Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1712 Hug the tree tightly

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity.

Just because he braked in time and rejected her, she became more and more convinced that she was different and wanted to throw herself into his arms. What kind of weird logic is this?

"You think it's weird, don't you?"

Ning Wanxuan smiled slightly and continued: "Do you think it is easy to do this? In fact, from the first moment you step here, every flower, every grass, every tree and every tree around you, even if it is A drop of water or a wisp of air is full of strong hints..."

"In short, the atmosphere here is completely different from the outside world. If it were any other man, I'm afraid he would have turned into a male dog in heat, but you have maintained reason and restraint from beginning to end... This is not Have you fully demonstrated your specialness?”

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Indeed, from the first moment he entered here, he felt that the laws around him were completely different from those in the outside world, but he did not think too much about it. After all, Ning Wanxuan had the strength of a grand duke, and here as her In the home field, it was normal for the surrounding laws to be distorted by her power... But he didn't expect that the way she distorted it was such a charming way.

In the final analysis, this can only be attributed to the fact that his mind and consciousness are too powerful, and he is completely unresponsive to the charm of the other party. Even when the other party is deliberately showing off, he is not aware of the charm of the other party.

Even if he had some physical reactions, he only thought it was because he was deliberately teased by the other party. He had no idea that the surrounding environment was also tempting him all the time.

"Actually, I just wanted to test it out at first, because I heard Wanqing talk about the details of her fight with you at White Horse Temple, and I thought you were extraordinary, especially since you just deployed a protective barrier. The barrier easily resolved Wanqing's full pressure. If her description was correct, the protective barrier was not simple. It most likely involved the original power of the world... I originally just wanted to explore It’s just your base, but I didn’t expect to find something even more extraordinary.”

"The fact that you are completely unaffected by my power and remain sober and rational from beginning to end shows that you possess an extremely powerful soul, even far beyond mine... It is precisely because of this that you can The cultivation level that has not even been completed yet shows a completely unmatched strength! Special Envoy Lu, I think I have guessed your trump card. You are actually a spiritual cultivator, right?"

Ning Wanxuan looked at Lu Yu steadily, looking confident.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

In fact, Ning Wanxuan's deduction was very correct and everything was justified. Even the final conclusion of the "spiritual cultivator" made him murmur in his heart...

Divine cultivators, as the name suggests, should be people who focus on cultivating spiritual consciousness...

But this stage should be after the Tiangang Realm. I remember Fairy Yaoji once said that the cultivation process after the Tiangang Realm is actually the process of cultivating the mind and consciousness and training them into the soul.

Although Lu Yu's mind and consciousness are far beyond ordinary, in fact this is the natural result of practicing the Nine Turns of Nirvana and comprehending the secrets of the stars. In fact, he has never deliberately trained his mind and spirit, and is naturally different from the so-called spiritual cultivator. You can't even get close to it.

"Special Envoy Lu, who are you? Why do you walk around the world in this way? Is your purpose...could it be for the miracle of Fenghe Province?"

Ning Wanxuan looked directly at Lu Yu and asked slowly.

Lu Yu continued to remain silent.

It seems that she really thought too much...

In fact, it can't be said that her guess was wrong, but she would never have thought that Lu Yu's true identity came from another world, and that he was actually the initiator of the so-called miracle in Fenghe Province.

"The reason why I did this is naturally for a purpose..."

Lu Yu did not completely deny her inference, but he deliberately made his words ambiguous.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "I thought I was careful enough, but I didn't expect that I still exposed myself in front of Empress Xuan... Now that Empress Xuan knows my secret, what are you going to do next? "

"What can I do? Of course I have to hug the big tree like Special Envoy Lu!" Ning Wanxuan smiled sweetly, "Although Special Envoy Lu refuses to tell you your true purpose, there is no doubt about your strength. ...Special Envoy Lu, is Xuanxuan lucky enough to be able to combine elixirs with you?"

"Uh...what did you say?" Lu Yu couldn't help being startled and almost choked on his own saliva.

According to the understanding of this world, Hedan means combined dual cultivation, which is far more thorough than the "thing" that was just about to be carried out.

"Are you...sure? Are you serious?"


Ning Wanxuan replied without thinking.

"Although it is not clear why Special Envoy Lu has not concluded the Golden Elixir yet, it is obvious that you have encountered some troubles... I am willing to fully cooperate with you to conclude the Golden Elixir!"

"If Special Envoy Lu is not satisfied with me, you can also ask Wanqing to help!"

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