Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1598 New World

The Ark of the Other Shore travels slowly in the starry sky of the universe.

Unknowingly, a long period of time has passed. As it is out of the constraints of the laws of the big world and without the reference of the alternation of the sun and the moon, Lu Yu is not sure how long it has passed. It is roughly estimated that it should be at least a few months.

As time goes by, his mood has gradually calmed down from the initial tension, expectation, and a hint of sadness and regret.

During this period of time, he has been studying the changes in the stars around him. Now, no matter what is waiting for him ahead, he can remain calm.

Don’t look at the slow speed of the Ark of the Other Shore, but this is just his personal feeling. In fact, the speed of the Ark of the Other Shore is quite fast, which can be seen from the changes in the stars in the field of vision.

But such a speed is obviously far from enough for the shuttle travel between star regions. If it was during the period of the victory of the Ark of the Other Shore, this journey would definitely not take so much time, but now the Ark of the Other Shore only has an outer shell. Not only is it not equipped with the dragon fish black tail as a power system, but it also does not have the core part. Under such circumstances, it is already very good for him to start the star region shuttle and safely leave the original big world. There is really no way to force too much.

"I don't know where this Ark of the Other Shore will take me..."

Lu Yu said to himself.

He was not worried about the difficulties ahead, but worried that the journey would be too long. Now he has been sailing in the universe for several months and there is no sign of landing. He really doesn't know how much time it will take to reach the destination.

If it takes three or five months, it's okay, even a year or two is not unacceptable, but if the time is longer, then he may not be able to hold on.

After all, although the equipment on the other side of the ark he was on was sophisticated, there were no supplies, and the Qiankun bag he was carrying had been completely destroyed when he broke through the nine-day thunder tribulation - let alone the Qiankun bag, even the clothes on his body were not left.

At this time, except for the Galaxy Sword, there was no other item on his body that he brought out from the original big world. Before reaching the new destination, he was no longer in any trouble.

Lu Yu didn't know how long he could endure without any supplies with his current cultivation. After all, he had never tried this before... For other ascenders, there might not be such concerns at all, but he was just a stowaway who didn't even have a golden elixir. It was definitely impossible for him to gallop freely in the heavens and the worlds like other powerful people who had perfected their cultivation.

"If I had brought Brother Ding with me at that time, with him, not only could the problem of supplies be solved, but I could also have a companion to talk to and relieve my boredom, and I wouldn't be so bored along the way..."

Lu Yu said to himself again.

Among the many items around him, probably only the Divine Wood King Cauldron could withstand the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation and ascend to this world outside the sky with him. Unfortunately, the situation was urgent and time was in a hurry, so the Divine Wood King Cauldron was not brought up.

Lu Yu had also tried to communicate with the Galaxy Sword in his hand. It stands to reason that a new weapon spirit has been bred in the Galaxy Sword, and its power is no less than that of the Divine Wood King Cauldron. Unfortunately, the spirituality of the new weapon spirit has obviously not reached the level of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, which has been accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years. It is okay to let it execute some simple commands, but it is still impossible to communicate with it in depth.


Suddenly, the Galaxy Sword on the side trembled suddenly, and a dazzling light burst out from the sword.

Lu Yu was stunned, thinking that the sword had finally opened up, but after a careful observation, he found that the light on the sword did not come from the Galaxy Sword itself, but from the reflection of light from the outside world.


Lu Yu was surprised.

This situation only occurred when Meng Ting's power opened the starlight path for guidance when they just left the big world. However, as time went by, the Ark of the Other Shore was getting farther and farther away from the original big world. Meng Ting's power had long been exhausted, and the starlight path had long disappeared. I didn't expect that such a situation would happen again after a few months.

Lu Yu immediately came to the edge of a porthole and gazed at the source of the starlight. He saw that the starry sky in front of him was blooming with a brilliant light, echoing the Ark of the Other Shore where he was.

"Is this... a brand new big world?"

Lu Yu said in astonishment.

The star field in front of him looked quite familiar to him, and he had a sense of déjà vu, but it was not because he had observed it from a distance, but because he had a quick glimpse of this scene when he crossed the star map of the Other Shore when he was in Wanlong Country.

Obviously, this is a star field recorded on the star map of the Other Shore, and it is in a very conspicuous position. When Lu Yu entered the star map space of the Other Shore, it was the first thing he saw.

Now, Lu Yu finally understood where the Ark of the Other Shore was taking him. It turned out to be the star field closest to the original big world. If he guessed correctly, this was also the previous stop of the Ark of the Other Shore. When the Ark of the Other Shore came from the distant Nether Dragon Realm, it passed by here. Therefore, it was recorded at the end of the Star Map of the Other Shore and became the starry sky scene that Lu Yu saw at a glance.

The distance is close, which means that the people from Bixiao Shrine may also find them soon...

This result is somewhat unsatisfactory, but there is no way around it. In the absence of sufficient power, it is already very good to be able to successfully reach here. It is simply impossible to travel long distances across the star field. .

"The Realm of Heavenly Observation..."

Lu Yu stared at the strange starry sky in front of him and murmured to himself.

The last time he saw this scene on the other side of the starry road, he didn't know the name of this star field, but when he faced the real starry sky now, the starry sky had its own unique language, and he naturally knew it. The name of the big world ahead.

As the distance got closer and closer, the light from the Great World of Guantian completely disappeared, and the Ark on the other side was once again enveloped by numerous calamity clouds.

This means that the ship has entered the scope of the laws of this new big world, and Lu Yu is about to be torn apart by the power of the laws of the big world again.

Lu Yu took a breath and clenched the Galaxy Sword in his hand, his eyes gradually becoming hot and firm.

"Let me see what new things there are in this new big world!"

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