on the Other Side is repaired one day, we may have the opportunity to go there and have a look!"

"But before that, let's settle the matters in this world first!"

"Brother Ding, you can take out the elixir and have a look now!"

Then, the Divine Wood King Cauldron opened the main body of the alchemy furnace.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with blue clouds, which not only illuminated the entire seventh level of the sky, but also spread out towards all the worlds.

Even the main world of the first level of Tianyu below saw a colorful blue and green scene in the sky.

" beautiful!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but murmured softly.

Although Yang Chudie said nothing, her face also glowed with happiness.

If time can be frozen at this moment, even if everything will be destroyed in the end, there will be nothing to regret.

However, all this was just a flash in the pan after all.

When Lu Yu took the elixir out of the furnace, all the strange phenomena stopped.

In fact, it cannot be said to have stopped...

The blue clouds all over the sky just moved to one place. They moved from the original sky to the pill in Lu Yu's hand.

In Lu Yu's hand, he saw a clear, crystal clear green elixir. There was a black turtle-shaped totem inside the single body. The difference from before was that there was a dazzling streak on the back of the black turtle totem. Golden cracks.

The complete version of Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill!

All this is consistent with the description in the Lotus Pill Sutra.

Lu Yu finally succeeded!

As long as you take this pill, you can achieve the effect of concealing the way of heaven. Even if the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation is close at hand, you will not find any trace of yourself.

If he had had such an elixir in hand before, Lu Yu would not have been so helpless when the Chaos God of War fought with Ancestor Yunxiao.

"It seems that it's time to ask Shi Jilong's side when the flying vehicle will be completed!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

The complete version of the Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill has been successfully refined. This is just the first step, and large-scale refining will continue.

But at this time, there was not much material left on them, and it was time to return to the main world of the first heaven.

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