Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1760 Leave a thought

The Phoenix descended slowly, and Ning Wanxuan's beautiful and graceful figure slowly walked out.

She was not wearing palace attire, but a light yellow long skirt embroidered with a pattern of a sea of ​​butterflies and flowers, which made her look less formal and more approachable.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yu took the initiative to greet him.

"Why can't I come?" Ning Wanxuan said with a smile in her eyes, "Don't forget, this is my territory after all. Do you really think you can leave quietly?"

A gust of breeze blew, and the butterfly pattern on Ning Wanxuan's chest couldn't help but dance and tremble. Lu Yu didn't speak, but the fire in his heart seemed to be hotter.

"Let me give you a ride! Don't worry, I won't take up too much of your time." Ning Wanxuan dodged Lu Yu's gaze slightly.

Lu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

Then he turned to Bai Zimei and said, "Let's say goodbye here! You'll have to do the hard work here!"

Then he told the Feishi camp generals: "You continue to move forward as planned. I will meet you later."

After saying that, without waiting for everyone to agree, he and Ning Wanxuan boarded Fenghu side by side. Suddenly a storm stirred up, and Fenghu took to the sky again, and in the blink of an eye he was already several miles away.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Bai Zimei's eyes flashed with suspicion.

Queen Xuan's strength certainly surprised her, but what surprised her even more was the relationship between the two... The interaction between the two just now was not at all a relationship between monarch and minister, and it went beyond the scope of ordinary allies, especially Xuan. The outfit she wore was obviously unique and carefully designed. All of this made her have a very bold idea...

But this idea is too unrealistic. You have to know that the other party's identity is not only the queen of a country, but also the sister of Lu Yu's engagement partner. If these two people really have an improper relationship, wouldn't it be a mess? ?

This is so ridiculous and rebellious!

Bai Zimei couldn't believe her idea, but she vaguely felt that such a bold thing seemed to be in line with Mr. Lu's character...

It's a pity that Feng Xu has completely gone away and turned into a black spot in everyone's sight. She doesn't know what the situation of the two people above is now. I'm afraid there will be no way to confirm her guess.

Bai Zimei stopped at the same spot for a long time, until finally she couldn't even see Feng Chu's black spots, and then she turned around and left with a scratchy heart.

Above Fengchu.

The situation was far more exciting than Bai Zimei expected.

The two of them didn't exchange a few words before they were fighting naked.

"Ah! Why did you ruin my clothes again? I prepared this carefully..." Ning Wanxuan complained weakly.

Lu Yu said with a bad smile: "It can be seen that you have fully learned the lesson from last time this time. After changing your clothes, you don't have to worry about exposing your flaws, right?"

"Nonsense...I didn't wear this clothes just for you to tear..."

"You didn't do it just for me to tear it apart? Then how do you plan to see me off, huh? My Queen's sister-in-law?"

", I find that you are really a bit perverted...Oh, does my current identity particularly excite you?"

"You still have the nerve to tell me? Aren't you just as excited?"

"I... didn't!"

"Is it? lol……"

"Oh! Sister-in-law, don't be like this... Oh! Sister-in-law! My good sister-in-law! Oh, oh, oh, ahhh..."

Queen Xuan, who was regarded by the world as noble and elegant, soon began to scream, playing a melodious ballad in the deep sky shrouded in mist.

The two of them explored above the clouds for a full hour, saw the majestic starry sky, and the boundless universe, and finally exploded and released completely at the extreme end.

Everything gradually calmed down.

The souls of the two people seemed to be slowly falling back from the starry sky.

"A Feng, you are awesome. I find that I can't live without you anymore..." Ning Wanxuan's flushed face rested on Lu Yu's chest and she said softly.

Lu Yu smiled: "What? Do you want to follow me back to Xihai City?"

Ning Wanxuan's eyes lit up: "Is it okay..."

Lu Yu was startled: "Are you serious? Have you considered the consequences of this?"

Ning Wanxuan was immediately discouraged and sighed: "This idea is very tempting, but it is really inappropriate. I can only think about it..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "I thought I had blown your brain away just now, and I was still thinking about how to get it back for you!"


Ning Wanxuan pinched his chest angrily, and then said: "Actually, I hope I can become brainless. In that case, I don't need to worry..."

"Worried?" Lu Yu bared his teeth and asked, "What are you worried about?"

Ning Wanxuan was silent for a while, then stretched out her hand to caress the area of ​​skin that had been twisted just now. Her movements were gentle and meticulous. After smoothing it, she suddenly opened her mouth and bit it, leaving two rows of shallow teeth marks.

Lu Yu couldn't help but bared his teeth again.

Now he really doubted whether the other party's mind was really damaged. This was very possible. After all, the two of them still had a fusion of souls and minds.

"I heard that the Grand Duke of the West Sea, your Miss Fu Jing, is extremely beautiful, and her mother is also a stunning beauty..."

Ning Wanxuan spoke again, her tone filled with resentment.

"I hope that after you return to Xihai City, you will not forget about us."

Lu Yu said with a smile: "What are you talking about? Miss Jing and Madam Ru, do you think that between me and them... I am the kind of person who messes around?"

Ning Wanxuan rolled her eyes at him: "Aren't you?"

Lu Yu was speechless for a moment. Judging from the several absurd experiences between the two, his words were indeed not convincing... He dared to take up his gun and mount his horse even for the queen of a country. What else would he not dare to do?

"If not, apart from this, I can't think of any other reason that would make you so nostalgic for Xihai City." Ning Wanxuan said again: "Don't say any more nonsense about Fu Jing being the chosen one. Maybe she is indeed the chosen one, but that's because you chose her."

Lu Yu was still speechless. After a deep connection, Ning Wanxuan already had a deep understanding of his strength, and the previous rhetoric could no longer fool her.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not... Afeng, you are a real strong man. No matter what the relationship between you and the mother and daughter is, I can accept it."

"I just hope that you don't forget me and Wanqing. Even if the mother and daughter are really the best in the world, Wanqing and I are not much worse. You should at least let us share the rain and dew equally..."

"Wanqing is not convenient to come this time. When we meet again next time, I will serve you well with her. No matter what you ask, we will do our best to satisfy you... What the mother and daughter can do for you, we can do the same!"

In the last sentence, she put her mouth close to Lu Yu's ear and deliberately breathed.

Lu Yu originally wanted to refute, but this last sentence not only made his ears itchy, but also his heart itchy.

Even though he had just called off the battle, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of fighting spirit at this time.

However, just as he stretched out his hand to catch the other party, Ning Wanxuan ran away with a sweet smile.

"Haha, maybe next time... My dear brother-in-law, I promised not to delay your trip, so I'll give you something to remember by the way!"

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