Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1701 Big breasts and no brains

Hearing Ning Wanqing speak, Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen turned to look at her.

At this time, Bai Zimei no longer needed to stand in front of Ning Wanqing, and took the initiative to retreat to the side of Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen, reminding him in a low voice: "Sir, this person is Ning Wanqing, I can't stop her..."

"Ning Wanqing?"

Lu Yu was startled. Bai Zimei had naturally provided him with information about the main members of the Ning family, but he didn't pay much attention to it, so he was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Is she the sister of Queen Xuan? The emperor's sister-in-law? "


"Oh, it turns out it's her..." Lu Yu smiled softly: "I thought I would meet the emperor's brother-in-law, but unexpectedly it was my sister-in-law who came!"

When he said these words, he had no intention of avoiding the other party, so Ning Wanqing also heard clearly. She was obviously dissatisfied with Lu Yu's address, and her eyes could not help but become slightly cold.

"It seems that Special Envoy Lu didn't expect to meet me here?"

Ning Wanqing said as she walked forward slowly.

"This is indeed my fault. I blame me for not leaving a deep impression. Let Special Envoy Lu remember me well!"

Every step she took was accompanied by huge coercion, and it seemed as if the ground was shaking violently with the rhythm of her footsteps.

The changes in the surrounding energy were even more drastic. When she walked in front of Lu Yu, the sky above the White Horse Temple was already filled with dark clouds and the sky was dark.

Bai Zimei's expression changed involuntarily, and he involuntarily took a few steps back.

Only then did she truly realize how powerful Ning Wanqing was. It was indeed the right thing to not choose to fight her head-on.

Cui Zhenzhen was also greatly affected, but what concerned her more was obviously the alchemy furnace in front of her.

At this time, the entire alchemy furnace was also shaking violently under the huge power. Although the refining process had been completed, the elixir inside had not been taken out in time, and the refining results had not been finally verified... …

So Cui Zhenzhen tried her best to stabilize the alchemy furnace in front of her, but it was difficult to do it no matter what. In the end, the alchemy furnace could not withstand the huge pressure and was violently bounced out, flying like a ball in the yard. Suddenly and violently.

When everything finally stopped, the entire alchemy furnace had changed shape, and the elixir inside probably shattered into pieces.

Among the three of them, only Lu Yu was still standing there, seemingly unaffected by the other party.

"Is this the impression you want to leave on me? It's indeed not very impressive..." Lu Yu said with a light smile, a calm expression on his face.

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but feel her heart tighten.

Among the three of them, Lu Yu obviously seemed to be the weakest, but he didn't expect that he was the strongest.

The purpose of her coming here this time was to regain her position. Faced with Lu Yu's provocation, she could only continue to strengthen her momentum, and all the pressure would be condensed into one point, concentrated on Lu Yu. She wanted to use this to win over The other party surrendered in front of him.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could never succeed.

In the end, a large crater formed around Lu Yu's body. The surrounding buildings continued to collapse and collapse, and the entire courtyard was almost destroyed. Lu Yu was still not affected at all.

Ning Wanqing had to give up the pressure and took the initiative to withdraw her momentum. If it continued, she would be forced to take action, which would also mean failure for her.

In this powerful air-to-air duel, Lu Yu finally won.

"How on earth did you do that?"

Ning Wanqing was also a person who could take things seriously and let go. She did not shy away from her failure, but instead approached Lu Yu with a look of surprise on her face.

"You clearly don't even have a golden elixir, how on earth can you withstand such strong pressure?"

Their eyes were facing each other, and the tips of their noses were almost touching. Her eyes seemed to want to peel off Lu Yu and take a closer look.

"Is this difficult?"

Lu Yu pulled the other person back slightly, signaling the other person not to get so close.

"As long as you are open-minded, you won't be afraid of any pressure. Besides, what's the point of this little scene you created? Compared with the scene in Fenghe Province back then, it's not worth mentioning..."

Ning Wanqing was slightly stunned: "I forgot. It is said that it was Special Envoy Lu who led City Master Fu Jing out of Fenghe Prefecture and finally returned to Xihai City. Special Envoy Lu must have seen a lot of things along the way. big occasion……"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "Miss Ning shouldn't have come here just to listen to me tell stories. What do you have to say?"

"I have nothing to say."

Ning Wanqing straightened her waist. Even though she was covered in silver armor, she couldn't stop the magnificent momentum rising from her chest, which made Lu Yu involuntarily look sideways.

"I happened to come back this time for something, and I heard about your deeds before I even entered the city. I thought you were quite interesting, so I took the initiative to come over and have a look. Unexpectedly, you did not disappoint me. I am very satisfied with you! "

As she spoke, she kept nodding slightly.

"Are you very satisfied with me?" Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and a sense of absurdity surged in his heart, "What do you mean by this?"

Ning Wanqing said: "What I mean is, I am willing to recruit you to be my subordinate, let you become a leader of the Snow Dragon Army, and from now on, you will fight with me in the world, and your position in the army will be second only to me. Isn't this better than staying in Xihai City? It is said that your official position in Xihai City is just a staff officer?

After a pause, she continued: "In addition, I know that there are some misunderstandings between you and my second brother. As long as you become my subordinate, all these things can be forgiven, including the troubles you are causing now, I can help you settle them all..."

Lu Yu glanced at her: "Are you serious?"

"Of course."

Lu Yu suddenly felt a little amused: "Miss Ning, since she can be called one of the three heroes of the Ning family and is responsible for commanding the Snow Dragon Army, she should be quite wise, but seeing your performance, I can only think of one word..."

"What word?" Ning Wanqing raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Big breasts and no brains. "Lu Yu said seriously.

Ning Wanqing narrowed her eyes slightly: "You are also the most daring person I have ever met, but you are indeed a person with real talent. For talents, I am willing to give one more chance..."

"Maybe what I said just now was not clear enough. Now I will say it again. Mr. Lu, you only have two choices now, either become my subordinate or die. Which one do you choose?"

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