Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 177 Beat me to death

Facing the eyes of everyone in the audience, Lu Yu remained calm and composed.

He was silent for a moment, then looked at the Wen sisters and asked, "How are your martial arts skills?"

Hearing Lu Yu's question, Bao Zi's eyes showed an incredulous look. He couldn't believe that Lu Yu would bow to this arrogant Fourth Young Master Long for the sake of profit.

Qi Yunkai lowered his head and remained silent.

The rest of the brothers also had different expressions, some were confused, some were sad and angry, some were lost... just to name a few.

Only Chu Hongling stood behind Lu Yu, her face always cold and expressionless.

On the opposite side, Long Xuangang had a victorious smile on his face.

The guards behind him were also extremely proud.

This is really exciting today!

Even the core disciples of the Dali Sword Sect have to lower their stature and dance for their master. This is an honor that few people can match. This will become a big thing for them to brag to others after returning to Haixi. capital.

As for the Wen sisters who were involved, they were even more caught off guard by Lu Yu's question.

The two sisters were stunned for a while before the elder sister Wen Rulan bit her lower lip and replied with resentment in her eyes.

"When we were young, my sisters learned some dance skills at home, but they haven't danced for so many years, and their skills have long been rusty... However, if Senior Brother Yu wants to watch it, we are willing to present you a song... "

With that said, the two sisters held hands and stood up from their seats.

Lu Yu waved his hand to stop the two men's movements.

"The martial arts I'm talking about are martial arts, martial arts, and Dazhenwu Sword Jue! It's not a dance!" He said emphatically.

The two sisters couldn't help but froze, completely confused for a moment.

The rest of the people were also stunned, wondering what Lu Yu meant.

Why did you suddenly ask about martial arts?

Lu Yu laughed and looked at Long Xuangang opposite.

"I'm different from the Fourth Young Master. I'm a country and vulgar person. I never like to watch singing and dancing skills. Instead, I like to watch people fighting and killing! We are all bloody men. What's so good about dancing softly? It's better than a show The hearty martial arts competition is so enjoyable! ”

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand and pointed at Bach, who was holding a harp.

"Ru Lan, Ru Man, you can perform a martial arts contest with this person. I have already thought of a title for the performance, and it is called 'Fight Me to Death'!"

This time, Lu Yu's meaning was clearly expressed.

The Wen sisters immediately relaxed.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Without hesitation, they immediately launched an attack on Bach on the opposite side.

It was too late, but soon, the sharp wind swept up from the two sisters and rushed towards Bach on the opposite side.

The guard named Bachi, although he is very powerful, is not strong enough to confront the two core disciples of the Dali Sword Sect. Moreover, the Wen sisters have been together for many years, and there is a strong relationship between the two. There is a tacit understanding, and the strength of the two together is far more than one plus one is greater than two.

On the other hand, Bachi was caught off guard and unprepared. In the blink of an eye, the guard Bachi was knocked to the ground.

This process was so fast. Not to mention the other guards around him, even Long Xuangang himself had no time to react before Bach was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

The whole audience was shocked.

Who would have thought that just now there was a great banquet, but in the blink of an eye, the style of painting would suddenly change, and it would look like this!

Although Lu Yu's order was to fight to death, the Wen sisters were still very measured and stopped their attacks at the right time, leaving each other with their last breath.

The two sisters finished their work and returned to their seats.

Lu Yu clapped his hands vigorously, looked at Long Xuangang opposite, and said with a smile: "Fourth Young Master, are you satisfied with the performance of my two senior sisters?"

Long Xuangang looked at Bachi who was lying on the ground dying, his face turned livid with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Lu, what do you mean? Are you impatient with life?"

Lu Yu smiled proudly: "Fourth Young Master, before you threaten me, I advise you to think carefully. You are at Jade Butterfly Peak at the moment. This is the hinterland of our Dali Sword Sect. I have a hundred ways to prevent you from leaving DaLi. Li Jian Zong!”

"We at Jade Butterfly Peak have always treated you with courtesy, but you have been scolding us. We just want to cooperate with each other. If I keep tolerating and don't show you some color, do you think that we, Jade Butterfly, Doesn’t Feng owe you?”

"If you want to continue talking, then let's keep talking. If you don't want to talk, then get out of here as soon as possible and stop having fun with our Jade Butterfly Peak here!"


Long Xuangang sneered.

"Just because you want to come and talk to me?"

"Now that things have happened, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. In fact, before I came to Jade Butterfly Peak, my brother had already decided that the last quota of Haixi crystal melting for the next year would be given to another force. This force He happens to be from your Dali Sword Sect, and his strength is much stronger than your little Jade Butterfly Peak!"

"So, don't think that in the Dali Sword Sect, you can cover the sky with one hand. Our Haixi Long Sect has far more allies and partners here than you think! If you dare to lay a finger on me, who can't leave? The Dali Sword Sect is not certain!"

Lu Yu's heart moved and he asked: "Really? Which family is so powerful? Could it be Baoding Peak?"

Long Xuangang snorted coldly.

"Of course it's not Baoding Peak. Baoding Peak has been standing for many years and naturally has its own mature purchasing channels. There is no need to establish new channels now!"

"Just take your time and guess. It's a business secret. Anyway, I won't tell you who it is. Even if you try hard, you won't be able to figure out who it is!"

"However, I will give you some information. The person who contacted my brother to discuss this matter is a famous true disciple of your Dali Sword Sect!"

Long Xuangang said with a complacent look on his face: "How's it going? Do you know you're afraid now?"

Lu Yu felt that this Fourth Young Master Long was talking nonsense.

Which of the true disciples of the Dali Sword Sect is not the proud and famous one of heaven? Based on this clue alone, it is impossible to guess who it is.

As for whether he is afraid or not, he even dares to attack the elders directly. How can the name of a true disciple scare him?

Lu Yu frowned and asked: "Since you have decided to give the last quota to others, why do you still agree to our invitation and come here to negotiate with us hypocritically?"

"Do you think I'm willing to come over? It's not because of you that I sent an invitation to our family. I'm here just to deal with those guys in the family who rely on their elders and betray them!"

Long Xuangang's face became a little angry.

"Although my brother has decided to sign a contract with that force, at this time, the family has received an invitation from your Jade Butterfly Peak. The old ghosts in the clan think that you are the descendants of Fairy Jade Butterfly after all, so they should also give it to you. a chance."

"So, my brother sent me here to go through the motions, so that I can explain to those old ghosts! In fact, my brother has already signed the contract with them, and you, Jade Butterfly Peak, have no chance at all!"

Lu Yu suddenly realized that no wonder the Fourth Young Master Long was dissatisfied with everything after he came to Jade Butterfly Peak, and looked like he was deliberately looking for trouble. It turned out that the crux of everything was here.

"So, no matter what we do at Jade Butterfly Peak, we can't get orders for Haixi Melting Crystal, right?" Lu Yu sighed.

Long Xuangang's face showed a proud look: "Yes, your Jade Butterfly Peak never had a chance from the beginning to the end!"

"If that's the case..."

Lu Yu spoke in an understatement, with a murderous intent suddenly revealed in his eyes.

"Then you, Fourth Young Master Long, don't have any value anymore. Even if you are killed, it won't have any impact, right?"

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