Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1677 A grand welcome

Lu Yu's plan was actually very simple and crude.

Cui Zhenzhen was forcibly abducted by Lu Yu in Hengzhou City, which destroyed their overall layout and had a very bad impact.

However, the authority to handle this matter is still in Bai Zimei's hands at this time. The impact of the situation has not spread to the entire Green Lion Circle, let alone's headquarters in Yunyan Pavilion.

In other words, Yunyan Pavilion did not know the truth of the matter at this time. They did not even know that Cui Zhenzhen was willing to follow Lu Yu, and it was even less likely that they knew that Lu Yu was a big demon king hiding in the depths.

Therefore, as long as Bai Zimei stands still and deceives the elders from the Qingshitan side one by one, and cooperates with the poison Cui Zhenzhen has just developed, the entire backbone of the Qingshitan can be like a gourd baby saving grandpa, one after another. Become their puppet.

In this way, control of the entire Blue Lion Temple can be taken over without even realizing it.

Therefore, what Lu Yu said about letting Bai Zimei become the leader of the Blue Lion Circle is not empty talk. As long as she is willing to cooperate, this is very likely to be realized.

However, it was not easy for her to make this decision.

The main reason is that the power of Yunyan Pavilion is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are more than a dozen branches in Yunyan Pavilion, large and small, like Qingshi Altar. Even if they use such a plan to capture Qingshi Altar, they will still face They also have a huge opponent who can destroy them in one fell swoop without any effort...

However, Bai Zimei did not explicitly reject Lu Yu's proposal after all, because she really didn't want to taste the poison again.

No matter how powerful Yunyan Pavilion is, it is still far away, but the threat from Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen is imminent... As for how the situation will develop in the future, it can only be one step at a time.

This Lu Afeng behaves in a flamboyant manner and has made many enemies along the way. This trip to the Imperial Capital cannot be a smooth journey. Maybe there will be someone within the Da Rui royal family who can't help but take action to deal with him first. It's not necessarily true that she doesn't need to face it at all. The final choice...

So, after one night, Bai Zimei really changed her makeup, dressed up like a maid, and quietly stood beside Qiaoli Cui Zhenzhen.

Seeing this scene, Lu Guoguang's people were immediately surprised.

If they didn't know Bai Zimei's true identity, they might not think it was a big deal, but they clearly knew that this person was the elder of Yunyan Pavilion. They didn't expect that such a huge change would occur overnight.

This is really... I can only say that you are so strong! Got another one in one night!

All the Feishi camp soldiers secretly admired Lu Yu. There were even soldiers who had been troubled by male problems who quietly found Lu Guoguang and asked him to help find out if the general had any unique secret recipe. Teach one or two.

Finally, after receiving a fierce glare from Lu Guoguang, the man asked for trouble and returned to his position in despair.

After walking like this for about half a day, a majestic city was in sight, the size of which was almost the same as that of Hengzhou City.

Lu Guoguang said: "Sir, ahead is Kangding, one of the six prefectures of Zhili!"

Lu Yu stood on the carriage, looking at the screen in the distance, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although Kangding Fucheng and Hengyue Principality both belonged to the Darui Empire, due to the subtlety between the Grand Duke of Hengyue and the Darui royal family, the relationship between the two parties was actually quite tense.

As the first line of defense to protect the imperial capital, Kangding City was built with extra care. From the appearance alone, its city defenses were even better than those of Hengzhou City.

As the distance continued to get closer, colorful flags appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Outside the city of Kangding, I saw flags fluttering, flowers blooming, and countless people crowding around. In addition, there were phalanx formations scattered around. It looked like the military was in full bloom, and it was full of a solemn atmosphere.

"Huh? Is Kangding Mansion lined up to welcome us? It looks so grand!" Lu Guoguang said again.

Lu Yu said nothing, with an elusive smile on his face.

Indeed, the current battle was more intense than when they entered Hengzhou City before. Hengzhou City had ulterior motives for doing that at that time, but what was the purpose of Kangding Mansion? Could it be because he had destroyed Duke Heng Yue? Has the story of Xiaobailou spread here?

"Hmph! Flatterer!" Bai Zimei whispered from the side.

Although she surrendered for the time being, she was still uncomfortable in her heart. When she saw Kangding Mansion trying so hard to please Lu Yu, she couldn't help but feel resentful!

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "What do you know? It's called those who know the current affairs are heroes... Actually, I'm very curious about one thing. Xiaobai, as the elder of Qingshitan, you should know everything about what I do in Hengyue City. Chu is right, even Duke Heng Yue can't do anything to me, so where did you get the confidence to come to my door alone? "

Sister Bai's expression suddenly changed.

She was fully aware of Lu Yu's actions in Hengzhou City. The reason why such a situation occurred was naturally due to a misjudgment of the situation.

They had always believed that Duke Heng's forbearance to Lu Yu was due to fear of Xihai City behind him, or to put it more simply, fear of the miraculous sword in Fu Jing's hand.

After all, Grand Duke Heng did not want to fall out directly with Xihai City, otherwise it would only directly benefit the Dali royal family.

Therefore, in their view, Lu Yu was just a bluffer. Although he used strategies properly and made quick decisions, in the final analysis he was still bluffing.

Even if Grand Duke Heng's small white building suddenly collapsed after the meeting between the two, no one knows how this happened. Whether Lu Yu used some conspiracy or trick, or whether Grand Duke Heng pushed it down with his palm in anger. Yes, no one knows the specific situation.

Therefore, due to this series of reasons, Bai Zimei misjudged the situation and paid an extremely heavy price for it.

However, Bai Zimei was naturally ashamed to tell Lu Yu about these reasons, so she turned her head angrily and ignored Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't care at all and just smiled faintly.

It will not be an easy task to train the dignified elder of Yunyan Pavilion to become a loyal servant. This thing cannot be accomplished overnight and will require some hard work and polishing.

Cui Zhenzhen is now hungrily wandering in the ocean of knowledge about alchemy. For the time being, she can only do this for herself.

At this time, an official wearing a blue bird costume strode towards Lu Yu surrounded by everyone. Judging from his imposing manner, if there is nothing wrong, this person should be regarded as the highest official of Kangding Mansion—— Han Kui'an, the governor of Kangding.

Lu Yu also got out of the car at the right time and took the initiative to greet him.

Sure enough, before the man arrived, a burst of hearty laughter came first: "Has Special Envoy Lu from Xihai City finally arrived? We have already heard about the reputation of the special envoy! It is really impressive to be able to come here today. Kangding Prefecture is flourishing!

"On behalf of all the soldiers and civilians of Kangding Prefecture, Han Kui'an would like to welcome the special envoy!"

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