Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1614: Destroying with overwhelming force

Lu Yu already had an understanding of the basic situation of this world when he read the memories of the two powerful indigenous men.

This world's treasure resources are scarce, and by the way, the development of alchemy is extremely mediocre, but it is not without its merits. The abundant spiritual energy resources determine that it will definitely be good at something.

The most significant one is the use of talismans. Due to the abundant spiritual energy resources, almost everyone in this world has the ability to draw talismans independently.

However, in this world, there is no word "talisman", instead there is a thing called "scroll".

In terms of specific production methods, although there are some differences in details between the two, in the final analysis they are the same type of thing. Both spells are pre-made in advance and stored on a special kind of paper. At the right time, only a little bit of inspiration is needed. With power, the spell can be reproduced again.

From the memories of the two powerful natives, Lu Yu only had a glimpse, but he already had a premonition that in the world of observing the sky, people's level of use of "scrolls" might far exceed that of the world he was originally in.

But this was just his wishful thinking after all. During the escape with Fu Jing, he also saw many occasions where the scroll was used. In the process, the power displayed by the scroll did not exceed that of the original world for the time being. Talisman.

But at this moment, the power of the bird atlas opened by the ancient elder has far exceeded that of the talisman.

To be precise, this atlas is composed of many scrolls in one place. The cooperation between the scrolls is not a simple accumulation of power, but an exponential increase in geometric magnitude. It was developed after Lu Yu's research. The combination skills have different approaches but the same effect.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu truly understood the essence of power in this world.

"Shenyu Palace, Bird Atlas..." Lu Yu silently recorded the name in his heart.

However, Mrs. Ru, who was bearing the brunt of the attack, was surrounded by endless birds.

Originally, the ancient elder wanted to cover Fu Jing with the attack range of the Flying Bird Atlas, but with the Galaxy Sword protecting his body, the approaching flying bird shadows were easily defeated.

After several attempts, Elder Gu deeply realized the power of this divine sword, so he had to temporarily give up the offensive against Fu Jing and concentrate his firepower on Mrs. Ru first.

Mrs. Ru's whole body lit up with a bright flame, which was the body-protecting divine light erupted from the golden elixir in her body.

The phantoms of flying birds kept colliding towards the divine light of body protection. Every time they collided, the brightness of the divine light of body protection became dimmer.

In just one or two breaths, hundreds of flying birds had already crashed into her body-protecting divine light. Suddenly Mrs. Ru could no longer hold on, looking at the graceful figure like a thin willow supporting the wind. The body is about to be completely engulfed by the phantom of the flying bird.


Fu Jing was anxious and shouted loudly.

However, with the Galaxy Sword in her hand, she was more than able to protect herself. She wanted to take the initiative to attack under the pressure of thousands of flying birds, but she was unable to resolve the crisis for Mrs. Ru who was in the center of the offensive.

Lu Yu can naturally continue to control the Galaxy Sword remotely, but facing such a powerful offensive, even he has no good solution if he only uses remote control.

Unless...the Galaxy Sword is in his hand at this time.

"Miss Jing, don't waste any more energy... This sword in your hand is indeed a divine sword. I admit that I can't do anything to you for the time being, but if you don't want your mother to die, you'd better just surrender and capture her!"

Elder Gu slowly closed the book with a victor's smile on his face.

As he closed the book, hundreds of flying birds seemed to be controlled by him, dragging Madam Ru's body towards him.

Seeing that Mrs. Ru's life would fall completely into his hands, this would become his biggest bargaining chip to blackmail Fu Jing.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards him and hit his arm hard at an extremely tricky angle.

"Miss, let me hold him back!" Lu Yu shouted loudly.

Elder Gu could not help but be shocked. He had never expected that Lu Yu would suddenly come to his side.

In fact, the surrounding scene has long been filled with phantoms of flying birds. Even if it is not the center of the offensive, there are countless phantoms of flying birds hovering around. With Feng's strength, it is impossible to cross the area where the flying birds are circling...

But he just did it, and by chance, he hit his arm...

Although the impact was very slight, it still somewhat slowed down the movement of her hand.

Even this short moment is enough for masters.

It was unclear to anyone nearby what Lu Yu's intention was. Although he was also very confused as to how Lu Yu rushed to Elder Gu, she was too late. At this moment, taking the opportunity to defeat Elder Gu and rescue her mother was the most important thing. !

Fu Jing twisted her slender waist, kneaded her body, turned around, and swung her sword. Her movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one go.

Due to the angle calculated by Lu Yu in advance, the sword light in Fu Jing's hand almost rubbed his body and struck the bird atlas in the ancient elder's hand. In this way, there was almost no distance between it and the Galaxy Sword, although the hilt was still there. It was held in my father's hand, but it was not much different from holding it in his hand.

Suddenly, the bird atlas in the ancient elder's hand was like a piece of rotten wood, and it collapsed when touched.

The force of the sword light has not diminished. Not only the Flying Bird Atlas, but also the ancient elder himself was overwhelmed by this fierce sword light offensive and melted instantly...

There was a clear "bang" sound, and the ancient elder's body had turned into a ball of blood mist.

The phantoms of flying birds fell to the ground one after another, and Mrs. Ru's body was revealed again.

There was dead silence.

Fu Jing looked at the sword in his hand in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he had killed a great golden elixir monk with just one sword strike.

Only Lu Yu secretly shook his head secretly.

In fact, this was not the effect he wanted. Originally, he wanted to leave at least one head for the ancient elder so that he could read the memories in his head.

This is a truly strong man, and it will definitely be of great benefit to him to further understand the mysteries of this world.

However, he still failed to control his strength. After all, it was not his own hand that held the sword just now.

"It seems that the spiritual energy in this world is indeed too abundant..."

Lu Yu sighed secretly, feeling regretful in his heart.

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