Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1588: Transfer of Counterattack

There was a loud bang.

Lu Yu's figure was engulfed by a bright light.

However, before being engulfed by the strong light, he had successfully activated his sword.

The power of this sword is very strange. It looks weak and weak, and seems to have some congenital deficiencies... But after Meng Ting's offensive arrived, the two were combined in a very strange way, forming a more powerful sword. A powerful offensive.

He actually used himself as a medium to introduce the power of Meng Ting's offensive, combining the two forces into one, which was quite ingenious.

The reason why he is able to do this is not only because he has perfect control over his own power, but also because he is also extremely familiar with Meng Ting's power. Knowing himself and the enemy, he can skillfully integrate the two.

However, no matter how clever he was, all this was at the expense of himself. While diverting Meng Ting's offensive, he himself had to suffer huge damage.

However, the situation was critical at this moment, and he couldn't control much.

In an instant, under the pull of the sword, all the attacks were directed towards the traces of the battle at his feet.

These battle traces may seem inconspicuous, but in fact they have been left here for who knows how many years, and they contain very mysterious power.

When the forces of both sides met head-on, Lu Yu discovered just how powerful these forces hidden on the ground were.

As the sword attacked, he saw a bright starry sky in a daze. It seemed that what he was fighting was not the darkness in front of him, but an entire vast starry sky.


There was a muffled sound.

This was the sound of Lu Yu being knocked to the ground violently.

However, the traces of the battle on the ground seemed to be motionless. The offensive formed by him transferring Meng Ting's power was like a mud cow entering the sea without causing any waves.

Lu Yu was immediately stunned.

He didn't expect these battle traces to be so powerful. This was far beyond his expectations.

Just when he didn't know what to do with himself, Meng Ting's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Are you okay?"

It turned out that this offensive had some effect. At least the eyes of Meng Ting in front of him were no longer scarlet, and the two of them could communicate smoothly.

"I'm fine..." Lu Yu replied.

As she spoke, the Galaxy Sword in her hand rolled up, but it was her turn to attack Meng Ting.

Meng Ting remained silent and imitated his method. He no longer dodged Lu Yu's attacks and planned to divert his attacks like him and attack the battle traces on the ground.

At this time, she had already seen that it was these traces of battle on the ground that were causing trouble. If the two of them wanted to regain their freedom, they must first remove these traces of battle on the ground.

"No!" Lu Yu shouted quickly.

Although this method is the only way to solve the current situation, using it by yourself is completely different from using it by the other party.

First of all, he has been able to control ten different star mysteries at the same time. He can predict all changes in the opponent's offensive, but Meng Ting may not be able to do this.

Furthermore, the power of red lotus in his body has an extremely powerful recovery effect, and his ability to withstand beatings is far beyond what Meng Ting can match.

In addition, the most critical point is that even if Meng Ting adopts this method, it may not be effective. His attempt just now has proved this.

However, it was still too late. Meng Ting had already absorbed all his attacks through his flesh and blood, and then fed back all the power.


There was another muffled sound.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that the traces of the battle were no longer unchanged, but had become a little loose.

Although the looseness is extremely subtle, it proves that it is not unshakable.

"I'm not as weak as you think..." Meng Ting turned around and wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yu was immediately overjoyed. At this time, he no longer cared about Meng Ting's words, and said repeatedly: "Come again, come again, this time it's me!"

However, he didn't need to say more. Meng Ting on the opposite side had once again launched an offensive against him involuntarily... It seemed that these traces of the battle had become loose, but it did not affect its continued control over the two of them.

Lu Yu continued to follow the previous method, and after enduring Meng Ting's offensive, he directed all his strength towards the battle traces at his feet.

The two sides go back and forth like this, fighting to take the risk of the other party's attack, and constantly transfer the other party's offensive to their feet. They are becoming more and more skillful in cooperating with each other, the transfer efficiency is getting higher and higher, and the offensive is becoming more and more powerful. powerful.

In the process, Lu Yu couldn't help but find that the other party was indeed not as delicate as he imagined, and he didn't know what kind of methods she had. Her endurance in battle was no worse than his own.

This continued for hundreds of rounds. As the cooperation between the two became more and more mature, the backlash they received became smaller and smaller. When they finally absorbed the opponent's offensive, they were almost in a state of no injury.

Finally, there was a loud bang.

The traces of battle underfoot were finally completely broken, and the light in them completely dimmed...

The two of them finally got rid of the state of being continuously controlled.

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