Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1637 Reptile’s Counterattack

"A reptile? Haha, let me show you how powerful a reptile is today!"

Lu Yu suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at him: "Fei Shiying obeys the order and takes action! No matter life or death!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

They can understand the order to take action, but regardless of life or this too much?

After all, this was the son of a grand duke. If he was killed directly, wouldn't there be no room for relaxation? Even if everything else is put aside, the life of Male Green Tea is very valuable, at least this will be a quite weighty bargaining chip.

While everyone was still hesitating, a small team rushed directly towards Nan Lucai.

Lu Yu took a closer look and saw that the leader of the team was none other than Lu Guoguang, the general who had just invited him. He couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, thinking that this man was quite courageous.

Seeing this situation, Fu Jing finally ordered: "Do it!"

Seeing that the real boss also spoke the same words, everyone no longer hesitated, and the entire Feishi camp immediately took action.

Pieces of closed moon stones roared out and smashed towards Nan Lucai.

Nan Lucai's face changed color, and he always maintained a contemptuous smile. It was not until he came into direct contact with the first flying stone attack that his face changed slightly. After that, he no longer dared to confront the enemy head-on, and continued to attack one after another. The flying rocks moved around in a flash.

Lu Yu wanted to test Feishi Camp's combat power, so he was not in a hurry to take action. As the supreme commander, Fu Jing was naturally inconvenient to take action directly. He stood quietly to the side holding the divine sword in his hand to hold down the formation.

Several elders also had concerns. After all, they were in high positions and had to take the overall situation into consideration. They could not rush directly to take the lead, so they only conducted command and dispatch from the side.

In a short time, all Nan Lucai's accompanying guards were killed, leaving Nan Lucai alone, trapped in a tight siege and struggling to support himself.

But after all, he is a great golden elixir monk, and his strength is far beyond that of the surrounding soldiers. This is all thanks to the power of the closed moon stone after transformation, otherwise the soldiers of Feishi camp would not be able to do anything to him.

Gradually, Nan Lucai was really fired up. He suddenly roared and tore off his clothes, revealing a pair of bulging muscles.

"You forced me to do this! I want to see who among you can stop me!"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and a terrifying bloody aura filled his body.

"No! This is a blood-burning wolf!"

The expression of an elder from Xihai City changed. His name was Fu Yusheng. Like Furukawa, he was also a Great Golden Elixir monk with extraordinary knowledge and vision.

"This is Grand Duke Nanlu's unique skill. I didn't expect this person to have mastered this skill. No wonder he dared to go deep into the tiger's den and put himself in danger!"

While he was speaking, the bloody aura around Nan Lucai had become more intense, rolling and boiling.

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes narrowed slightly. Under his extraordinary spiritual sense, it can be clearly observed that this move is not only the burning of Qi and blood, but also the burning of the golden elixir law.

It can be predicted that this move will definitely bring him great losses, and its power will probably be beyond imagination.

The shadow of a giant wolf appeared from the blood. Nan Lucai stretched out his hand and the giant wolf suddenly ran out and rushed towards a Feishi camp team on the side.

The team had no time to react and were immediately knocked into the air. They were thrown high one by one, and the closed moon stones in their hands also fell down.

Nan Lucai took this as an opportunity to launch an offensive continuously. Suddenly, a series of giant wolf lights and shadows rushed out, constantly swarming towards the surrounding Feishiying soldiers.

Now everyone finally saw that the true power of summoning the blood-running wolf was indeed the Grand Duke's unique skill. This one person alone was equivalent to thousands of troops.

Nan Lucai relied on the power of this move to turn the situation around in an instant.

In the end, his body was also shrouded in the light and shadow of a giant wolf, as if he himself had transformed into a giant wolf.

"You! Just wait and bear the wrath of the two Grand Dukes! Soon I will make your life worse than death!"

After saying that, he continued to growl and sob. His movements were extremely fast and powerful, as if his whole body had turned into a monster.

All those who tried to stop him were ruthlessly thrown away, and they were about to break through the encirclement.

"It seems that the training of Feishi camp is not very good, there is still a lot of room for improvement!"

Lu Yu suddenly walked up to Fu Jing and said.

Fu Jing was silent.

She naturally knew that the training for Feishi Camp was far from enough, after all, the time was too short.

The Flying Stone Offensive is a brand new offensive method, so the corresponding tactics are also completely different.

In just a few days, it was already very good for each member of the Flying Stone Battalion to master the skills and methods of launching a flying stone offensive. The cooperation between each other and the training of tactics and tactics had not yet been arranged.

In the current situation, it is obviously impossible to rely on the soldiers of Feishiying to capture Nan Lucai.

Fu Jing's hand on the sword tightened, and he was about to take action himself, but unexpectedly Lu Yu had already walked out first.

"Let me, the staff officer, come up with ideas!" Lu Yu said without looking back.

He walked straight to the center of the battle, and on the way he helped up two young generals who were knocked away. One of them was Lu Guoguang. As for the other one, Lu Yu felt that his face was very similar to Lu Guoguang.

"What's your name?" Lu Yu asked.

"Lu Guoyong."

"Are you brothers?"

"Yes...I am the younger brother."

Lu Yu nodded clearly and motioned for the two of them to stand still.

"You guys watch out, I will only demonstrate once!"

After speaking, Lu Yu picked up a piece of closed moon stone that fell on the ground and held it tightly in his hand.

Finger bending, grabbing buttons, flipping...the details of each step are clearly displayed in front of the two brothers.

This is also because the two brothers performed well before. Lu Yu felt that this was a pair of talents that could be created, so he deliberately slowed down his actions.

The two brothers were stunned for a moment, and then realized that Lu Yu wanted to help him, so they quickly opened their eyes and observed his every move without blinking.

Suddenly he flicked his arm, and flying rocks were thrown out.

Just the sound of whistling already has an earth-shattering momentum.

With a loud bang, the flying stone hit Nan Lucai hard, hitting Nan Lucai right on the thigh. A bloody mist suddenly erupted, and the thigh was broken into two parts.

Immediately afterwards, there was a painful hiss.

Brothers Lu Guoguang and Lu Guoyong were greatly shocked. They did not expect that the same piece of closed moon stone would have completely different powers in Lu Yu's hands.

For a moment, the two brothers seemed to realize something.

Lu Yu didn't care how far the two brothers could comprehend, and walked straight in front of Nan Lucai, looking down at the Sixth Young Master who was rolling on the ground.

"Sixth Young Master, how do reptiles taste?"

Nan Lucai glared at Lu Yu with hateful eyes. After a moment, he suddenly laughed strangely, as if he was stunned.

Lu Yu frowned slightly: "Why are you laughing?"

Nan Lucai looked crazy: "A reptile is a reptile. After all, you still dare not hurt my life and break one of my legs. This is the limit of your courage!"

"So that's what you're talking about..." Lu Yu couldn't help laughing, "Sixth Young Master, don't be so sentimental, okay? The reason why I spared your life is because you are still of some use to us, but I Guarantee, this use is absolutely different from what you think..."

As he spoke, he suddenly waved to the Lu brothers behind him.

"Look at the technique I demonstrated, did you all see it clearly?"

"You can see it clearly, but Sir, our qualifications are dull and we can't understand the mystery at the moment..."

Lu Yu patted the two brothers on the shoulders: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Diligence can make up for your weakness. As long as you practice diligently, you will eventually be able to understand it..."

"Now, just keep practicing on this person. When you can smash him to death, you will be considered a master!"

The Lu brothers couldn't help but be stunned.

Nan Lucai's expression changed: "You brat, what are you talking about?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "I originally wanted you to board my ship, but it's a pity that you have chosen a path of no return. Sixth Young Master, please don't blame me! Next, you will have enough of being counterattacked by reptiles!"

After saying that, Lu Yu turned around and left.

A moment later, screams and wails echoed throughout the camp.

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