Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1695 The mute eats yellow lotus

Facing the prince's aggressive gaze, Lu Yu's reaction was very calm.

He did not pay attention to the prince, but looked around the whole place first, taking in the reactions of everyone around him...

Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan frowned, obviously finding the problem very difficult.

Behind the two of them, a group of accompanying guards showed fear on their faces...

On the other side, Madam Liniang stepped aside and stood in an inconspicuous position. Although she hid it well, there was still a clear look of pleasure in her eyes.

Behind the prince, there were four other men who followed him downstairs.

One of them has an arrogant expression and frivolous eyes. He is not much different in age from His Royal Highness. His clothes are extremely elegant. He seems to be a second-generation ancestor. Today's situation may have been initiated by him.

As for the other three people, all of them are people with strong cultivation. Not only do they have the quality of the first-grade golden elixir, but the golden elixir laws in their bodies clearly show signs of combining with the power of Tiangang Earth Evil. They are real great golden elixir monks.

Even among the many masters Lu Yu has seen, there are not many who are as outstanding as the three of them.

Combined with the cold and murderous temperament of the three people, Lu Yu felt that these three people were not high-ranking people in power, but were probably masters and guests attracted by His Highness the Crown Prince...

Seeing Lu Yu's delay in responding, the prince couldn't help but sneered: "What? Are you mute? Or is it that the special envoy from Xihai City only knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly, then stretched out his right hand in front of the prince and gently moved the joints of his palm.

The eyes of everyone in the audience could not help but focus on his palms, wondering what he meant by such an action...

Just when everyone was confused, at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly raised his hand without any warning, and then swung it down hard.


A crisp slap sounded.

This slap hit His Highness the Crown Prince firmly on the face.

Everyone was shocked!

No one could have imagined that Lu Yu's attack speed would be so fast. Everyone could see his movements clearly, but they had no time to stop him. Even His Highness the Crown Prince himself did not react...

What frightened everyone even more was what Lu Yu did...

This guy is too bold!

The person in front of me is the current Crown Prince, not some random cat or dog. How dare he attack directly? Not even saying hello?


The prince was furious. How had he ever been insulted like this? He really couldn't figure out where the man in front of him had the courage to treat him like this!

However, before he could finish his sentence, Lu Yu greeted him with another slap, swallowing all his words.

"The prince is responsible for the resurgence of the empire. How could he go to the fireworks venue to commit suicide because of his noble status? This person is obviously a fake. He deliberately used the name of the prince to deceive and deceive, ruining the reputation of the prince and shaking the foundation of our Da Rui Empire. …”

Lu Yu shook his head and said casually.

"Two adults, I think this person is probably a spy from the enemy country. He should be taken back and investigated thoroughly!"

Zhang Shiping and Li Zhenxuan couldn't help being stunned, but then they came to their senses.

Although Lu Yu's approach is somewhat deceptive, it has to be said that this is indeed a good way to deal with it...

In fact, at this moment, they could more or less guess what Lu Yu wanted to do. The reason why Lu Yu did this was obviously to challenge the uncle. At this time, His Highness the Crown Prince was indeed not suitable to participate in it.

Moreover, His Majesty the Crown Prince is addicted to women and goes to the fireworks place to have fun, which is inconsistent with etiquette.

Therefore, taking His Royal Highness away as a counterfeit is undoubtedly the best way to deal with it at this time, so that all aspects can be accounted for.

Of course, except for the prince himself.

However, there is not much he can do at this time. Even if the prince has resentment in his heart, that will happen in the future.

As long as today's matter is suppressed, he will never be able to jump out and say that it was my prince who was jealous of Xihai City's special envoy in the brothel that night, and he can only eat Huanglian in silence.

"Come here, take away this spy who is pretending to be the prince!" Zhang Shiping ordered.

"Be bold! Don't be rude!"

At this time, the companions behind the prince reacted, shouted loudly, and rushed forward angrily, trying to rescue the prince.

However, Lu Yu moved faster and pulled the prince over first. His Royal Highness, who already had the strength of a great golden elixir monk, was like a little chicken under his hands, and he flew over directly. He threw it to Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan behind him.

Then, Lu Yu also retreated to the rear, watching Zhang Shiping's guards fight against the three masters of the prince's staff, Ke Qing.

It has to be said that these three masters, Ke Qing, do possess considerable strength. Only three of them faced off against a reorganized escort team, and they did not fall behind at all. The scene was chaotic, causing screams and screams throughout Tianxiang Pavilion. .

"It's too boring. It can't go on like this..."

After looking at it for a moment, Lu Yu suddenly took out the moon-closing stone again.

He raised his hand, and the stone body, which was like white jade, suddenly roared on the scene, with a whimpering voice and howling ghosts and wolves. After a few times, the situation was completely reversed, and the three masters all lay down on the ground.

"You are so courageous! You are deceiving the emperor! You will be punished for your crime!" Among the people on the other side, only the second generation ancestor in gorgeous clothes was still able to speak intact.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and took back the moon-closing stone in the void, then turned to look at him.

The second-generation ancestor suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart, and his face changed drastically: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, I am..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a bang, and the second generation ancestor's head was blown, and he was completely finished.

Seeing this scene, Zhang and Li couldn't help being startled: "Special Envoy Lu, what are you..."

"They are just a few enemy spies. Why do you two adults care about their lives? As long as the main criminals are left for interrogation, right?" Lu Yu said lightly.

As he spoke, he took back the moon stone. At this time, the moon stone was already covered with blood stains. He didn't care and just picked up a tablecloth next to it and wiped it.

This scene only made everyone around him tremble with fear, as if he was the devil in hell.

At this moment, even His Royal Highness, who was controlled by Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan, did not dare to struggle.

Originally he was still full of anger, but after seeing this scene, he realized that the other party was really not afraid of anything. Even his identity as the prince was of no importance in the other party's eyes...

Lu Yu wiped the closed moon stone clean, put it away carefully, and then laughed again:

"Liniang, you see, your Tianxiang Pavilion is so careless. How did you let several spies from the enemy country fool you into thinking that this fake person is the real prince?"

"But fortunately, the matter has been resolved now. Now there are no other guests in Tianxiang Pavilion to entertain, right?"

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