Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1553: Using strength to defeat cleverness

The Divine Wood King Cauldron was very depressed and said: "The last time I crashed directly into the Tiangang Barrier, I still had the Star-Gathering Pearl and the Dragon Fish Black Tail on me, but now there is nothing left..."

"Who said no? Aren't we still here now?"

Lu Yu said, and took out the Galaxy Sword. With a slight flick of his wrist, a buzzing resonance came from the Galaxy Sword.

"The power of the sword in my hand is not much worse than that of the Star-Gathering Pearl!"

"Okay, brother Lu, since you insist again and again, then I will risk my life! I will risk my life to play with you once!" Shenmu Wangding said.

"No, no, it's just a performance. How can it be life-threatening?"

As he spoke, the Divine Wood King Cauldron began to accelerate, spinning the Hot Wheels underneath it rapidly, and slammed into the Xuanji Star City on the opposite side.

The other party obviously did not expect that the reaction of Lu Yu and others would be so violent. As soon as they met, they used the sacred wooden king tripod to directly bump into them.

The rays of light on Xuanji Star City began to change rapidly, as if they were wrapped in light curtains, and it looked like it had entered a state of full defense.

At the same time, the entire huge floating city also began to retreat slowly backwards, but its speed was obviously not as fast as the Divine Wood King Cauldron with the blessing of Hot Wheels. In comparison, this Divine Wood King Cauldron was simply a monster. Not only was it huge in size , the speed is so outstanding, this is simply an unimaginable thing in the eyes of the other party.

The two sides continued to get closer.

Lu Yu could already clearly see the faces of the Tiangang Patriarchs who were sitting on Xuanji Star City. He had glanced at each other briefly during the battle on the Boar Sea, but he had already firmly memorized these faces.

Dongjie, Dongzhen, and Xuanlu were all sitting in the formation of Xuanji Stars, ready to go.

On the other side, the escaping light of those real-life strong men coming from all directions was almost reaching their surroundings, gradually forming an encirclement.

Originally it was Lu Yu who took the initiative, but after a while of pulling from the other side, they became trapped in the opponent's siege.

Even so, Lu Yu was still fearless and had no intention of retreating.

After he urged the Divine Wood King Cauldron to keep moving forward at full speed, he turned to Ye Weilan and said, "I am responsible for dealing with those guys in Xuanji Star City. How about you solve these troubles next to me?"

Ye Weilan glanced at the dense escaping light around him and said: "There is no problem with me here. It's just those guys in Xuanji Star City who don't seem to be easy to deal with. Is it really okay for you to deal with them alone... ...How about I split two blades to help you?"

As she spoke, the Phoenix Feather Blade in her hand instantly split into separate blades, which looked like phoenix feathers.

"No need." Lu Yu refused, "There won't be any problem on my side, but on your side... there are at least hundreds of real strong people here. Perhaps their personal strength is nothing compared to yours. But as the saying goes, an elephant can be killed by too many ants, so don’t let your guard down!”

Ye Weilanfeng narrowed his eyes and said: "There are indeed many of them, but as long as they can't attack together at the same time, it's not a big deal!"

As he said that, he raised his snow-white wrist, and three blades flew out quickly, knocking down the three escaping lights that approached first.

Seeing that she was dealing with it with such ease, Lu Yu stopped worrying too much and concentrated on dealing with the Xuanji Star City in front of him.

"Brother Lu, rush!"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly roared loudly.

The distance between it and Xuanji Star City is already very close.

Just when the two behemoths were about to come into contact, the Galaxy Sword in Lu Yu's hand finally took action again.

In an instant, the stars appeared.

Several Tiangang ancestors on the opposite side also took action at the same time, using their special moves to suppress the situation. With the blessing of the formation, the huge figures of the Tiangang ancestors clearly appeared in the void, surrounded by rays of light. Like a god.

Lu Yu didn't care, and he didn't care what kind of tricks these ancestors had used. All he could see was the sword in his hand, which could defeat cleverness with force, and defeat ten thousand with one!

As long as your sword power is at its peak, no matter what method the opponent uses, you will be able to overcome it.


The sound of violent tremors was endless.

The world seemed to be shattered.

The mountains shook and the sea roared.

In mid-air, the phantom images of Patriarch Dongjie and others instantly collapsed, while the main body sitting in Xuanji Star City opened its mouth and spurted out a stream of blood.

Several Tiangang experts joined forces at the same time, and with the blessing of Xuanji Star City, they were unable to stop the power of Lu Yu's sword.

"Hahaha... Xuanji Star City is nothing more than that! Compared to Floating Cloud Palace, you are far behind! You are no match for me, Old Ding!"

Shenmu Wangding laughed again.

With the power of Lu Yu's sword, it knocked Xuanji Star City away with almost no effort.

In fact, to be precise, it was Lu Yu's sword power that really confronted Xuanji Star City. The Divine Wood King Cauldron only served as a stepping stone.

But the Divine Wood King Cauldron doesn't care about these details. From a visual point of view, the entire Xuanji Star City was indeed shaken to pieces by it.


However, just when Shenmu Wangding was in high spirits, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh...

"Brother Ding, let's withdraw!"

"Ah? Are you withdrawing now?" Shenmu Wangding couldn't help being stunned. "Isn't it time to take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

"There's a chance!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and swung his sword again, as if to explain to the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

Suddenly, the sword hit a streak of starlight and disappeared into the void.

It turns out that Lu Yu's sword just now did severely damage everyone in Xuanji Star City, but the entire Xuanji Star City also relied on this collision to enter the sheltered area of ​​​​Star Chain Fortress.

After all, the Tiangang ancestors were not so powerful that they completely exposed Xuanji Star City to the area beyond the defense of Starlink Fortress.

At this time, if Lu Yu launches another sword attack, it will be equivalent to attacking the entire Star Chain Fortress system. This is basically equivalent to Lu Yu's sword directly slashing the entire continental shelf.

Even if his sword power is astonishing, it is destined to be in vain.

Therefore, there was no chance to defeat Xuanji Star City at this time, and he had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

However, fortunately, in this way, the cover task was successfully completed.

Next, Lu Yu will also take a detour to Netherworld Palace, where the real frontal battlefield is.

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