Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1739 Do Not Disturb

Ning Wanqing walked out of the gate of Ning's mansion and walked towards Feng Hui not far from the door.

She was originally waiting at home, but suddenly she received a message from her sister Xuanhou asking her to come over.

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but be filled with questions. She knew that Lu Yu and her sister came together this time, but she didn't know what happened. Why did Feng Chu not get out of the car when he arrived at the door of the house, but called her over instead.

There are many force field barriers surrounding Feng Chu. For others, this is an insurmountable forbidden area of ​​​​Thunder Pond, but for Ning Wanqing, these are nothing. With her understanding of Queen Xuan's power, It's like a person with a key has returned to her own residence, and these force field barriers will not hinder her at all.

However, this situation couldn't help but make her more confused. It was obvious that the force field barrier arranged around Fenghu was far beyond the normal level. Ning Wanqing really couldn't figure it out. Now that she had already arrived home, At the door, why did my sister arrange the force field barrier so deeply... Could something really have happened?

Vaguely, she had a bold guess in her heart... However, it probably wasn't the case. They would never do something like that at this time...

However, the truth was extremely shocking. When she opened the door and entered the car, the scene she saw undoubtedly confirmed her suspicion.


Ning Wanqing was shocked, she really couldn't believe that the two of them were actually doing something messy... It was just Lu Afeng, he was indeed a pervert, but her sister, as the empress of the mother-in-law world, had no status or strength. If you are not the best choice, why would you follow him and do all this nonsense?

"Wanqing is here."

"Sorry... Originally we wanted to wait for you to come over, but just waiting like this is boring, so I found something to do with my brother-in-law. You don't mind, right?"


Ning Wanqing felt her whole body go weak involuntarily, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

She has never seen her sister like this before. She has always had a bright and great image in her mind. What happened in the Qianqing Palace that night has opened her eyes. This scene at this time is even more profound. Subverted her understanding.

"You have to concentrate on what you do and don't do it half-heartedly. As the majestic Queen of Darui, don't you even understand this truth?" Lu Yu suddenly said.

Ning Wanqing really didn't know how to face all this, so she wanted to turn around and exit. However, as soon as she took a step, the car door behind her closed automatically.

"Where to go?"

Lu Yu was seen sitting on his seat with his arms stretched out, enjoying Queen Xuan's attentive service while raising his hand to point to the car door behind him. It was obvious that the car was closed under his control.

Ning Wanqing was extremely surprised. In a sense, this Fenghu was actually equivalent to Ning Wanxuan's domain. It was difficult for anyone else to control it except Ning Wanxuan herself. But now Lu Yu personally controlled this aircraft. Everything, this shows that he has been able to drive Ning Wanxuan's power to a certain extent.

How on earth is this done?

"I, I, I'd better come back later..."

"By running out like this, aren't you exposing everything we have here?" Lu Yu said, "Since you've already come here, why are you going out? I happen to be here too, so you can come with us!"

With that said, Lu Yu patted the seat next to him and motioned for Ning Wanqing to sit over.

This very absurd behavior reminded Ning Wanqing of that night in Qianqing Palace. It was also a very absurd night, but at the same time it was absurd, but it also brought her an unprecedented and ultimate feeling, which made her I experienced happiness like never before.

The most important thing is that afterwards, she discovered that her cultivation had improved a lot. Therefore, she no longer had any grudges about what happened that night, and instead had a vague sense of expectation.

I don't know what happened, but Ning Wanqing walked over by herself and took the initiative to sit next to Lu Yu.

The three of them were forgetful in the carriage, but more and more people gathered around Fenghu.

However, due to the isolation of the heavy gravity field barrier, no one knew what was going on inside. There were only infinite suspicions and speculations, but no matter how hard they thought, they could not guess what was really going on inside.

"What's going on? Wanxuan and the others haven't gotten out of the car yet?" a dignified man asked at the door of the mansion.

This person is none other than Ning Zhongda, the current patriarch of the Ning family. In addition to being the current patriarch of the Ning family, he is also the father of the "Three Heroes of the Ning family": Ning Wanxuan, Ning Wanqing, and Ning Shiheng. Now, only with his status, he dared to call Ning Wanxuan by her first name.

"Third Miss has just gone over to check, but no one has come out yet." A man who looked like a housekeeper replied.

Ning Zhongda frowned and said: "Several ancestors have woken up from their slumber and are waiting for them. How could Wanxuan be so ignorant and let these ancestors wait here for so long... You go over there Ask, what happened?"

The man who looked like a butler suddenly turned pale: "Clan Chief, I don't have the ability to enter the Queen's domain, you'd better spare me!"

Ning Zhongda suddenly couldn't help frowning even more tightly.

Indeed, Ning Wanxuan's current cultivation strength is no longer what it used to be. Without his consent, no one except a few ancestors can forcefully enter her domain.

But letting several ancestors keep waiting like this, especially the ninth generation ancestors... this is not an option.

"Shiheng, go over and see what's going on with your eldest sister?" Ning Zhongda ordered his son beside him.

Now that the third daughter Ning Wanqing is gone, the most suitable candidate is only him.

Ning Shiheng hesitated for a moment, but still agreed: "Yes."

After saying that, he walked towards Feng Zhu.

He stood outside Fengnian's force field barrier, opened his stance, and was about to step in, when a hole in the barrier opened, and Ning Wanqing walked out of it.

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Ning Wanqing asked.

Ning Shiheng felt that his sister's face was a little flushed and her breathing was a little short, but he didn't think much about it and asked: "Third sister, what's wrong with the eldest sister inside? I was planning to go in and take a look..."

"I advise second brother that you'd better not act rashly. Eldest sister, it's not convenient for her to see you now..." Ning Wanqing said.

"Inconvenient?" Ning Shiheng was surprised: "What on earth is going on?"

Ning Wanqing turned her hand and looked in the direction of the Ning family's mansion, and said loudly: "Sister, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She is about to make a breakthrough. No one is allowed to come near and disturb her!"

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