Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1744 Ning’s Mausoleum

"Do you really don't have to wait for eldest sister to come with you?"

Ning Wanqing followed Lu Yu and whispered.

At this time, the two of them were walking towards the Ning family's mansion. They saw clouds gathering above the mansion, like a dragon twisting and twisting. It was obviously a sign of the testimony of an extremely powerful person, and it was filled with an atmosphere of majesty and solemnity.

Even though Ning Wanqing is the daughter of the Ning family, with the title of one of the three heroes of the Ning family and a very high status, she still can't help but feel a little lacking in confidence.

Especially the reputation of the ninth generation ancestor, for everyone in the Ning family, it is like a mountain that is difficult to look up at.

"What are you afraid of... I'm just meeting my parents. Are you afraid that they will eat me up?" Lu Yu said with a smile, "Or are you afraid that they will oppose our marriage?"

Ning Wanqing's face turned red: "You know that's not what I meant..."

Lu Yu looked back and said: "Your eldest sister may not be able to finish the matter so soon. I still have urgent matters waiting to be dealt with. I can't waste my time here, so I'd better hurry up and solve this matter as soon as possible!" "

"Besides, I believe that these ancestors of the Ning family are reasonable and will not embarrass me."


Ning Wanqing was speechless immediately. Looking at her current posture, she didn't look like she could reason...

"Then what if...they are unreasonable?"


Lu Yu turned around and smiled at her: "This situation does not exist, because I will make them reasonable."

While talking, the two of them had already entered Ning's mansion.

Many Ning family members had gathered around them, looking at the two of them curiously, but no one dared to stop them or ask questions.

Until Ning Zhongda appeared and stood in front of an arch.

"Father, Lu Afeng has arrived..." Ning Wanqing said, "Afeng, this is my father, the current patriarch of the Ning family..."

Hearing Ning Wanqing's address to Lu Yu, Ning Zhongda couldn't help but frown slightly, but he didn't say anything.

"Lu Afeng, who was born late, has met the Duke." Lu Yu saluted.

Ning Zhongda had many titles, and he could actually be called in many ways, but in the end Lu Yu chose the most formal one, because his official identity was Ning Guogong of the Da Rui Empire.

Ning Zhongda nodded slightly, but still didn't say anything.

Although he is the head of the Ning clan and Ning Wanqing's father, everyone knows that today's meeting is not about him.

"Come with me!"

Ning Zhongda said something calmly, then turned around and walked into the arch. After taking a few steps, he turned back and said to his daughter, who was about to cross the arch as well: "You stay outside!"

Ning Wanqing had no choice but to stamp her feet and stop on the spot, giving Lu Yu a look of helplessness.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, indicating that she didn't have to worry, and then followed him directly.

Ning Wanqing looked at the two people's retreating figures, her eyes full of worry.

She actually didn't have any deep feelings for Lu Yu, but after all, he was someone who had penetrated her body and brought her an unparalleled ultimate feeling... More importantly, this man was too mysterious, It is too unfathomable, and the ancestors of the family are also aloof.

If the two sides fall out, what kind of fate it will bring to the Ning family is really unpredictable...

Inside Ning's mansion, the two of them kept going deep.

Ning Zhongda walked in front and led the way. He didn't speak, and Lu Yu didn't take the initiative to stir up the topic.

It can be seen that this is a very huge garden. After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour, they still have not left the garden.

"Is this a cemetery?"

It wasn't until he saw a tall tombstone that Lu Yu finally couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

He knew that the Ning family's mansion was very big, but it was so big that a cemetery was built directly inside the mansion, which was really unexpected.

Mainly because normal people wouldn't do this...

"This is the mausoleum of the ancestors of the Ning family." Ning Zhongda explained, "This is not an ordinary place, but a geomantic treasure, with underground caves leading directly to the source of the spiritual veins... We are going to It is the seat of the ninth generation ancestor Zhengyang Gong. Zhengyang Gong has a profound cultivation and has reached the deepest part of the cave, so we need to spend some time. "

Lu Yu nodded suddenly.

In time, through understanding Ning Wanxuan, he already knew that the method of cultivation by the world's top experts was a further combination of the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil.

The deeper the combination, the stronger the strength becomes.

A strong person like the ninth-generation ancestor must have reached the level of direct communication with the power of the evil spirit, so there is talk of going deep into the underground cave to the source of the spiritual veins.

In fact, Ning Wanxuan's breakthrough at this time was precisely because he helped her realize a brand-new way of combining Tiangang and Disha. This method was more efficient than the previous methods used in this world. Therefore, once she understood it, she immediately A qualitative change has occurred.

The qualitative change experienced at this time will inevitably cause violent shocks in the surrounding world. In other words, it will definitely alarm other powerful people already entrenched here, especially the ninth-generation ancestor who has dominated this place. Yang Gong.

If you are not careful, you may even cause a backlash from the other party, causing the two sides to directly collide in strength. For example, the fierce momentum generated by the ninth-generation ancestor Zhengyang Gong when he came out of seclusion just now showed some of these signs, so Lu Yu said to Ning Wanqing that they had to come and see this person. An ancestor.

After a while, Ning Zhongda finally stopped.

At this time, they had arrived in front of a mausoleum.

"Are you Lu Afeng?"

Suddenly, a voice that was neither salty nor cold came.

It turned out to be several other ancestors of the Ning family, and they had also arrived in front of the tomb of the ninth generation ancestor.

Lu Yu could tell the identities of several people at a glance. The strong aura about them was unmatched by others. Even compared to the dominating Duke Heng, these people in front of him were not inferior. Even Two of them were worse than that.

The eyes of these people were looking straight at him. Although they tried to maintain restraint and calmness, the strange color deep in their eyes was still keenly caught by Lu Yu.

At this time, he was standing in front of the tall and majestic mausoleum, as if he was facing a pack of wolves and was surrounded by wolves.

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