Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1667: Time’s Appointment

The news soon spread throughout the city.

"Have you heard? Miss Zhenzhen went to the special envoy's room last night!"

"The two of them stayed in there all night!"

"It is said that the entire Kaihong Pavilion heard the ecstatic sound of gunfire!"

"I didn't expect that, although Special Envoy Lu doesn't look strong on the outside, he is actually a powerful character. He completely conquered Miss Zhenzhen in one night!"

"Conquered? Do you know?"

"Of course, it is said that when Miss Zhenzhen returned to the Duke's Palace, she was still smiling, with a sweet and happy taste left..."

Lu Yu didn't know that the news had spread everywhere, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

The whole night of immersed chatting with Cui Zhenzhen was somewhat nerve-wracking, so he slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up. This scene in the eyes of others became evidence that he and Cui Zhenzhen stayed up all night to fight.

"Brother Feng, you are finally up!"

Seeing Lu Yu walk out of the room, Marquis Dingjun was the first to come up, looking a little anxious.

Lu Yu was not surprised by this and greeted him lazily: "Brother Tian, ​​it's so early..."


Marquis Dingjun turned his head and looked at the sun, which was almost blazing in the sky, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Suddenly he lowered his voice and said: "Brother Feng, did something happen between you and Miss Zhenzhen last night..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "So what if it is? So what if it's not? Brother Tian, ​​you are not here to challenge me and ask me for punishment, are you?"

"What qualifications do I have to raise an army to prosecute..."

Marquis Dingjun smiled bitterly and said: "I did have a crush on Miss Zhenzhen, but that was just my wishful thinking. Now that she has become yours, Brother Feng, naturally I don't need to mention this matter anymore..." "

"However, Brother Feng, you just took her in. I heard that you plan to take her away. Is this true?"

Lu Yu's heart moved slightly, but his face remained calm: "Is there any problem?"

Marquis Dingjun said: "Brother Feng doesn't know. This Cui Zhenzhen has a very special identity and background. If you really take him away, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble!"

"Oh, really?" Lu Yu smiled softly: "Brother Tian, ​​why don't you tell me how troublesome it is?"

After some narration by Marquis Dingjun, Lu Yu finally knew that Cui Zhenzhen’s true identity was a spy trained by Yunyan Pavilion. The so-called successor to the next pavilion master was just an aura imposed on her, in order to increase his It’s just the mysterious color of the body.

The purpose of her existence is to help Yunyan Pavilion win over all parties. To put it more simply, she is a high-end social butterfly controlled by Yunyan Pavilion.

"So, the reason she appeared in Hengzhou City was because she was sent here by Yunyan Pavilion?" Lu Yu asked.

"Not bad." Dingjunhou replied.

"To whom?" Lu Yu asked again.

Marquis Dingjun's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed: "Of course my father..."

It is indeed a bit embarrassing that he actually fell in love with the woman given to his father, but what is even more confusing is the relationship between Cui Zhenzhen and Tian Youcheng...

"So, the reason why she helped Tian Youcheng was because she wanted to follow Tian Youcheng's path to achieve her goal, just like your twenty-seventh stepmother?" Lu Yu quickly thought of the whole story.

Marquis Dingjun's face suddenly became even more embarrassed: "I don't know how they are connected, but it should be like this..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel funny.

It seems that Tian Youcheng is really the eldest son of Grand Duke Heng, and he is a professional pimp for his father... With such a son, what more could a husband ask for?

"So, who has an opinion on this matter now? Grand Duke Heng? Tian Youcheng? Or Yunyan Pavilion?" Lu Yu asked again.

At least one thing he was sure of was that Cui Zhenzhen herself had no opinion on this matter.

Marquis Dingjun said: "Cui Zhenzhen is a poisonous bait given to my father by Yunyan Pavilion. My father knows it very well. He has no intention of touching this woman, but if he is taken away by you like this, Brother Feng, he will be a bit nervous." The face is dull..."

"But what's even more troublesome is Yunyan Pavilion. Yunyan Pavilion has always had plans for the Hengyue Principality. They have been secretly planning for many years. Cui Zhenzhen is a very powerful chess piece in their hands. This woman is not just It’s so simple to look beautiful…”

"If she is taken away by you like this, Brother Feng, Yunyan Pavilion will definitely not give up. By then, Brother Feng, you will have endless troubles!"

"Yunyan Pavilion..." Lu Yu said softly, "So these are the so-called shackles on her body?"

Yunyan Pavilion, whose power spans several countries, is a transcendent sect in this world, and its strength is far beyond that of the Darui Empire.

For ordinary people, this is indeed a big trouble, but for Lu Yu, he doesn't care at all.

"Brother Tian, ​​even now I have a lot of troubles. I don't have to worry about more debts. Do you think I will care about another trouble like Yunyan Pavilion?" Lu Yu sneered.

"Brother Tian, ​​please tell me later that if anyone dares to stop Cui Zhenzhen from following me, they are against me. Don't blame me for being rude then, even if it's your father Grand Duke Heng! "

Ding Junhou's expression changed with a stern expression, and he immediately noticed the sharpness in Lu Yu's eyes, knowing that he had made up his mind, and there was no possibility of changing it this time.

By the way, he could only shake his head and sighed sadly: "I didn't expect Brother Feng to be a very affectionate person. I know this..."

In his opinion, he thought that Lu Yu was so fascinated by Cui Zhenzhen's beauty that he couldn't help himself, so he made such an impulsive decision, but he never thought that Lu Yu actually had other plans.

"Okay, that's it for now. Now let's talk about your business!"

Lu Yu's face relaxed and he laughed again, "Brother Tian, ​​you didn't come here in such a hurry just to talk to me about Cui Zhenzhen's problem, right?"

Marquis Dingjun nodded and said in a deep voice: "My father has decided to see you in person."

"Oh, he finally couldn't hold it in anymore?" Lu Yu chuckled and said, "I want to say how long he will keep showing off. If he doesn't show up, I plan to go directly to the Imperial Capital. I don't have time to keep it up. Dry consumption is here.”

Marquis Dingjun said again: "But my father plans to meet you alone at Yuanma Lake, where he has been practicing in seclusion all year round..."

Lu Yu finally understood what Marquis Dingjun was worried about.

In terms of the strength composition of the Grand Duke, a place where he practices in seclusion all year round means that every plant and tree there has been deeply assimilated by the power of Grand Duke Heng. It is his absolute home field.

If he wanted to do something to himself there, then there would be absolutely no possibility for him to struggle. Even if he killed himself, there would be no room for resistance.

Marquis Dingjun was worried that Duke Heng would kill him...

But this was just his worry after all. Even if Grand Duke Heng was really so angry that his lungs exploded, would it be so easy to kill him if he wanted to?

Lu Yu shook his head and asked directly: "When?"

"It's midnight tonight," Marquis Dingjun replied.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at him in surprise. This time was too strange. How could he meet someone to discuss things in the middle of the night?

"Is there anything to say about this time?" Lu Yu asked.

Marquis Dingjun shook his head and said: "I think it's strange too, but that's what my father told me, so you must be careful..."

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, patted Junhou Ding on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​no matter what your plans are, I will convince him... After tonight, your status in the Hengyue Principality will be greatly changed!"

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