Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1632 All are rewarded

Soon, the first echelon of people in the stone transport operation appeared in the sight of the people of Xihai City.

Everyone was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"What is going on? What are these people doing?"

"Why are they running in such a hurry? Could it be that Duke Heng is coming?"

"What are they holding? Stones?"

"This seems to be the unique pebbles on the river beach outside Shenforce Castle..."

"Why are these people going to Godfurnace Castle to pick up pebbles? Is there some treasure there?"

"Something serious must have happened!"

Some people were curious and grabbed the person running at the front of the team and asked, "Hey, brothers, what are you doing? Why does everyone have to take a few stones? Is there anything special about this?"

Unexpectedly, the man cried "Wow" and scratched and scratched the inquiring person: "Are you sick? Why did you pull me? You pay for my transformation pill! You pay for my transformation pill!"

The scene suddenly became more chaotic.

After entering the city, the people involved gradually gathered into a torrent and rushed towards the city lord's mansion.

Suddenly, the city lord's mansion was also anxious!

"What's going on? Could there be an enemy coming in?"

After the coup not long ago, Uncle Fu had been forced to resign. The newly appointed commander of the internal defense, named Fu Gang, looked furious at this time.

"What do those people from the City Guard Camp and the Soldiers and Horses Division do for food! Why did people get here so quickly!"

"Lord Commander, these don't seem to be enemies. They are all residents of our Xihai City." the subordinate reminded.

"Our people?" Fu Gang was stunned. "Are they full? Why do so many people come to the city lord's mansion? And they still have... weapons in their hands?"

"I don't know!" His subordinates were also confused. If they said those stones were weapons, it would be too far-fetched.

In just a few words, the crowd rushing like a torrent was closer to the City Lord's Mansion.

Fu Gang's face darkened, and he finally gave the order: "Send the order for everyone to be on alert. No matter what, stop them first and then talk about it... Also, immediately pass this matter through the Council of Elders!"

The subordinates quickly took orders.

Soon, the entire city lord's mansion was in a state of uproar.

Several elders on duty also rushed over immediately and sat on the front line. They were fully alert and did not dare to be careless at all. They also issued the highest level of defense alarm.

After all, Xihai City has just experienced a change of power. This is the most sensitive and fragile period, and we cannot take anything lightly.

However, what they didn't expect was that all this was just a false alarm. The rush of people stopped automatically when they reached the gate of the city lord's mansion, and put down the stones in their hands and piled them at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Several elders sitting in charge were also stunned.

What's happening here? Are you planning to use these cobblestones to surround the City Lord's Mansion?

After a lot of twists and turns, several elders finally figured out the whole story. It turned out that this was a "stone transport operation" initiated by A Feng. They couldn't help laughing or crying for a while.

At this time, the order passed by the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division also arrived at the city lord's palace, further verifying the correctness of the message.

"Everyone, what do you think we should do about this?" Elder Dejiang asked.

As the first elder in the political affairs hall to support Fu Jing's bid for the throne, he was lucky enough not to be implicated. Instead, he was a blessing in disguise and reaped a lot of benefits in the turmoil.

The remaining elders couldn't help but look at each other.

It stands to reason that the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division cannot control the city lord's palace at all, and Lu Yu's orders cannot control the Council of Elders, but how can everything be based on common sense?

Now everyone knows that Lu Yu is a popular person among Fu Jing and her daughter. Although he does not have any actual job for the time being, he has huge influence. There will definitely be no good consequences for offending him.

What's more, his personal abilities are also first-rate.

"Oh, let's register as he requested first! There's no harm in it anyway!"

So soon all the managers, directors, deacons, and officials in the entire city lord's palace were mobilized to register and record the results of those who participated in the stone transport operation.

The area around the City Lord's Mansion has become the busiest area in the entire Xihai City.

After working for a long time, everything was finally in order, and there were fewer and fewer people holding pebbles.

Everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a new group of people rushed in carrying pebbles.

Everyone was immediately shocked: "What's going on? Why are there so many people?"

After some inquiries, I found out that these people were originally just onlookers. After learning the details of the stone transport operation, I realized that although I might not have the chance to be among the top five lucky ones, it would still be great if I could take this opportunity to earn a fortune. Very good.

As a result, these people also ran to the river beach outside Shenlu Castle and brought back a pile of pebbles.

After learning the cause and effect of the whole incident, everyone in the city lord's mansion was speechless.

If this momentum continues, I'm afraid this matter will never come to an end...

Not long after, the City Lord's Mansion was actually completely blocked by cobblestones.

When Lu Yu finally finished refining the elixir and returned to the City Lord's Mansion under the escort of the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division, it was already starry night. He couldn't help but be startled when he saw the gate of the City Lord's Mansion that was blocked.

"Why so many?"

Zhong Si said: "I heard that the moat at Shenfuro Castle was deepened by several feet in one day, which directly saved them the cost of dredging the river for several years... Master Feng is really a good strategy, there are so many piles of stones. Here, too, it’s a nuisance!”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "No trouble, I just plan to build a brand new warehouse first, and these stones will come in handy!"

Zhong Si was stunned. At this moment, he realized that all this had been planned by Lu Yu.

"Master Feng, you are back!"

Several elders also came out and treated Lu Yu with respect.

Lu Yu had already left a very deep impression on them when he was transferred to the hall before. The scene that happened today, although it brought a lot of commotion and trouble, made several elders feel deeply. Shocking.

"This is the list of five lucky people. We have selected them according to your request." Elder Dejiang said.

Lu Yu took it and took a look, only to see that there were not only the names of five people on it, but also the time they spent and the number of pebbles they moved.

Even from Lu Yu's point of view, the results of these five people were excellent and there was no fraud, so they couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"In addition, the number of other participants has also been counted. There are more than 46,000 people in total... This is their roster!" Elder Dejiang said again.

What was handed over this time was not a piece of paper, but a thick pile, almost as tall as a person.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "So many?"

Several elders couldn't help but smile bitterly. This was all the result of the additional time limit they later added. Otherwise, this matter might not have been resolved until now.

"Master Feng, how do you plan to handle this matter next?" Another elder named Geng Yulong asked tentatively.

"What else can we do? Of course we will reward according to merit!" Lu Yu said matter-of-factly, "Oh, you don't have to worry about the pile of rocks outside, I have made other arrangements, and this matter will be handled by the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division. "

Several elders exchanged glances again.

Geng Yulong then said: "Master Feng, you have already made arrangements for those five lucky ones, so we won't say anything else... But if the other 46,000 participants all register their military exploits as you require, That’s a lot of money…”

Although Lu Yu had promised that he could exchange his military exploits for Transformation Pills, it was impossible for tens of thousands of people to redeem them at the same time. Before that, Xihai City had a mechanism for exchanging military exploits, and every military exploit meant a huge amount of financial expenditure.

"Just spend it, what's the big deal?" Lu Yu said, spreading his hands.


Elder Geng wanted to say more, but was cut off by Lu Yu with a wave of his hand: "Elders, don't worry, Xihai City will see great development soon and will become a principality soon. This little money is nothing at all!"

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